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Jep... The first thing i did after I've read "whack" was to look it up in a Dictionary  ;D

There it was translated as "Schlag" in german (hit,impact, electrical shock (coll.) )

Lol schlag!

Sounds like a really dirty german woman.

"Du ist meine schlag!"

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Oh... I'm so happy I've got my "English Cursing" book  ;D

"Just piss off, the lot of you!"

I'm still waiting for the day when I really need this book.  ;D

oh,.. and I think I should mention that there was a little skull next to this curse...

"Du ist meine schlag!"

omg! There is nothing more funny than english guys trying to talk german  ;D

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außer einem deutschen Hammerjongleur

Wow. This actually correct. Even the case is chosen correctly. I'm amazed.

(ich wie babelfish)

Um, this is not quite as correct. The word "like" didn't translate as the verb "to like" but as "jimp is like bugfight"

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Wow. This actually correct. Even the case is chosen correctly. I'm amazed.

since i don't know any german, i can take full credit for the correctness...

Um, this is not quite as correct. The word "like" didn't translate as the verb "to like" but as "jimp is like bugfight"

i initially babelfished "me likey babelfish" but wasn't impressed with "ich likey babelfish"

so wie sagen Sie "likey" auf Deutsch?

i also enjoy sending things back and forth many times through babelfish.

results are sometimes even better than engrish signs...

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Wo ist meine Oberammergaueralpenkräuterdelikatessenfrühstückskäse?

Where is my upper bunting gaueralpen herbs delicate eating breakfast cheese?

plus:  "german is too brutish a language for opera.  all intelligent people agree on this."

or like such as...

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entshuldegen sie mich bitte?  I don't think we want to get into Ohms laws here... Yes it is an Ohm thing... i guess some of us have more resistance in our bodies than others... is it not

E = I/R?

but no matter, if you get 60 milliamps across your heart... you are going in 'fribrilation'... the heart freaks... and I believe that's why we have 'defibriltors'.. that's when we start to talk 'Joules'

sorry, simply my EMT / medical training from a few jahre hin.

I simply want to get on chat and thank Smash for the neat little bumper sticker he sent me with my last order.

c ya


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yeah.... i could but i pretty much think all mac irc clients suck

and I'm not quite ready to bring the old PC's back upstairs.... just to chat.... let's get this chat thing fixed

Oh, was my Deutsch befruggte?  it's been 40 years since high school.... sorry if I have offended any one

The chat worked great before TK got kicked from whatever server he uses.  That's all I want back.

Really, Really, if I have offended you...... It was not intended.


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--as a kid I would use my electric train transformer to stick my fingers on the poles, then slowly crank the voltage to see how much power I could take--  ::)

do all hardware geeks such as myself have the crazy wispy hairs like someone electrocuted themselves?  :o


OW! It bit me!


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240v @ 40 amp

NYE a few years ago - marquee out the front of the club to hold and extra 1000 people, someone threw up on the loom running to the lighting dimmer rack.

Stupidly once told of this instead of pretending to be too smashed (no not smashTV'ed) I grabbed a ladder and threw the breaker - WHACK

woke up I don't know how many seconds/mins later with the club owner telling me to get the fuck up cause I gotta go and play a set...

also know someone who lost a couple of fingers due to a lighting desk not being earthed - lesson here is a) always prented to be more drunk/[insert current chemical state of choice] that you are b) always earth EVERYTHING

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The longest german word WITHOUT A LETTER 2 TIMES is:



24 letters


Sorry to gt back off topic again but..... But didn't the German character "ß" get phased out and replaced with "ss" a few years back?

Hah... *un-whack* !

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Sorry to gt back off topic again but..... But didn't the German character "ß" get phased out and replaced with "ss" a few years back?

Nope, its use got reduced by means of some bullshit language reform. Since "ß" is necessary to distinguish some words they couldn't completely drop it. For instance in a CAD drawing it could say "Masse der Zeichnung entnehmen" (= "take measurements/masses from the drawing") :D Bastards. They're trying to ruin german.

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Nope, its use got reduced by means of some bullshit language reform. Since "ß" is necessary to distinguish some words they couldn't completely drop it. For instance in a CAD drawing it could say "Masse der Zeichnung entnehmen" (= "take measurements/masses from the drawing") :D Bastards. They're trying to ruin german.

Ah, my mistake...*re-whack* I thought they'd completely done away with it as I didn't see it once when I was over there last year. Glad it's still being used as it's a good letter! :D... Anyways, I suppose I should go and connect myself up to the mains to get back on topic *whack*

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