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Wow! New skin?


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Yes - new skin and no way to change it.

This is not a whining matter, if you just don't happen to like the new looks, feel free to do so ;D The change was made to simplify modifications to the board and to keep the voluntary hosting provider/webmaster Twin-x/Jeffrey happy!


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I notice the MIDIBox Logo is a bit mashed up this morning :( (and there are two of them now) I like the transparency though, I was going to suggest that :) Maybe the image should have white space where the words are though...Just transparent around the outside of the 'chip'

Hey I was thinking, you know those tabs up the top, maybe instead of "UCAPPS", it could say "µCAPPS" or "µCApps"? But now I'm just being pedantic  ;) It might look better in all-capitals anyway, as it will match the lettering on the other tabs.

Anyway, for those who care and don't know, the µ character can be typed by holding in ALT and typing 0181 on your numeric keypad (it won't work with the other number keys), it's also known as 0xB5 if you're into Hex ;)

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Something I just noticed... If I remember rightly, there used to be text on the top 'frame' of the board wqhich referred to PM's, for eg, there was one that said you had x amount of unread messages or something...

Was that ever really there, or am I imagining things? If it was, is it coming back? If it is, can I help?

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Was that ever really there, or am I imagining things? If it was, is it coming back? If it is, can I help?

It's still there. There's a tab labeled 'MY MESSAGES'. When you have a new message it has a '(1)' beside it. If you don't have any new messages, no number...


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Something I just noticed... If I remember rightly, there used to be text on the top 'frame' of the board wqhich referred to PM's, for eg, there was one that said you had x amount of unread messages or something...

Was that ever really there, or am I imagining things? If it was, is it coming back? If it is, can I help?

Yup - there it was :'( hmm.. Twin-x might listen to improvement ideas, so let's see. But DON'T expect anything to happen fast, as he has other things to do also.  ;)


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But DON'T expect anything to happen fast, as he has other things to do also.  ;)

Come on mate, it's ME you're talking to :D I'm not really the type to rush anyone... I take it so slow, if I went any slower, I'd go back in time and there'd be no MIDIBox yet ;)

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When you have a new message it has a '(1)' beside it. If you don't have any new messages, no number...

Thanks for that drin. I had a feeling it might only appear if there was a new PM waiting... I thought I'd wait and see, but after a few days with no messages ( :'( nobody likes me ;) hehehe) I decided to just ask :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there illustrious moderator/site hosting type dudes :)

I noticed a behaviour of the forum which I don't like so much, and I thought maybe I could suggest a possible improvement...

I use the "Show unread posts since last visit" link to make sure I read all the posts to the forum, but I've noticed that when a post is edited, although it gets the 'New' icon on the board, it doesn't show up on the list of unread posts.

Would it be possible to mark a thread as unread when a post within it is edited?

Thanks guys!

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Would it be possible to mark a thread as unread when a post within it is edited?

The simple answer is no....It would require some coding to an SMF that none of us has time for.... :-\

Personally I think after-the-fact post editing should not be an option anyway, as it opens a whole can of worms for people to play revisionist history, and lets people post something that's not completely thought out. 

A perfect example is an exchange I had with a user who proceeded to school me on something he really knew nothing about (brought some agression/baggage with him to the forum that day).....I saw his post minutes after he made it, and spent 15 minutes or so on a correct reply to that post as written.

By the time I posted, he had edited his post to remove everything he was clueless about, including the unwarranted aggression....So what was left was the appearance that I was flaming a newbie without provocation.

I understand some people need to correct a typing error or a mis-typed sentence, but that's what the preview button is for.  Editing a -concept- after the fact just proves you were not ready to post about it in the first place.

This rant brought to you by not enough coffee yet, and I'm not aiming at anyone specifically, it's just my honest opinion.  ;)



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Yeh I didn't think it was going to be worth the required investment of time, it's all good.

Yeh the editing thing is a tricky one...It's handy sometimes but has large potential for misuse...I wouldn't mind so much if it went away, but it wouldn't bug me if it stayed either.

Hey while I'm here, has anyone else noticed the random posts with a long empty space at the bottom? Of course I can't find one now, but I've seen a few this week.

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Surely since the forum's PHP-based, it would be a relatively simple matter to remove the edit option from the "view thread" page? Obviously, it's a matter of finding the time to do this - but it doesn't seem like a huge amount of work, if there were enough demand.

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Surely since the forum's PHP-based, it would be a relatively simple matter to remove the edit option from the "view thread" page? Obviously, it's a matter of finding the time to do this - but it doesn't seem like a huge amount of work, if there were enough demand.

I'm pretty sure it's just a checkbox option to turn off post editing, then only moderators could do it.....But with some upcoming "meta" threads that need editing, That's not the best option....



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Thread edits are good sometimes though - I can't stand when I come back and notice bad grammar in a post I made or something of that nature. I post a lot late, and am usually tired when I do so. The next day, I come along and notice a typo and fix it, because with all the non-english speakers here I think it is important to be as clear as possible to make it easier on them. I also don't always want to bump a thread when my edit doesn't warrant bumping; this happens sometimes when I notice that I've mis-used a term and want to replace it with another  correct one..

But I understand on the revisionist aspect. I don't know - fighting on a forum is one of the dumbest things I can imagine doing; but if you must, just quote the other person if you are worried about tracks-covering.

For the cleanliness that editing provides, the occasional crank that misuses it can probably be safely ignored. They'll leave eventually, after people stop wanting to help them.

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with all the non-english speakers here I think it is important to be as clear as possible to make it easier on them.

Very true.

with some upcoming "meta" threads that need editing, That's not the best option....

Again, very true. There's a number of threads I know of on other forums I read where the first post is regularly edited by the poster, so that whenever he releases a new version of his software it appears on the first page. The utility of being able to edit your own posts outweighs the "crank factor" for me anyways.

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See I find that annoying because of the lack of notification of the new software release.

A better implementation in my opinion would be to have a static link to the latest release version in the first post, and update the thread with a new reply at the end with info about the new release, and have a link to the first post in that, for ease of navigation..

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