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MIDIbox TIA - Atari 2600 Synth

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Ah OK, so there was some 'machine noise' caused by the MIDI and other processes  - the digital cockroaches :) i thought You were hearing the audio channels crossing into each other on the TIA outputs, which is no big deal really for us PAL TIA people who have only 1 channel output anyway!

Nice, and the audio clip sounds very clean - i cannot hear any whine or rustle going on in the opening part between the notes. When i turn up the gain here i hear the nosie of my amplifier. 

Hmm.. some nice clipping/glide from around 5'20"?

Yeh this is all good. the patch used in this sounds animated, and you sweeping the EQ shows it's quite a rich waveform there, it should go very well thru' a nice phase-screw patch or a barber pole phaser..

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you to think about it :)
I think it's fine...
I already decrease PCB price to 3Euro each, good surprise for everybody ;)
Black color and ENIG finish:
fetch.php?cache=&w=648&h=700&tok=b8f34e&    fetch.php?cache=&w=648&h=700&tok=d49413&

Mouser total order is around 200Euro for the 8 packages.
And I will order some cables from ali or amazon like this:

 cut it and use only female sides. Easier, clean and it will decrease the breakout cable price too ;)

Then it's ok. After ordered everything It will permits me to calculate and ask you the right price, not less and not more...

But, again, thank you for thinking about it

Edited by Antichambre
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello everybody!
I'm back.
I just received 30 TIA Pal.
I'm waiting for the cables...
And I've got a problem with the PCB fab.
There's an issue on the board I don't explain it to myself, I checked what I sent to them and it's good on my side.
it can be easily corrected. But boards are not perfect, I'm disappointed.

Tell me if it's a problem for you and I order new pool from an other provider.
Here the track to add.

Otherwise Everything else is fine, new TIA chip too:
Tell me...

Best regards
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Ok seems this issue is not a problem for everyone :)

Yesterday I received all cables.
I made one breakout cable for example, this is what you will receive, it will remain to you to cover the DB25 with housing and solder the DC connector.


Clean and cheap.

Best regards

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Thank you, I made this very quickly, i think I will come back on this track later. It deserves to be on a timeline..

That's the point!.. Of all our work, it's not just a geek thing! isn't it?

You will test it by yourself soon, I'm in a hurry to listen to what everybody will do with it


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yeh, some nice drifty sync phasing there in that track.. and the lead sound sounds nice and wonky too..


Also: on the capacitor issue (it is the cap, right?) - that's not a problem to me.. Must be annoying to see it at this time for You Antichambre, but it's no big deal. In fact, let's start a rumour NOW that this early revision SOUNDS BETTER because of the orientation of the cap. Oh Yes.. There it is... ;)

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