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  1. Yesterday
  2. I still have a MBHP AOUT_NG lieing around and it's open for sale. Make me a reasonable offer.
  3. Last week
  4. Try to replace sids with cheaper alternatives like swinsid
  5. I Now try to bulid my own console and I think I will have lot of questions?! Does anyone answer this???
  6. My old friends, i see it's fixed, happy to donate too.
  7. More like 7 years later :D Update 2024 I wanted to use my MIDIbox SEQ V4 more, in different situations, and make it more portable. I have made a new case in aluminium, so I can move all the modules, the CS frontpanel and the MIDI socket panel from the suitcase to the new case easy, and connect all the in's and out's on the new case to the modules.
  8. Heya! I was wondering if it is possible to have DIN sync clock out or even (one) CV/Trigger/Gate per sequence with the seq v4 lite. On the project page it is stated "working, but configuration is too difficult, therefore not documented." From how I understand, DIN sync can be achieved via a DOUT sihft register with 5V logic levels in the stm32f4 core. I assume the complication in the v4 lite project comes from the fact, that there is no display and thus no way to configure/set the clock/start/stop signals? Maybe someone can shed a light on how it could be achieved? I'm happy to change the software to make it work if that is necessary but would need some hints. Best regards, stahl
  9. Hi Thorsten, thanks for you quick reply, yes, the follow mode is what I was looking for. Have a great time until next time. Best wishes, Michael
  10. Thx tk, for finding out. So only the last note is missing in the changelog ;)
  11. Upgrade is in progress, could you please check if problems are solved? If not I can request support from Invision Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Michael, I think that you are asking for the "Follow" function - it's really well hidden (some years ago this was an obvious function for me, meanwhile even I have to search in the user manual having only the name in mind...) Press MENU+EXIT to enable/disable follow mode Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. main.asm indicates that these are the 1.9h sources: https://github.com/midibox/mios8/blob/master/mios/main.asm Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Earlier
  15. Where can I find the MIOS 8 sources as version 1.9h? I can only find version 1.9g on Git: https://github.com/midibox/mios8/tree/master/mios Thanks, rio
  16. as i know, it is only based on ASM (core8), but it has long long been prepared on a rudimentary C basis. but not implemented. This is unlikely to change officially.
  17. Hi Forum, my current workflow is like this: Most of the time, I create a 2 bar pattern for notes or drums with a 32 step pattern length and when playing around with the sequence and sounds I need to change from steps 1-16 or 17-32 manually using the Step button. I wonder if I could change this in a way that according to the current step of my playing sequence the shown steps change automatically. This would be great, also in combination with the BLM/Matrix extension for a better overview of the sequence. Please let me know if there´s just a setting hidden in the menu of the SEQ or if I need to dive deeper in the code, I do have some programming knowledge but I have always prefered using the SEQ rather than programming it. See you. Michael
  18. Sorry for the late reply, we were in holidays :). Andy notified me about this and we talked yesterday about it - midiphy would like to pay for the forum software upgrade. Best regards, Peter
  19. @lifeglug I'm interested in the MB-6582
  20. Hi, I checked options, and come to the conclusion that the only way to get rid of this issue is to update the forum software. Unfortunately this won't come for free, a new license would cost US $105... :-/ Not sure if we could get the money via donations, there are not so many active forum members anymore like some years ago Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. @xarolium I had similar list of errors the first time I compiled. I can share the changes I made in the settings from the guide if you want. Hopefully I will get permission to upload images again, that will make it easier to explain. Hal
  22. I thought this guide from 2016 maybe was too old and obsolete, but it worked in the end after adapting to the Github repositories from the old SVN.
  23. Hi, I am trying to add images to posts, but I get an error message : "Something went wrong, try again" When I try to add images by dragging, I get this error message : "Sorry, an unknown server error occurred when uploading this file. (Error code: -200)" When I try to add an image with "Other Media" I get this message : " [[Template core/global/forms/uploadFile is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] I have tried to find something in the Profile and Account Settings, but I can't find anything about the Theme. Best regards, Hal
  24. Hi, Could someone help me with compiling the latest midibox_seq_v4 app. Because I have two 4xI2C modules, I have to change this in mios32_config.h // configure IIC_MIDI #define MIOS32_IIC_MIDI_NUM 4 The 4 needs to be changed to 8 I haven't updated since V94 I used to have this set up, so I could copy paste some lines in CMD, but it doesn't work anymore. I followed this instruction when I set it up I think... http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=windows_mios32_toolchain_core Is this still the way to do it? I think it's for Windows XP Can anybody direct me to some new current information on how to do this now? Cheers, Hal
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