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MIDIbox SID: new release V1.4 & new Editor


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  • Patches can now be saved into a BankStick
  • Program Change command switches between the 128 patches of a BankStick
  • Beside of Mono and Poly also a Legato mode is available now
  • Minimal support for a LCD - patch name, program number, MIDI channel and device number are displayed
  • 50 example sound patches are available now
  • new release of JSynthLib editor







Have fun! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Patches can now be saved into a BankStick

Program Change command switches between the 128 patches of a BankStick

Beside of Mono and Poly also a Legato mode is available now

Minimal support for a LCD - patch name, program number, MIDI channel and device number are displayed

50 example sound patches are available now

new release of JSynthLib editor

Is that all !??  :o your slacking T...

heh, only kidding ;D Again - incredible stuff, patches  stored on bankstick...hmmmmmmmm ;)

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New SID features are really COOOOL !

Thorsten, can You tell us how many rotary encoders are you going to use in front panel ? I'm going to order rotary encoders next week for midibox16e, and I would like to order some extra encoders if they will be used in sidbox ? Even if design is not finished, the part list would be very helpful :)

BTW. I have probably found place in Poland, where it's possible to buy ALPS encoders without minimal order. I will verify it next week and post here information about condition and prices.



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Oh god, so much feedback for a work of three hours  :o :D

Christoffer: it seems that your MIDI interface isn't multi client capable - so the best solution: just use "Hubis feedback cable" (freeware -> web) which allows you to create virtual connections between multiple MIDI devices. I used this really usefull tool many years before I bought a newer MIDI interface - hopefully it still works with newer Windows versions...

After the tool has been installed, you've 4 additional MIDI IN/OUTs. First you should remove the hardware MIDI device in your \windows\win.ini file; [logic] section. Logic should only use the virtual OUT ports. The JSynth editor should use another virtual OUT port. Now you can create virtual connections between the two virtual OUT ports and your physical OUT port with two "feedback cable" instances. It's a little bit tricky, but it works! :)

And if it doesn't: "MIDI Yoke" in conjunction with MIDI-Ox should do the same

Ian: oh, you are right. It's a good idea to add some simple button functions. Which could be usefull... I think one button for "dec", another for "inc", a button for storing patches and two others which allow to select the MIDI channel and the MIDI device number. Ok - I will support one DIN register with the next release.

Maniac: let us know about the offer from the distributor in Poland! If the offer is good, we could maybe start a centralized order, because currently a lot of people are searching for encoders.

Concerning the number of required encoders - since this is really a FAQ and I don't want to give imprecise answers to this issue anymore, I've started to design a frontpanel for my surface:


So as you can see: 16 encoders are required.

Btw.: not all parameters are controlled by encoders and buttons, some are only accessible with the button/jog wheel combination at the right corner.

Btw2: all parameters will be accessible over the 4 buttons and the jog-wheel. So for people who don't want to create a big (and expensive) surface, this will be the low-cost solution. It's also be a nice solution for a low-cost 19" rack version :)

Btw3: it's also possible just to left out some sections - not everybody wants this big modulation matrix

Btw4: the purpose of the "assign" controllers is to assign them to internal or external (-> MIDI controller) functions.

Btw5: SID 1/2/3/4 means that it is possible to control a lot of SIDs from this panel

Btw6: the frontpanel design is preliminary

Btw7: big thanks to NothernLight who gave me a lot of inspirations for this design!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest trashman

Wow!!!   :o :o

very cool interface!

but one question about: will it be controlled by a second pic? or the same pic (perhaps NG?) wich drivers the sid?

and an other question: what lcd-types controlles the sid software currently? 2x16 i think. will a 2x20 also work ?



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Thanks again for the applause - for myself it's the same, I can't wait to see all those LEDs flashing and to get a much better control over my SIDs :) But I won't be able to begin with the surface before february, since the MIDIbox LC/NG has a higher priority (I will receive the panel possibly next week). I also haven't found a nice case yet (dimensions are 25 cm x 20 cm, resp. 10" x 8"), and finally my holidays are over and a lot of work is waiting in the office... :P

Yes, the control surface will only be available for the PIC18F core, because the application requires a lot of text data for a detailed menu structure which doesn't fit into the memory of a 16F877. Since the price of a PIC18F is nearly the same, this should be ok.

The surface can control one SID module directly, each additional SID requires an own core (PIC16F or PIC18F...)

LCD: I'm not sure if I will use a 16x2 or 20x2 - I will decide this when I start with the menu handler

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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So down in the winterless South Pacific we have little need of glowing comforts in the evening studio sessions.

Do I need to plan for encoders for my "19 inch " rack version SID or can I accomplish the same results using pots ? ;) I have lttle need for lights !! ;D

BTW just what am I supposed to see on the 1.4 version lcd ?

Now it's raining!!!


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Hi everybody,

how about using the original C64's case  for the MIDIbox SID? After ripping the 8580 out of my C64 v2 I either have the option to throw it away or make something out of it. I will try to use it as a case for the MIDIbox.

Thorsten, could you post the Schaeffer Apparatebau File somewhere, so people could use this as a template (in order to not forget any holes...)?

Thanks a lot, ilmenator

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Ian: I don't want to support ports, because this would decrease the ergonomic handling. It's very important that you can switch between different oscillators, SIDs, etc. without readjusting the pots. However, rotary encoders are not much more expensive, and the LED rings can be left out, because when you turn on an encoder, the value will also be displayed by the LCD.

SID release V1.4 LCD support: it shows the bank name, patch number, MIDI channel and device number - nothing else... ;-)

Ilmentator: It's a great idea just to re-use the C64 case. I've experimented a little with an old C64-I, here the result:


Btw.: as you can see the features are not frozen, and the panel doesn't include all the necessary screw holes yet. Therefore the following .fpd file is only for your own first experiments: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mbsid2.fpd

There are a lot of expensive engraving elements at the panel, which I will remove for my final order - I will just add the labels with a foil or something else.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I've changed the layout again after I got a suggestion for the parameter structure on the display by Jan aka Captain Hastings.

It makes sense to display 5 parameters in a row according the number of encoders in the OSC and ENV section. It possibly also makes sense to provide a minimal version with 5 encoders instead of buttons below the display.

I've also added a new option for the multi-SID solution: "Single", "Unison" and "Split".

The new .fpd file can be found here: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mbsid3.fpd

For those who are interested: feel free to make your own modifications and introduce them here! :)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I Think I'll use the case of my C46 II


This will really look great  8)

It' not the Breadbox "all edges rounded" style, its a cool and relaxed Style I think ...


Wow you have a C46? That must be a very rare model!  ;)

My 19" Control Surface is finished for now, but I'm still persuading Thorsten about some features ( ;D ) so it's not final either. Unfortunately I don't have a webspace so I can't post the screenshot or the FPD file, so if anyone can help out that would be great.

TK -> You've got mail ;)


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Great panel, The LCD is 16x4 ? I would add two more LEDS (midi in/out -  not very useful, but I like shining LEDs 8) ).

I'm wonder, if movement of encoders will be transmitted by midi ? It would be great to add special mode to control external modules (eg. VSTi) instead of internal SID - it would be cheaper solution, then building MIDIBOX SID and MIDIBOX16E/64E/NG ?


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noticed the 4 SIDs u got runnin there T... ;D

I've got 5 6581's so I would go with the same route, how are all the modules connected inside...?

Am I jumping in the gun in asking as is this info which is still to come...?

WRT Maniacs Q:

I'm wonder, if movement of encoders will be transmitted by midi ? It would be great to add special mode to control external modules

If by this u mean use the sid box as a normal midi controller then looking at T's post:

Btw4: the purpose of the "assign" controllers is to assign them to internal or external (-> MIDI controller) functions.

...i'd say so ;)

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