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STM32F4 Discovery


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For MBSEQ V3 the gates will be available at J5A and J5B, DIN start and stop at J10B

4 MIDI IOs are available at J11E


For MBCV V2 gates and DIN signals are only accessible via DOUT shift registers (which also act as level shifters).

I consider to add the same possibility for MBSEQ V4 (as an option).


So: if you want to create something which is compatible with both applications, go for two DOUT shift registers (resp. use a MBHP_DIO_MATRIX module)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Okay, it makes sense for all the gates to be on J5A/J5B (different to the other Cores). Right, I see the MIDI IO on J11E.


For MBCV V2 I guess J5A/B will be used as analogue inputs then?



>>> Maybe I will create a board for STM32F1 and LPC17 and we can sort out another one later for F4.



Best regards,


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How about skipping ethernet altogether and going directly to WiFi? Adafruit offer a cheap breakout module running over SPI:



Adding WiFi support might not be a bad option, but replacing wired Ethernet altogether would not be my preference. WiFi has higher latency and lower reliability such that some applications would benefit from a wired connection in my opinion. That said, given RTP-MIDI is now a thing, it seems like there may be multiple connection options in the next CORE is my guess.

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Sounds like a lot of work to adapt this - any volunteer?


However, you could connect an ENC28J60: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_eth.html

Cheap breakout boards for only US $4 are available at EBay: http://www.ebay.de/itm/New-ENC28J60-Ethernet-LAN-Network-Module-For-Arduino-SPI-AVR-PIC-LPC-STM32-/310670027142?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4855606986


Then connect this module to a Wifi adaptor of your choice -> done


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I am a bit puzzled about something on the schematic

J10A in the top left corner says D0 goes to PE8, but on the board further down it says PE8 goes to J10B D7, and that PE7 goes to J10A D0


I saw the "No Typo" message, but I am still puzzled


Please enlighten me :) 

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Do not give up! We are waiting MBHP based STM32F4 Discovery, with great interest. 


SmashTV ordered another prototype some days ago which allows to mount an alternative SD Card socket which is better available (e.g. at Mouser)

We also fixed two imperfections and want to ensure that this board is 100% right before more people are using it.




J10A in the top left corner says D0 goes to PE8, but on the board further down it says PE8 goes to J10B D7, and that PE7 goes to J10A D0


I fixed this in the schematic.

The connections are like Sneakthief said


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks guys, I'm up'n running :)





"these wires are making me thirsty"




I am looking forward to the real PCB, but just couldn't wait when I got the Discovery boards.

A bit of protoboarding has never killed anyone.

I guess that's what CIA said about waterboarding as well ;)

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...after seeing a few prototypes of other stm32f4-core-boards i decided to upload a few photos from my board. it uses 2 dogm-glcd-displays, 2 midi-ports, 4 j10-buttons and the sd-card-connector...


heres the top-view without any modules:


and here the bottom-view:





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so I should use DETENDED2 for these encoders


but where can I change/set this?

I can find the settings for all the encoders connected to DIN, but the SCS encoder is "left out"

s32 MBCV_HWCFG_Init(u32 mode)
  int i;

  // clear all encoder entries
  // they will only be preloaded via the MBCV_HW.CV2 file
  for(i=1; i<MIOS32_ENC_NUM_MAX; ++i) { // start at 1 since the first encoder is allocated by SCS
    mios32_enc_config_t enc_config;
    enc_config = MIOS32_ENC_ConfigGet(i);
    enc_config.cfg.type = NON_DETENTED;
    enc_config.cfg.sr = 0;
    enc_config.cfg.pos = 0;
    enc_config.cfg.speed = NORMAL;
    enc_config.cfg.speed_par = 0;
    MIOS32_ENC_ConfigSet(i, enc_config);
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The SCS encoder configuration is well hidden in the scs.c module


You can overrule it from mios32_config.h with:




But actually this is the default value anyhow, it won't make a difference.

The problem must be somewhere else (wrong pin connections?)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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