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Changing forum nickname


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I noticed forum members from time to time tend to change their forum nickname, some do it multiple times, which leads to confusion. In some cases it is important to know who you talking to, especially in cases like bulk orders. In other hand I feel I know most of people from the forum pretty much and if one change the name he becomes anonymous.

I personally think changing nickname should be allowed only to administrators. If member wish to change it for a reason (not just... I like new one better) he should ask administrator to do it for him.

I also think the field "Personal Text:" should say "user changed his name from xxxx"

I don`t believe we need to hide from somebody here and feel changing names makes not much sense. It makes sense if it is hard to remember, if it looks like code or it is too long, hard to pronounce...

I changed my nickname long time ago too. At first it was my full name (Sasha Djuric) and I cut it short to just first name Sasha as no Sasha was around and as it is very common name in Serbia it is very uncommon name worldwide. I also kept my characteristic avatar so people didn`t probably notices I shorten it.

What you you think?

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I think it is the responcibility of the person that changed his name to report this to the persons that a re doing the groupbuys.

If they do not than sorry for them. It's their own fault.

But i have no problem disabling this feature but i am not the only one to decide.

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I think it is the responcibility of the person that changed his name to report this to the persons that a re doing the groupbuys.

Sure, but not all the people around are responsible so I thought it would be easier for all to avoid this problem. I dont think it is not political but some might not agree with me.

But i have no problem disabling this feature but i am not the only one to decide.

That is why I asked everybody what they think, not just administrator. Maybe there should be poll about it?

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It would make sense to have some sort of easily viewable history list.

History makes sense if you wanna see who user was before. I dont think it makes sense. We should know who each of us are now not who he was and what his father doing ;D

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i was thinking about changeing nick during this days.

i'm here from 2004, but with not so much support i know, i'm not an electronic man.

at that time i was using this nick, but now, on some other forums and personal pages i use another one, than i was thinkin' about, to change it because of the 'interpolation' of the interests around this places where are same peolpe with same nicks.

at least i've decide to.. i don't know, i think probably that disable it will be better and leave the possibility to change it by hard motivation througt admin approvation.

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I'm also thinking of changing my nickname.

When I registered at the forum I didn't think that I'll visit it regularly, so I didn't think that much about my nickname.

I just took some letters the name of the band i'm playing in ("the slowpokes", I don't know which guy came up with this stupid name, but we hadn't had an alternative).

But in the meantime I started to dislike my nickname as is just sounds stupid and as it isn't really creative.

I'm just looking for an avatar now, so people connect me with the avatar, and then I'll change my name. (just as Sasha did it.)

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But in the meantime I started to dislike my nickname as is just sounds stupid and as it isn't really creative.

I don`t agree with you. It is not important as a project or band name. Seams much people don`t like how they name themself. I don`t like my real name but I want change it because people that knows me knows who Sasha is. Simple as that. The truth is that those names really don`t represent you here but it serves as a simple ID tag. Take any function names of MB app. for example... none of them sounds cool, but each of them doing what it should and they can be identified by us easily. If you  change one to sound "cool" there wand be useful much.

I'm just looking for an avatar now, so people connect me with the avatar, and then I'll change my name. (just as Sasha did it.)

That is not what I`ve did. I`ve had an avatar from beginning and I` didn`t really change the name, I left out my last name as Sasha was sufficient.

If you Ganchen or SLP think people here don`t know you are, you are wrong, if you don`t care about your identity at forum than it is OK.

I`m here to stay and I feel nice when people knows me, especially when the connect my name with something that I did they liked or find it usefull. It is  really not about fame, and I didn`t deserved it. It is just about knowing people.

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I have too agree Sasha, minor changes which can easily be seen, like his or mine (at least now ;) ) should be ok and recognizable by all who are affected by this person. Avatars are good to.

If somebody is in a bulk order or has to be in contact with other people here, he should inform those about a changed nick you cant see directly.

hmmm. thats what i think about it

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Sasha i haven't change my nick, and i've thougnt over for the same reasons that you had explain.

My point of view have nothing in common with coolnes, supernick or fame etc, i had just thoungt that haveing same nick on different places, like electronic or music forums etc. would be simple for some reason that you can undestand. shure, was my mistake to have different stupid nick but that is for some others stupid reasons.. uhm.. there a lot of stupidity in my life i can assume.  ;)


why you say that i don't care at this fourm!  :'( i spent more time here that with my girlfriend!  8)


Sasha Djuric it's a cool name, mine is GIOVANNI :P


i'm so famous on this forum that all people call me ganchEn  >:(  :-X  ;D

last but not least, had you read my comment on Flikr ? i'm yumeiki, obiviusly another nickname  :)

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... i had just thoungt that haveing same nick on different places, like electronic or music forums etc. would be simple for some reason that you can undestand. ...

i changed for this reason (not to fool anybody, "anybody" fools themselves plenty on their own), is good enough reason...

...My point of view have nothing in common with coolnes, supernick or fame etc,...

i am, however, very famous, just not a lot of people know about it...

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i'm so famous on this forum that all people call me ganchEn

You see, you don`t have to change your nick yourself. We already changed it how we like it.

I think I`ll call you... let me think.  ;D

BTW. Check the biography of dr. Lama Ganchen



i had just thoungt that haveing same nick on different places, like electronic or music forums etc. would be simple for some reason that you can undestand.

Sure, I understand that. I am active on more than one place myself, with different names in most of cases. It would be good the nick is same everywhere but it`not. Some of that cyberspaces have nothing in common so It is really not that important.

Sasha Djuric it's a cool name, mine is GIOVANNI

If you in Serbia you would be called Yovan  :)

last but not least, had you read my comment on Flikr ? i'm yumeiki, obiviusly another nickname

Sure I did. As far as I remember I commented your SID too. I got your point, but my point is...

you cannot have one identity without loosing many of them!

Well, it`s up to you. I wanted to know what do you think about changing the names. I started to ask myself... who is this guy? not a noob, but never seen him before. I`m talking in general.

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I think the group buy issue isn't an issue... people in group buys should be connecting by email outside the forum, and if someone changes their nickname without informing people who they're in communication with then that's just being stupid and not a reason to prevent nickname changes.

I don't have a problem with people changing their nickname just once if their first nickname wasn't quite right or to "unify" their nickname across multiple forums etc. I would even encourage it! I actually like the "unified nickname" concept, so when I'm looking at someone's Flickr page or a post in another forum, I can connect that to the same person I know on MIDIbox (and probably sold something to in the past ;)). I think we can all handle that sort of change with a minimum of disruption.

And I guess I also don't have a problem with people changing their nickname often, because I probably would not care enough to keep track anyway.

I guess I'm lucky to have used the same nickname everywhere for nearly 20 years... unfortunately it's not so unique that I can get my own domain name or end up on the first page of a google search ;)

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Name: Backdoor.Win32.Wilba.a


El termino "puerta trasera" (backdoor) describe un grupo específico de Caballos Troyanos (Troyan Horses). Los mismos no pueden auto-esparcirse a otros ordenadores. Los "puerta trasera" permiten a atacantes tener control total sobre la PC victima. En su mayoría se dividen en tres partes:

1. Servidor

    La parte que es colocada en la PC victima y toma el control del PC.

2. Cliente

    Un pequeño programa usado por el atacante para conectar al Servidor y as poder controlar el ordenador.

3. Editor

    Una herramienta adicional para crear el programa Servidor. Permite al atacante crear un Servidor unico además de permitir setear todas las opciones y reglas para el Servidor.

Los "puerta trasera" son de amplia expansión hoy da. Aparte de los Gusanos, Discadores, Spyware y Troyanos, los "puerta trasera" son uno de los programas más peligrosos para quienes navegan la Web.

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You see, you don`t have to change your nick yourself. We already changed it how we like it.

I think I`ll call you... let me think.  ;D

BTW. Check the biography of dr. Lama Ganchen



this is a very big man, as i can read here in italy he have many fireds.. but you know, our country, ehm, italian people, not country, are seriusly stupid, can i asy this?

last time dalai lama was here, no one of the politic man have meet him for just one reason, cina economical projects.

this would be incredible but that is.

this country is changing a lot, in not good way.

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