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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. I built a SEQV4 for @C4M, now he has troubles with saving on the SD-Card... the sequencer itself makes Files and Folders on the SD, but when it comes to the user who press "STORE" he get an Error --- it could be Software-Bug... why i come to that conclusion, please read our PM-Traffic: (RED: C4M, GREEN: ME) I can select the track I want to save (Track 1- 4) but when i try to select a target it says "Bank #0 not available" , I tried to save anyway, choosed a name for my project, pressed save but there is a message " SD CARD ERROR / E131 (FatFs: D 5)" I find this topic but I don't understand a thing honestly __________________________________________ did you formated the sdcard on a pc with fat32. and if so do you have deleted all partitions on it (sometime there are preinstalled hidden drives on sticks and cards). do you use a small sd card? its better to only use cards <=4.5gb. try to delete all folder and files on the card with a card reader first. if not working delete all partitions make a new and format with fat32 filesystem. if not try a other sdcard. hmm didnt remember there was already a card inside - sorry! check: is the card a small one? (<5gb?). if yes: take it out, plug it into a card reader (extern or laptop in dont matter). then delete all partitions. make a new partition. format the card with fat32. plug it into the seq again. if not working - try a other card. if still not working then: make a software update... i will give you instructions - but try the steps above before and give me feedback. mbr is right (gpt would be wrong)... i am a linux and win user... in windows you have to delete all partitions and then make a new one. then format with fat32about the hardware file you are right it has to bebon the root of the sd. 1gb cards are recomment, 3 or 4 should beworking also. the card isnt write projected? (the switch). a and dont use sdhc micro with adapter - take the big formfactors... then download miosstudio: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_studio/MIOS_Studio_2_4_9.app.zip connect seq to mac, start mios studio, select the midiports, type in the miosterminal field " help" . a bunch of settings apears, one of them shoulf format the card. to update the os stay in mios studio... and upload the hexfile for wilbas frontpanel, find it inhttp://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_096.zip then give me feedback msdos is the right format. qestion: by typing help you got any format disk options? sorry for the late answers i was until today in the mountains with poor telecom.... last plan is that you send it back to me and i check the electronic.... after formatting and putting the hwconfigfile on it, and after trying to save with the error msg, and then putting the sd card in your mac again: what did you see on the card? only the hw fild? or has the seq slftware built a folder or files on it? did you try to save some seq settings? if there are folders or files on the card we can say that its not a hatdware fault (99%) ok... there are files on the card, so it shouldnt be a hardware error (because hw error cant write files on the card - at least this is logical) ... i will start a tread on the forum with the content of our communication... looks to me like a software bug - where outhers should help.
  2. possible to add a Midi PC TX option in the settings? i know there are more then 128 Sessions on a loopa ;) .... so maybe send a "Bank 0, Bank 1" in addition if you go over 127 Presets. If the Bank is a problem, just transmit Session 0-127 (minimal midi compatible to most synths or sequencers, that would be enough) @ the moment the looper is my masterclock, and it also should send a programchange - after loading a session, in a live situation on stage it would make live much easyier...
  3. thx... have more detail to the problem i think: the Bootloader switch was in "bootload" position everytime... i did because, in this position it booted up normal - so i guessed... now after i give it that 330ohm resistors R102 R101, --- it dont boots up in the same position because it is in "real" bootload position.... after switching it to the other side the problem is gone! ---good to have a functional bootloadswitch in this time... because in some month when i need it in real (hacking into code maybe) - i would come in some serios trouble - because of thinking the switch do its job - and the MCU which is fix soldered - is gone or something THX
  4. interesting, i tested the loopa, without case & with that without the SWITCH i now soldered in the two 330OHM resistors... now it is working --- maybe this changes when the device is assembled again... i will report (also i will destroy usb cable to see the power draw :) )
  5. i dissambled the thing now to get to the core pcb --- it is set to 3.3V' yes.
  6. in about 24 minutes the video with the problem showing is up here:
  7. i always connect midi first --- at last i give Power over USB.... i dont hot swap ( i do now because of workaround reasong - to get the loopa booting It doestn matter if a midi IN is Connected or not... so focus the Topic on this without connecting anything on MIDI IN: When there is a Midiconnection from any Loopa MidiOut (DInSocket) --- to a synthesizer --- then it dont boots up >>> no Midiloops because no Input Connected on the Loopa. Its not hardwarestress on the sockets or some Hair-Cut PCB Failure ... because - if the Midiconnection is pluged out on the Synth-side ... and the cable is still plugged into the loopa --- the loopa boots up! Ground loop: i rotated the 230V power 180° of my synth - doesnt matter I powered the loopa via a 2A USB PSU - doesnt matter I powerd the loopa via a Lenovo T440P laptop on Battery without connected a PSU (so its isolated from any loop!) - doesnt matter so no ground loop here. when connected to my laptop - and the loopa is not booting up - i dont see the loopa in mios studio (no bootloader mode or mios32 entry here) & it is not the cable itself: i have tested 3 different ones (one bought from thoman), and 2 i made myself (thick sommer cable, neutrik connectors...) & when i trickked the loopa to boot up (hot plug Midiout after booting) - it is running normal - it receives notes, and it sends notes . ( as far as i can say, since it is a new device for me)
  8. what can that be?: * the loopa is totally unconnected... then plugin usb cable --- loopa and display boot up - normal * the loopa is tottaly unconnectet... then plug in midiIN1 or 2 ---then plugin in usb cable --- all ok * the loopa is totally unconnectet... then plug in MidiIN1 or 2 ---then plugin in MidiOUT1 or 2 or 3 - but without connecting a synth on the other end --- plugin in usb & loopa boots up - all ok * the loopa is totally unconnected... then plugin midi''IN1 or 2 --- then plugin in MidiOUT1 or 2 or 3 - connected to a NordRackII or Dipcore - plugin in usb & loopa dont boot up (power led blinks 7 times i think, then it stays on power) when i then disconnect the Midiout plug after a time it boots up the last case, isnt pysical stressed --- i connect on one of the midi outs with a loose cable (without a synth on the other end...) --- then it boots up normally. i tested it with a Nordrack III and DipCoreV2 (cc-looper) workaround for now is to connect the Midiouts every time new before booting up the LoopA ---- but i dont want to stress the MidiSockets for ever....
  9. it took me a long night ---but --- i finished my loopa now: some notes to the video, and build up: on the start of the video i saw on your video footage that you had stuffed PD11 --- i think on later video minutes it isnt stuffed anymore (and thats is correct, since with the jumper cable stuffed you are in bootloader mode forever) on the lcd capter - a bit confusing - it came to my mind - i saw that you solder the package together without removeable female headers... or at least it looked like it... i nearly did that... i hadnt that tiny m2 toax screwdriver at home... lukely i had fitting flat one... the fix solderd lcd i dont like (specially i got headaches when the lcd dident come up - because of bad PSU - i thought i had to de-solder the thing ) its much easy to put the white button caps into the button, when the button already sits in the pcbs! ( i scratched my finger with one of the Button-legs...) a good place for a Bootloader-switch is above the Reset Switch... the display has sharp edges that scraped my plexy window while mounting it and position it... so stick the plexi with tape on the top case bevore (i dont think the plexi part was in the video) most of the times the displays dont startup (stay black) when the loopa is connectet to my lenovo t440p --- on 2A usb wall Supplys it starts everytime... Missing parts: 8x Beilagscheiben (only 8 deliverd) - so i only stuffed them in the inside of the case (base pcb mount on metal case) 3x Nuts, where 1 was my fault (gone to floor...) so i think 2 where missing (to bad that i have thousends of m3 but not one m2 nut) its ease to destroy the winding of those m2 standoffs-outside windings... when you suddenly found a m2 nut - and its a stainles one.... i must say its not the easyest project... specialy this clever sandwitch... i had to assambly and disambly the things many times... next time it will be easyer... the video method i like, but on some points - i whish i had normal website and still pictures (aka assambly manual) --- specially when my internet connection is bad again... I like the look and feel of the device! i made a timelapse while building... so there will be a video some time...
  10. bevore starting a external jamsession - its time to integrate new hardware, check devices health status, and check: are all cables in the case.... --- short timelapse.
  11. thx me too... feels like there are too much possible projects sometimes... ---luckely finally all loopa parts (mouser delayed) are arrived - and i can begin to integrate it to a Guitar-Synth --- some kind of Footboard to remote it. so me and my guitarist can jam together more better...
  12. 10year old track, and some stop motion night sky videos....
  13. ok when height dont matter than this is the only replacement at the moment: (2,54mm, 2Row, 10 Pins, Female, Thruhole, without cutting a more pinned header...) https://www.mouser.at/ProductDetail/3M-Electronic-Solutions-Division/929975-01-05?qs=bX1%252BNvsK%2FBrGbqaIqQvrfA%3D%3D i phone mouser now.... to change my order... want to start solder ;) not to wait. EDIT: mouser munich - nice - ok will get it soon ;) thx
  14. is there a alternative forhttps://www.mouser.at/ProductDetail/te-connectivity/5-534998-5/?qs=xDp7PGUNC%252bs6ZU%2FXKidt5w==&countrycode=DE&currencycode=EUR this part bis delaying most of my parts.... 21 weeks leadtime
  15. prototype is running... with some modwires... so the pcb has to be changed a bit. i made a video on: how to upload bootloader, app, and buil app and so on for the DIPCORE:
  16. i made a video how to flash the bootloader to the dipcore, how to build a app, and how to upload the code.... and how to build a FLASH-Adapter... (Timelapse)
  17. ok i want to order the metalcase kit with the old caps - since i am in hurry... how we do that? - i have registered on midiphy.
  18. it was again this cc1 link thing.... - now working "ln -s /home/inet-stick/midibox/gcc-arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.4/cc1 /home/inet-stick/midibox/gcc-arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/bin/cc1" (then restart!) and in Environment variables the LCD was missing: now Working... i hope i never ever have to install a new linux... but badly the day will come - and the horror begins from new on...
  19. hi...was looking on midiphy - and the essential kit with metalcase is out of stock, while the metalcase itself is in stock. (maybe because of the button caps?) i have a band project now where i dont only play the beats, but also the bass now... so i need a loopa.... when i buy a kit without case: is there a describtion to place the right LED-Leg-Length - in order to build the ready soldered pcbs into a metalcase later? thx 4 advice
  20. i am working on @Antichambre dipcore... on other platforms (OSX) its working... on Linux from my side - i always have problems to set it up.... i remember: my environment variables and path is: the toolchain is in here: make --trace return me: Antichambre & Me teamviewd half yesterday but didnt find out... ...maybe someone can lead me in the right direction. thx
  21. what a toy - in a positiv way...
  22. can underline this... a big SMD make less work then THT (when thinking on the BLM 4148 leg bending actions...)
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