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MidiBox Cool Diy Device But Only For C-Code Experts


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Yes, there are tons of great videos out there now on all manner of things. You have to remember that the MidiBox goes back at least to 2001 when I first started building a verys simple midibox. Back then, youTube was in it's infancy. You say the guy doesn't have an economic interest, but the first thing to come up is an ad for his Patreon page where people can donate. I guarantee that he had an economic interest in the videos. I understand that you expect a video tutorial, but there isn't one. So what are you going to do now?

Anyways, it is clear that we can't change your mind - good luck!

Edited by goyousalukis
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Just now, goyousalukis said:

Yes, there are tons of great videos out there now on all manner of things. You have to remember that the MidiBox goes back at least to 2001 when I first started building a verys simple midibox. Back then, youTube was in it's infancy. You say the guy doesn't have an economic interest, but the first thing to come up is an ad for his Patreon page where people can donate. I guarantee that he had an economic interest in the videos. I understand that you expect a video tutorial, but there isn't one. So what are you going to do now?

Anyways, it is clear that we can't change your mind - good luck!

more thanks for post ,

…ops :pout: … , are u saying that there are "things/sides" of midi box that cannot be showed by video tutorials for copyright reason and related ?



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No, everything could be shown. It is all copyrighted, but as far as I know TK has released everything under one of the licenses for non-profit use. Nobody has the time/desire/drive to create video tutorials. Based on the thousands of Midiboxes that have been built, a video tutorial is not required to build a midibox.

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11 hours ago, Antichambre said:

It's a shame that the new generation does not open a book and absolutely need video to start something!

Remember "We are a secret society" we can not appear on a video! :)
And by definition, a beginner is someone who starts something ;)
Have a good night...



Ricercait was perhaps a student or teacher/method problem ?we would not have lost one of the genes of our times , if he had not met the right mentor ?

i agree : it can be a shame ..

but world change continuously ( evolution? , and in way of communication too ) 

and it will change again , better or worse, who can say?  only the story ! (in spite of ourselves)

diversity is power ,

or are you for a clones world ? (in point oh views intended , in this thread , .. in the universe for the rest ...)

i wrote (and i'm irremovably convinced ! ) that : there is not bad students but only bad teachers !!!

the difference ?  only and only and only... :  The Method !!!

since you are on the side of the books (me too ,  but partially , new "media" greatly reduce learning time ,

..like : an image show  what millions of words can not

have you ever read the true story of Mr Electromagnetism ? (a.k.a. Michael Faraday )

it was perhaps a student or teacher/method problem ?


we would not have lost one of the genes of our times , if he had not met the right mentor ?

and how many others we have lost (and we will lose it again) thanks to "unsuitable" methods ?

returning a bit on the topic , 

want to recall the fact that the very big part of musician that uses electronic devices/instruments for make music ,

want spend the available time to make music ,  

and a part of them agree  to put a part of that time to make (or try to) a device that ( unfortunately still ) is not available on the market .



PS:  probably the cooler side of . ; )

11 hours ago, Antichambre said:

... "We are a secret society" ...

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1 hour ago, zener said:

returning a bit on the topic , 

want to recall the fact that the very big part of musician that uses electronic devices/instruments for make music ,

want spend the available time to make music 

it sounds to me that you are into making electronic music, not electronics

this place is mostly for those that want to do both

I don't think anybody here do this to save time or money. For many of us MIDIbox is a hobby / passion / obsession ;)

If you need a MIDI controller, Novation makes one for every need

If you want a similar sequencer, Sequentix Cirklon seems like "the second best in class"  

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i am offically a artist. i pay social insurance for that. my time is free for midibox making music for contest cd website or gig. have a girlfriend spending lot of time in love. cooking and houshold on my own... and midibox coding planing building consume the rest of it. since i need the devices for a gig end of february i dont have time for tutorials... but when i have some spare time i would make some video doku-to see what to have done BUT not a detailt tutorial for that it is to much information. but i think in german and for a mios based uset project so it would help only a small group anyway. so i have to rethink it i also dont have the best cam equipment nor mony for that..

maybe this and others is a reason that there are no video tuts outthere ,;)

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@zener Nobody has the time and the technical means to do it all, for free.
You will notice that despite that we take the time to answer you, which is to our credit.
Now stop procrastinating and start! You will see that we are perhaps not the best teacher in the world, but you will always find someone to help you here !!!
Again, if you do not try, you'll never know if all you're told is true!
These are my last words on this subject.

Best regards

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How many times do we have to tell you that NO C coding is required to build and use a MidiBox? Thorsten has done all the work for us. Yes, there are members on here that edit the source code for their own purposes, but I would wager that that is less than 10% of the people who build midiboxes.

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On 01 febbraio 2018 at 1:06 AM, Antichambre said:


On 01 febbraio 2018 at 2:18 PM, eptheca said:

it sounds to me that you are into making electronic music, not electronics

this place is mostly for those that want to do both

I don't think anybody here do this to save time or money. For many of us MIDIbox is a hobby / passion / obsession ;)

If you need a MIDI controller, Novation makes one for every need

If you want a similar sequencer, Sequentix Cirklon seems like "the second best in class"  

Thanks for post eptheca , ( your "sunglasses" are so cool )

Novation ? No !  do not have nothing similar to that  required ,

i checked all most knowed manufacturers unfortunately no one have a device as required , (otherwise I would not be here to talk about , but to doing / making music with that device)

Have also to say that Mpc "high" series models apart , the rest are all low cost plastic and parts ….so not pro range devices …, so No thanks !!!

Cirklon not so bad tool  as concept and device , well built !  But in my humble opinion need a good development / evolution ,

because the layers concept of parameters block type can be good for save money for data entry parts like potentiometers , buttons , displays , surface panel , and related,

but is a big  "Handicap" for fast access to specific parameters edit , that is essential for live performances ,

in a home or studio situation there is all the time to stop ,

-> go to parameters block page ,  

-> search the parameter ,

-> edit it and back to play .

in a Live performance : NOT !

And why an hardware sequencer in studio ?

To spend lot of more time than a software sequencer computer based for do the same things ? ( or less )

For me and so many many many other musicians do not have any sense !!!

Apart save as midi file and put it in the hardware sequencer ,

So Sorry !!

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Zener... with all respect... I start thinking you are just a troll here ...

TWO page with ppl gently responding to you, trying to help.

You still complaining whatever we say.

As others, I'm out of this topic. Hope I'll see you in another one with REAL midibox in your hand.




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