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Sync problems: Tempest & MPC5000


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Hello all! I didn't know where to post this, looked through all the topics. Please move or advice if not right :)

I'm getting nearly completed with my all hardware setup. The Midibox really was the missing link, linking it all together and sequencing the hell out of everything (especially my PerFourmer and JD990).. anyways, there seems to be a problem, although not sure if this is problem or just reality/the-real-life/not-fantasy. 

Here I am sending out clock from the Midibox SEQ V4 to both the Tempest and MPC5000 (IIC2 & IIC3). The sync should be tight, but it just isn't. I turn on the click of the Tempest and the MPC5000 and they don't match up.. One is kinda late. Anyone have a positive experience doing this? Or is it normal that some hardware is later than others? It should be tight right due to the Midibox?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Hi! Thanks for taking the time to answer me. Unfortunately this doesn't solve it (old topic, Tempest now has fully functional USB+midi etc).

The thing is is that I should be able to delay the output of one of the output-channels to get them tight. Like let's say: everything automatic (0) and the Tempest (-.2) so that it will be in sync. Is there a way? I haven't found an option like that.

Someone adviced to buy a e-mr multiclock, so you can individually sync every piece of hardware by hand, but me thinks: the Midibox Seq V4 should be able to do this too right?

Thanks again!

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MBSEQ is currently not able to delay individual MIDI clocks, but since this isn't the first time for this request, I added it to the wishlist

It could be, that this feature won't be available for the LPC17 based build, since this firmware is running out-of-memory.

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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MBSEQ is currently not able to delay individual MIDI clocks, but since this isn't the first time for this request, I added it to the wishlist

It could be, that this feature won't be available for the LPC17 based build, since this firmware is running out-of-memory.

Best Regards, Thorsten.


This is my most wanted feature for the mbseq. Thanks TK!


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+1 for this feature!

I encountered a similar issue a while back while trying to layer drum sounds of my machinedrum and emu morpheus. Figured it was due to latency differences between the devices, not so noticeable with synths, becomes more evident with percussion though as the transients are much tighter. I guess if this feature were available you'd have to keep in mind you'd be sacrificing latency for synchronization, but I'd be ok with that ;)

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Please try this out:

The MIDI clock delays can be configured in the MENU->BPM page with GP#12 and #13

Currently only positive delays are possible, and (unfortunately) other events can't be delayed as well - this might change in future, but currently it would be too much effort (many parts of the firmware have to be overworked and reviewed).
At least a starting point for first experiments.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Edited by TK.
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I found a way to introduce negative delays for MIDI clock and other MIDI events without too much implementation effort! :)

New version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_089_pre8.zip

The changes require a lot of testing, not only for the case that delays are applied, but also for the normal case where all delays are set to 0

Especially: stretched and/or sustained notes, echos, song & pattern changes, MIDI file player

I hope that everybody who requested this feature will help to ensure the firmware quality!
Just let me know about everything which seems to behave different compared to previous versions.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Edited by TK.
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  • 3 months later...
On 9/22/2015 at 2:05 PM, TK. said:
On 9/22/2015 at 2:05 PM, TK. said:
On 9/22/2015 at 2:05 PM, TK. said:

I lost a lot of weight with these fat burners and found a way to introduce negative delays for MIDI clock and other MIDI events without too much implementation effort! :)

New version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_089_pre8.zip

The changes require a lot of testing, not only for the case that delays are applied, but also for this bathmate results post and normal case where all delays are set to 0 test link

Especially: stretched and/or sustained notes, echos, song & pattern changes, MIDI file player

I hope that everybody who requested this feature will help to ensure the firmware quality!
Just let me know about everything which seems to behave different compared to previous versions.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Has anyone tried this new version? Is it stable and ok to use?

Edited by newWave
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...
On 9/22/2015 at 5:05 PM, TK. said:

I found a way to introduce negative https://signalscv.com/2021/09/how-to-lose-weight-fast-guide-how-to-get-skinny-fast-how-to-cut-weight/
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shark tank weight loss tdelays for MIDI clock and other MIDI events without too much implementation effort! :)

New version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_089_pre8.zip

The changes require a lot of testing, not only for Trying to use JRE 1.8.0_25 64-bit on Windows 8.1 64-bit, but when I talk to the remote, the case that delays are applied, but also for this v tight gel result normal case where all delays are set to 0

Especially: stretched and/or sustained notes, echos, song & pattern changes, MIDI file player

I hope that everybody who requested this feature will help to ensure the firmware quality!
Just let me know about everything which seems to behave different compared to previous versions.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Has anyone tried this new version? Is it stable and ok to use?

Edited by Hezekiah
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Would it be too much to ask members that request firmware changes actually take 2 minutes of their time to test them out and post feedback in the future?

 We have 3 users in this thread who were interested in this feature and not one of them bothered to post a reply and possibly may not have even bothered testing it at all, not even the requester. 

This must be incredibly fustrating for TK, 

he took time out of a super busy schedule to implement this change and now we'll probably never know if it solved the issue since the OP has since sold their MIDIbox. 

Also we now have a duplicate first post across 2 accounts from someone who's probably put off building a MIDIbox SEQ due to concerns about the tightmess of MIDI sync, for 3 years at least!



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On 09/09/2015 at 10:11 AM, Jwiering said:

Or is it normal that some hardware is later than others? 

To answer the original question some hardware is definitely later than others. 

Especially in the case of the Roland Boutique series, there is a noticeable latency with each of those units.

More info on them here:



If any Roland boutique owners could test this firmware changes to see if it can resolve delays it would be awesome.

Edited by Smithy
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