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Troubleshooting midiphy SEQ v4+

latigid on

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Many thanks for reporting and I'm glad it works! Is the hub also connected to the computer and sending data that way? There is an OTG startup sequence where the devices have to decide who's the boss. Maybe things don't make it that far if there's too much going on with the datalines. Just speculation!

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Oh I miss that you used a HUB, I understand now sorry.
In fact the OTG is switching to host and works fine... A Hub constantly polls its downstream ports until its connected host has enumerated the devices then the Hub stops polling and creates paths between the host and the devices. But if no host(upstream port) replies(not connected) the hub continues to poll the devices periodically, this should perturb the transaction between the Seq(in Host) and the controller, they all use the same lines.
No I'm wrong it should work cause it's always the host which polls the devices, the Hub just monitors the voltages on the signal lines (D+ and D-) at each of its ports. The device has a pull up which brings the data lines high and this enables the hub to detect that a device is attached to it and its speed depending on the lines. Once the device is detected, the hub continues to provide power but doesn’t yet transmit USB traffic to the peripheral. Then should not perturb the lines.
Really sorry cause I knew that, I already experienced it too but didn't read enough your first post.
Lol Still really sorry cause I experienced the same situation but I can't give any good explanation. :/

Edited by Antichambre
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Hi Andy and Peter - 

Got a weird bit of behavior from encoder #9 and looking to see what your recommended steps to diagnose would be. The encoder is showing some weird behavior - pressing it works and registers, turning it while it's pressed registers, but just regular turning it doesn't work. Sometimes after I  press it it works a little bit like it's skipping around but mostly it's dead unless I'm holding it down and turning it at the same time.  Encoder went bad do you think? 

Thank you

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These encoders should be decent, so I wouldn't think the encoder had gone bad. Rather, there might be an interconnection issue. The 9th encoder is connected to pins 4 and 5 of J1, so check that you get good contact there. If the pins don't reach far enough into the through-board header you might get an intermittent contact.

Check all solder points too as you might have a dry joint etc.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello gents, Im building my Midiphy Seq and want to check something before I move on..

First video, 35 minutes in -"gold headers"  - I didn't get any gold headers in my mouser order, but did get two different versions of the single stick pin headers.

One is a 3M part, there are two in the order. Mouser  part# 517-929700-01-36-RK

The second single row straight header is "FCI Headers & Wire housings"  One stick came in the order..  part# 649-93992-436HLF

The 3M parts are taller.  Why are there two different types?

Which header stick should I cut up for this step?  

Is there a list anywhere of which parts go on each PCB?  Or is the video it?


thanks a lot!



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Hi Steve, 

Please refer to the BOM e.g.  https://www.midiphy.com/en/shop-details/137/47/midibox-seq-v4-lh-full-essential-kit-

This is the whole "kit BOM" but each PCB also has its own BOM page for easier reading, plus you won't get confused with the coded "shop names" of the PCBs. There you can cross-reference all parts with the silkscreen names on the PCBs. 

You could in effect use the slightly longer pins for everything. I think the "standard" pins are only used for jumper headers etc. Where it's important is interconnecting the lemec and plate PCBs with through-PCB headers/sockets. A "standard" header length works but might not give quite the right contact, therefore slightly longer ensures a better connection.

Have fun building!


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  • 1 month later...

Allright MIDI masters, Im at the point where Im testing my JA board with NG running on the core and all I get is lots of data coming into MIOS studio and lots of flickering LEDs.  At least I know all my LEDs work.

Loading NG was no problem.  "load seq_l" is when all the data streams in and flickering begins.  

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?  






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@srmaietta - no problem at all, it happened before! :) It should also be an easy fix - the easiest way to remove the resistor network is by using a hot air rework station (around 40€, if you don't have one, google for "858D" :)). When doing that, make sure to heat up the pins until you can see the solder "liquify", then use small SMT tweezers to pull the part off the board, not using too much force - it should go easily, once everything is hot.

Best regards!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What did you have in mind? If you want, you could assign it to any function in the HWCFG 

SR    Pin  
1/7*   6   

*1 for LH, 7 for RH

There is a Moog v-trig converter on there, so a positive gate at the tip of the jack should pull the 165 pin low and enact a DIN event. How about clocking in an analogue tap tempo?

The 3.5mm ring is connected via resistor R4 (USB PCB) to SR pin 5. Probably the 10k value is too high, rather go for 4k7 or less (e.g 1k/2k2). So shorting the ring to 0V will trigger a DIN event there. 


And a post from 2011 illuminates the actual intention:


 Rômulo aka. Midilab started to implement a footswitch function which is especially useful for live recording and track modifications while playing on a keyboard.

Press&Hold the footswitch to enable record mode, release it to disable record mode. Tap the footswitch shortly to delete the track.

The footswitch can be assigned to a free DIN pin in MBSEQ_HW.V4


#                 SR  Pin

or for RH

#                 SR  Pin


Please test it if it sounds useful!


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Guys, a quick question about cable lengths for the RH hardware build.  'Im testing everything here (fluxtest - success!) and its all been great but I realize that I'm following the video which has me building an LH seq.  I don't want to keep going forward and have to remake the cables,  Is there a place where RH cables are listed?




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Thank you Latigid!

I think I found an issue with the BOM, (or the case hardware packege, either way)    

For the line TR/RX we have DB25 connectors with a 4-40 thread and it should be an unthreaded hole (so we can use the Metric screws and locknuts)  The part in the BOM,  Mouser 636-182-025-213R561     should probably be  636-182-025-213R551  which is the same part but would come with a bare .120" hole suitable for longer screws and nuts!! (Of course not in stock!)


Off to buy two screws!!!



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Yep, the case hardware screws won't work perfectly with the Mouser part. I would personally recommend to use the 4-40 MF standoffs that come with the DB-25 socket as case mounts and keep the black screws for another day. Then you can properly mate a DB-25 cable. If you prefer the look of the >>panhead<< screws, feel free to mangle the thread in the DB-25, but you need nuts on the inside to keep it tight.

Edited by latigid on
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  • 9 months later...
On 12/18/2018 at 10:02 PM, rbv2 said:

it is labeled 4816P LF1-103 C1745 ..

this is the wrong one right?



it definetly is the wrong part. .which leads me to the next wrong part on the LE MEC RH PCB.. :D

thank you so much for you help!!!

So I've been getting erratic behavior with the LEDs on the switches of the JA PCB.
I wonder if i made the same mistake soldering the wrong type resistor network?
The markings on the IC at RN1 are 4816P LF1-103 C1809
instead of 4816P-T02-103LF.

I blame myself for not checking the BOM on midiphy and solely relying on the video!

Thankfully i have a hot air station, flux and solder paste so should be able to remedy this issue.


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