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@latigid on, you did another run of PCBs? I've recently been thinking about doing an MBSEQ... I tend to sequence all my music from my computer, so an external sequencer doesn't really fit with my normal workflow, but I'm looking into musically enriching activities for when I'm really not feeling my normal recording routine. I had originally dismissed the SEQL, since I didn't think boards were available, but it might be more ideal for quick, off the cuff jams; I don't need a studio "brain" like the full SEQ seems to be.


anyway, do you have boards? I can't guarantee I'll buy one, but I'd like to at least price out a build to see if it's feasible right now.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Thanks, mainly interested in an 'F4 build. I have the STM tool chain setup so can/will build here. Another 'dumb' question, aside from my system's Env Var "MIOS32_Processor", shouldn't have to make any changes to the Makefile or the source for an 'F4? Or do I have to complete this section in Make:

# (following source stubs not relevant for Cortex M3 derivatives)

I have the older CS board, but your board is wired different, so a new SW build (for a 'F4) may not work with the older layout? The pre-built bin, on the DL page, for the Seq4 Lite is based on an older Seq4 version, so I guess that the newer sources on the SVN only supports your newer layout.

Got the original SEQ4Lite board ages ago (and  an LPCXpesso) but put it aside for a long time. Finally got around to it  last year and big surprise, LPC core boards are long gone. Had a go at wiring the LPC 'core board' but then got frustrated with the perfboard (single sided) I was using, so it went back into a box ( worst is, I didn't use sockets for the LPC headers; SO... would have to de-solder half the pins to start again with better perf board ).

Well, I guess I can either start again with new Core/CS/parts or 'man up' and finish my hand wired LPC build on the cr@p board :(  I really like your version, very clean layout. The single cable interconnection is great and for this app, don't really need a full 'F4 core board; just the J8/9, SD and midi headers. Have to think about this, really would like to build a full Seq4 but Smash has been 'out of stock'  on the Wilba board for a long time; aren't you working on a new board set? Guessing he may be holding off  till your boards are ready. So kind of want to not spend on replacing stuff I already bought and save my budget for the 'full monty'.





Just now, yogi said:

Thanks, mainly interested in an 'F4 build. I have the STM tool chain setup so can/will build here. Another 'dumb' question, aside from my system's Env Var "MIOS32_Processor", shouldn't have to make any changes to the Makefile or the source for an 'F4? Or do I have to complete this section in Make:

# (following source stubs not relevant for Cortex M3 derivatives)

I've built the STM hex without modifying anything, as long as the correct variables are set it should compile no worries.



Just now, yogi said:

I have the older CS board, but your board is wired different, so a new SW build (for a 'F4) may not work with the older layout? The pre-built bin, on the DL page, for the Seq4 Lite is based on an older Seq4 version, so I guess that the newer sources on the SVN only supports your newer layout.

I haven't looked too much into the firmware, but the button assignments for the "SRIO" version are done with "m" for the matrix. To use an old CS board with an STM32F4 Core, you might have to go through and tweak the pin assignments -- could be possible!



Just now, yogi said:

Got the original SEQ4Lite board ages ago (and  an LPCXpesso) but put it aside for a long time. Finally got around to it  last year and big surprise, LPC core boards are long gone. Had a go at wiring the LPC 'core board' but then got frustrated with the perfboard (single sided) I was using, so it went back into a box ( worst is, I didn't use sockets for the LPC headers; SO... would have to de-solder half the pins to start again with better perf board ).

Sounds like a challenge :). You can ask on the Fleamarket -- maybe someone has an old LPC Core to sell?


Just now, yogi said:

Well, I guess I can either start again with new Core/CS/parts or 'man up' and finish my hand wired LPC build on the cr@p board :(  I really like your version, very clean layout. The single cable interconnection is great and for this app, don't really need a full 'F4 core board; just the J8/9, SD and midi headers.

You could do it like this, of course you'd need a way to break out the MIDI and a method of mounting the DISCO board (no mounting holes -- custom acrylic case with the pins straight on the plastic??!! Scrap piece of perfboard? Also, the logic is only 3V, so you may run into trouble running the LEDs


Just now, yogi said:

Have to think about this, really would like to build a full Seq4 but Smash has been 'out of stock'  on the Wilba board for a long time; aren't you working on a new board set? Guessing he may be holding off  till your boards are ready. So kind of want to not spend on replacing stuff I already bought and save my budget for the 'full monty'.



I had one builder tell me he writes on the full V4 and transfers to the V4L for live performances. So already there's a possibility of avoiding redundancy. :) The cost of the V4L is probably around $100 all up, the full is quite a bit more. I don't have any info on the Wilba version's availability, nor smashTV's plans for it. My work is still under development, but it's coming together. As long as Tim chooses to continue selling, you'll have the option of either project.




Good to know there is no special handling for the source. Currently my system's EVs are setup for 'F4 builds.


I haven't looked too much into the firmware, but the button assignments for the "SRIO" version are done with "m" for the matrix. To use an old CS board with an STM32F4 Core, you might have to go through and tweak the pin assignments -- could be possible!

Might have a go at it, but a lot of my programming time, ATM, is spent on messing with the Goom synth code. So kind of think for the moment the best choice is to finish up the LPC build (as ugly as it is). 


You could do it like this, of course you'd need a way to break out the MIDI and a method of mounting the DISCO board (no mounting holes -- custom acrylic case with the pins straight on the plastic??!! Scrap piece of perfboard? Also, the logic is only 3V, so you may run into trouble running the LEDs

True about the +5V rail, overlooked that but still a minor addition to a 'simple core board' on perf with just the headers needed for the Seq4Lite. The 'Lite lends itself to the Eurorack dimensions, which I've been leaning towards lately. Not so much for a pure analog system (as much as I'd like that) but a casing system to consolidate smaller projects and get away from lots of small case building. 


I had one builder tell me he writes on the full V4 and transfers to the V4L for live performances. So already there's a possibility of avoiding redundancy. :) The cost of the V4L is probably around $100 all up, the full is quite a bit more. I don't have any info on the Wilba version's availability, nor smashTV's plans for it. My work is still under development, but it's coming together. As long as Tim chooses to continue selling, you'll have the option of either project.

Sorry, I was kind of rambling, was trying to say I'm reluctant to buy supplies and parts for a second Seq Lite because would like to also have a full Seq along with a Lite. My LPC build is more than halfway done and money already spent so my practical side votes for finishing what I started. I just got frustrated with my choice of perfboard. Could have saved myself some effort also by not building ALL the headers; as it's stands now, I've wired most of the headers that AREN'T used for the 'Lite :P

Anyway, looking forward to your full Seq boards, not that the Wilba board is bad, just that your modular design seems more flexible for laying out a front panel. 



  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi all,
I'm finally finished my MB SEQ V4L V1 from 2011. :grin:
Sorry for the poor quality.

Next step for me:
Learn to play

Next step for my children:
Raspberry PI Touchcreen extension

Best regards




Edited by Jack
  • Like 4

Nice looking case! I have one built with the d6 buttons. I have been working up a case in inscape but have not finished it up yet. Yours being finished is inspiring. Hoping to be able to finish it up sooner than later so I can use it without worrying about things flopping around. I found the juce BLM to be super helpful in programming sequences on it. especially the 303 mode. Would be fun to have a touch screen or a real blm. I also like to set a groove on seq 1 and record from a midi keyboard on sequence 2.


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

Any chance that anyone has a PCB for one of these hanging around? Would like to build one as an entry point into the MB ecosystem. Thanks in advance, sorry if this is the wrong thread.


Excuse my foolishness, I see this hasn't been around for awhile. Is this application deprecated heading forward? I think its minimalist form factor is cool, and would make an ideal integration with another device in an application.

Edited by j__
  • 1 year later...

I love my V4L but I am wondering, is there any way to chain patterns or song mode? Or at least to switch between patterns where the next selected pattern won’t start until the current one runs all the way through?

I searched the documentation and couldn’t find anything on this, maybe I’m missing something!

thank you

  • 11 months later...

I've been trying to use the SEQV4L for playback of files produced by a SEQV4+ but it's not happening. Are the files from SEQV4+ compatible?  Any hints on which tracks I should put my notes?

  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 7/31/2017 at 1:23 PM, Starkstrom said:

Mine is not so nice looking, but it works really fine - since 3/2013....
If someone is interested in an german build-docu with many pics, have a look -> http://electronicattack.de/showthread.php?t=82511

Sorry for bad english..... :blush:

MidiBox SEQ V4Lite.jpg

danke :)   but the page is not there anymore


Edited by cit
  • 1 year later...

Is there some kind of drawing file, pcb file, step file or something similar available? The svg for the acrylic case doesn’t appear to be the correct scale. I have an original white pcb and would like to 3d print a case. I want to know the x/y locations of every hole and component. Thanks

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