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MIDIbox TIA - Atari 2600 Synth

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All about midibox TIA !

Hi everybody,

I'm sorry for the wait, some of you would not believe it.
But. Here we are!
You will find on the
wiki all the "Cartridge" completed.
Some of you will find their nickname in the
bulk order list.
If you still wish it, complete the options if not erase your line.
And I will calculate final price for each one of you asap.

Best regards


Edited by Antichambre
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I'm probably a bit nostalgic for a time I played the game console in the living room of my parent.
Need electronic sounds that have traumatized my childhood.

The Atari 2600.

I started this project 5 years ago. The first prototype I built was too big and too expensive to manufacture and not programmed into MIOS:

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A friend of mine recently reminded me that I had promised to make one for him(another nostalgic).
So I resumed work in late 2010, after checking that no one already did.

The first question was whether I was able to program it into MIOS.
I tried and succeeded. Then I searched for housing. Why not in a game cartridge of the era!!!
So i try it too. AND it fits in the box.

blogentry-7584-030337000 1306519329_thum

The 2010 Proto

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How share firmware too in svn ? (Xcode Dev)


Just apply @ TK. to gain access to the restricted and hidden dungeons of the MIDIbox forums, where all the creepy figures hang out :) (aka the Programmers Lounge). There you can apply for SVN access and finally commit your code to be appreciated by the future generations of MIDIboxers :)

Many greets,


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What organization! What team! If my staff had been as good as you, the company I worked for would never closed...

I'm very proud to be officially a midibox programmer. Thank you.
I'm the king of the world... :queen:  hihi ...Seriously It makes me really happy.
I hope you will appreciate my work too.

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  • 1 month later...

Bravo antichambre! super boulot! je viens de revenir de toulouse ou je tafais et j'ai vu ton mail alors je suis venu voir les photos et j'avoue que ça à de la gueule en plus! En tout cas super projet! C'est marrant avant que jparte sur toulouse ya 2 jours j'étais tombé sur ta video sur youtube mais j'avais pas vu que c'était toi j'avais déja bien aimé la démo je vais me pencher dessus et aller voir le wiki de plus prés! à bierntôt!

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  • 6 months later...

I wanted to clean it before publishing, and file it in SVN. But I have not had time.
... No matter
This first version compiles two setup.
- One for the base version, for wiki schematics(TK style).
- One for the cartridge version.
Now on the wiki : Firmware v1
There's extra tools too for testing your board, interconnection and testtone!

You can control it by midi. see midi table in doc folder.
But it will be much easier and more intuitive with the MAX Manager
There's inside an mxf file to open with Max Runtime (PC and MAC user)
and the same manager in app for Mac user only.

This part is on my google drive cause it's too big for the wiki media manager.
Here : Manager
connect and switch on the mb-tia before launch the manager it will scan your midi interface and find the box  ;)

Have a good time with it :)


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Hey man! Just wondered if someone could clear up for me whats going on with J2 (Audio Out) on the schematic...
I having problems with the interface that is connected after the 10uf caps (C2 C3), where does the A1 and A0 come from? Is it the TIA A0 and A0 pins (31,32)? Or is it just to help understand the 3 configurations for the different TIA chips?

So if I have and PAL TIA I should connect all the pins like the configuration (in blue) and take the outputs from the white (R2, A1)

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The Audio out comes from TIA pins AUD0 and AUD1 (pins 13&12) on the NTSC

and only from AUD0 (pin13) on the PAL



The PAL version has a mono output, so in the schem. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&media=mbhp_tia_v1.jpg

it looks like its an error, and that you should put a jumper between A1 & R2,


Hope that explains it

Good luck :)

I really like the TIA, mostly for EFX

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Eptheca is right on a PAL pin 12 is for video carrier, don't use it! The two voices Aud0/Aud1 are mixed internally and outputted on pin 13.

A0/A1 (pin 31/32) are the LSB adress bus and must be connected to the shift register.

I made a mistake on the schematics, the blue jumper is on A1/R2 for PAL one, sorry.


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Hi I'm a newbie here and to electronics in general.  I've already been tinkering with old C64's using mssiah cartridge and soon come synthcart (as it's simpler for what I want to use them for).  I'm about to go down a similar line with the Atari 2600 but want to ideally play it with a midi keyboard.  Is there anywhere I can buy a Midi box to do this?  Does anyone fancy making me one?  Cheers

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it's all about making one dude! it will be all that more loved when completed with your own hands and much to be learned along the way!

just jump in with a core module and a TIA chip!

Anyone in UK flash me MIOS 1.9 to my PIC as I cannot update using my 'ancient' PCB's and JM module?

I have a spare 2002 SID module PCB in sweet condition for exchange, or some vinyl and tings? maybe a few quid...

Need this desperate to get the TIA firmware up on my core and start making music! it's all waiting patiently in the 2600 case ;)

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