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My SEQV4 - Finished electronics !!!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Made the mistake and used flat top LED's, terrible. Especially if you have to disassemble the control surface again, like I had to :-(

I know exactly what you mean, I used flat top leds on my mb6582 and had to take it apart twice... Never the less, your seqv4 looks great and having seen it I might just go with flat top leds on my seqv4 that is waiting in the mail.


Edited by offe
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello there some news here, and some questions !


I try to use an external PSU, but i have a question, mine is +12/+5/0/-12 (Iwant to use a Aout NG) The problem is :


On the LPC17 Page, it say on J1 :


Optional connection to a powersupply unit (PSU). A 7V-10V transformer, or a wall adapter could be used. At least 500 mA is recommended, especially if a backlit display is connected. AC or DC doesn't matter, since the rectifier behind J1 converts to DC anyhow. Also the polarity has not to be taken into account.


I thought I could power the SEQ V4 with 5V, but it looks like not, and it need 7-10V.


I can see on J2, that it can be used as +5V input to power the core.


Can i power all the SEQV4, including, everything needed, BLM, backlight screens,... via J2 ?


If not could i use a step up voltage regulator, to come from 5V to 9V without any problem ?


Something like that ? : http://www.pololu.com/product/2116


or : http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-in-1-Step-up-Step-down-Adjustable-Voltage-Module-DC-5V-9V-to-12V-12V-to-9V-5V-/271266514245?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f28be8545


Thanks for your answer. Bye !

Edited by Lamouette
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What do you mean by ''Extra-parts'' ? I builded it from smashTV pcb, completed the PCB, it looks good.


Also, builded the AOUT_NG yesterday, the led is on, i have to check, and calibre it today !

I have the one from Smash as well I guess it is just a straight connection... I just saw some documentation that showed extra parts req'd  in all the documents maybe this was for roll your own..  Is your Quad IIc working? Keep us posted on the AOUT_NG...  Another month and I should have mine done... Need to assemble the case and drill and cut the rear panel then stuff all the modules...

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Yep, the Quad IIc, include all the needed parts, as well for the BLM connector, but i don,t understand where to connect the 10pin connector on the LPC17.


I tried to sequence the shruthi from the Quad IIC, and it worked as well.


What kind of Case are you doing ? 19in rack ? i'm acually work on a tilled case, which must fit with the 19'' frontpanel (It's quite hard to find a rack which can be used with the SEQV4, because of the little place on the top and side of the pcb.



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Yep, the Quad IIc, include all the needed parts, as well for the BLM connector, but i don,t understand where to connect the 10pin connector on the LPC17.


I tried to sequence the shruthi from the Quad IIC, and it worked as well.


What kind of Case are you doing ? 19in rack ? i'm acually work on a tilled case, which must fit with the 19'' frontpanel (It's quite hard to find a rack which can be used with the SEQV4, because of the little place on the top and side of the pcb.

 Racking mine as well and I hear you on the space issues between the pcb and the edge of the face plate... I am constructing my case from 1/2" birch plywood... To fasten the face plate I will drill holes in the ply panels and epoxy female standoffs... For the rear I will rout a hole and inset an aluminum panel for all the midi and CV/gate connections and so forth... Once done this will go into my road case for Live PA and it looks like the DARK Time and Mbase01 will have to be removed to make space...

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  • 9 months later...

the ucapps page say :




Analog sources (like pots) can be connected to this port (8 pots maximum). If more analog pins should be scanned, please use the MBHP_AINSER64 module! There are also some application which use this pin as digital in- or output (mostly described in README.txt file).
Alternatively J5 pins can also be used as digital input and/or output pins (MIOS32_BOARD_J5_*, see tutorial applications). And J5B.A6 (MIDI IN3) and


J5B.A7 (MIDI OUT3) provide an alternative MIDI IO port as well if "#define MIOS32_UART_NUM 3" has been added to the mios32_config.h file (defines the number of UART ports). J11E   This port provides four MIDI IOs at 3V level, interface to the MBHP_MIDI_IO breakout board.




I thought that like on the LCP17? I could use the midi out 3 alternative on J5A/B ( BLM)


No way to get a BLM working in this config ?

Edited by Lamouette
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  • 2 months later...
Looks like this could work.

Only the BLM port is problematic, because actually this is one of the MIDI IO ports for which you've already 2 MBHP_MIDI_IO boards.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

I thougt i could connect up to 4 Midi I/O, so i can use one for the BLM.


But in case of the use of a quac IIc with BLM port, and only one Midi I/O, i have just to connect the BLM port on J2 of the midi I/O ?

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  • 10 months later...

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