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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. cant speak for MB NG... but http://www.midibox.org/mios32/manual/mios32__enc_8h.html#aee5965aaa49ffc200ccb21763546635c && http://www.midibox.org/mios32/manual/group___m_i_o_s32___e_n_c.html#gac8d4a1c02157a171de0059047a99c815 found in /home/inet-stick/midibox/mios32/trunk/mios32/common/mios32_enc.c how many pulses a detended type have? i remember in the forum there was a question about alps types... cant find it right now...
  2. hallo, mit dem LPC17 kann ich dir helfen, Bestückung - alles bis auf* Ethernet-Buchse, Brückengleichrichter (wurde USB-ge-powert) Das Ding hat einen mit MIOS-Bootloader-vorprogrammierten LPC1769 REV C Microcontroller drauf. - Die Programmiereinheit (zum erstmaligen Programmieren von MIOS) hab ich nicht mehr. EDIT: hab grad eine geschenkt bekommen ;) Das Core verkauf ich nur als einheit, weil sonst kein Nutzen für mich. 1x DIN R5 habe ich: Bestückt mit C1-C4 und den Widerstandsnetzwerken, der Rest fehlt. 1x DOUT R5 habe ich: Bestückt mit 220OHM Einzel-Widerständen und Wannensteckern, es fehlt eigentlich nur: 3x IC Sockel und 4x die ICs selbst -die 595er (von den 220 Ohm Wiederständen hab ich noch mehrere hunderte...) Die MF hätt ich auch für ein 32Channal Pult mit ALPS fader... das bau ich mir aber selber - sorry ich lebe in österreich.
  3. i cant get it working, tryd for ours (meanwhile for days...) i want to read the J5 Pins periodicaly (want to read a IR-Sensor) that should do the job: void APP_Init(void){ MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(4, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_ANALOG); } void APP_Tick(void){ s16 state = MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet (4); MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("val: %d ", state ) ;} MIOS-Monitor print: val: 0. Its No Hardware Issue, since: When config the J5 Pins as DIN or DOUT, i can get and set them with no problems && when using J5A/B in combination with APP_AIN, i get "normal" values (>0!)... ... also i all different variations in mios_config like...: #define MIOS32_AIN_CHANNEL_MASK 0x00ff #define MIOS32_AIN_CHANNEL_MASK 0x0000 #define MIOS32_DONT_SERVICE_AIN 1 #define MIOS32_DONT_SERVICE_AIN 0 #define MIOS32_DONT_USE_AIN 1 #define MIOS32_DONT_USE_AIN 0 also if i try to set the Pin Value (joke it) MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet (4, 3); and then make a PinGet, i become 0 ( && J10 do the same when set to PIN_MODE_ANALOG!!! bug?
  4. i try now to mod it this way... going directly with analog signals to STM32F4:
  5. ok, the LED gets 4,6VDC on its Circuit and 2,5VDC direct on the LED... it is Switched by DOUT, (so it only Lights when the XYZ Dome is activeted on the UI) maybe they switch the LEDs on of frequently, to find out what is ambient infrared Radiation in the room, and make some software offset... i dont know
  6. hey. i started a wiki: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=xyz-ir-controller its the last peace of my Photon X25 Midification... it could be the hardest part... the Controller uses one IR-LED as Sender, and 4 IR Transistors to receive the Axis (while Z-Axis is some Delta of all 4 Transistors) I painted all Traces on the PCB, and the Circuit is pretty Simple: ... the datasheet of the ICs says that the uses a 24Bit Audio Stereo ADC from Alesis which runs on Wordclock.... (still aviable for 2,9dollars...) http://wiki.midibox.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=phatline:al1101-datasheet.pdf i defintivly have no glue how or if there is a way to interface that to the Midiboxworld..., ...maybe i will end up by removeing the ADCs, and go directly in J5A of Core32F4... but maybe i understand something completely wrong... it could be that the LED send some Signal (not just ON all the time), maybe its necessery, maybe not... how ever, i ask you for help, or your thougts. - mike
  7. Phatline


    form my wikis
  8. From the album: wiki-phatline

    © Phatline

  9. From the album: wiki-phatline

    © Phatline

  10. From the album: wiki-phatline

    © Phatline

  11. From the album: wiki-phatline

    © Phatline

  12. hi i used J5 for LED Indication, and one User-Button, see this: MSQ-CC-BCR i used this code for Initialisation: void APP_Init(void){ // LED: initialize J5A pin1-3 & J5B pin0-3 as outputs in Push-Pull Mode int pin; for(pin=1; pin<8; ++pin) {MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(pin, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_PP);} int a; for(a=1; a<8; a++) { MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(a, 0);} //Turn off all LEDs // MOMENTARY-BUTTON initialize pin 0 of J5A, as Digital input with internal Pull-Up MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(0, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_INPUT_PU); } as exemple - in app background, for reading the J5 States: void APP_Background(void){ // Set Bet Structure without LCD but with PIN 1 of J5A static rythm = 0; // initalized once // check J5 pin 0 for changes static s16 count = 0; if ( MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet(0) == 0 ) { count = 500; } if ( count != 0 ) { count--; } if ( count == 1 ) { rythm_count++; // count thru switch ( rythm_count ) { case 1: rythm = 3; break; case 2: rythm = 4; break; case 3: rythm = 5; break; case 4: rythm = 6; break; case 5: rythm = 7; break; case 6: rythm = 9; break; case 7: rythm = 11; break; default: rythm = 13; break; } } } if you want to Activate a J5 with the variable rythm_count from above (switch thru the LEDs), put it also in APP_Background for example for( x=1; x<8; x++) { MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(x, 0);} // Turn off all LEDs switch ( rythm ) { case 3: MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(1, 1); break; // Turn on one LED - Indicate rythmset case 4: MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(2, 1); break; case 5: MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(3, 1); break; case 7: MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(4, 1); break; case 9: MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(5, 1); break; case 11: MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(6, 1); break; case 13: MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinSet(7, 1); break;} break; i am still unsure what you mean with USER-Button, if you mean one of the onboard buttons, i cant help you... stil i dont see a need to use them to initalize the J5 GPIO... i would do this in APP_Init hardcodet, or with a other DIN... however thats it from my side.
  13. where in the program did you put the "pin changed" code? i am pretty sure that you have to initalize the pins in the app-init, as a Digital input before.. if you have time till the day after tomorrow, i am not at home right now...
  14. or could J19 (SPI2) reused, for a second "J8/J9" like SR "Chain"? (has this already some one done, which app?) J16 cant be used because of: so maybe not... && ....By the way this is the Keyboard Layout...: and thats the midibox stuff... its getting pretty full in there ;)
  15. i have a small 25keys keyboard here (alesis proton x25), i managed to get the keys velocity sensitive to working, the connector is 1:1 to the DIO-Matrix ---lucky me! but i run into the problem that the code uses: #define MIOS32_DONT_SERVICE_SRIO_SCAN 1 which disables my normal Shiftregisters for Encoder I cant use the J10 or J5 for it, because they have to less pins, and they are already used for other stuff anyway... How can i use the Shiftregistors? ... i have 4 DIN and 4 DOUT Registor in addition to the MB-DIO-Matrix I read that in for example the MB-KB code: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This hook is called after the shift register chain has been scanned ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void) { // -> keyboard handler KEYBOARD_SRIO_ServiceFinish(); // standard SRIO scan has been disabled in programming_models/traditional/main.c via MIOS32_DONT_SERVICE_SRIO_SCAN in mios32_config.h // start the scan here - and retrigger it whenever it's finished APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(); MIOS32_SRIO_ScanStart(APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish); } i dont know what that mean? should it still working then? i found out, that i still can activate LEDs, and i get the DIN-States, however i dont get any ENC Values The Hardware itself is functional since i debugged it with tutorials/015_enc_absolute i am pretty sure that something in here, break the enc routine: void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){ // select next column, wrap at 16 if( ++selected_row >= MATRIX_NUM_ROWS ) { selected_row = 0; // increment timestamp for velocity delay measurements ++timestamp; } // selection pattern (active selection is 0, all other outputs 1) u16 selection_mask = ~(1 << (u16)selected_row); // transfer to DOUTs #if MATRIX_DOUT_SR1 MIOS32_DOUT_SRSet(MATRIX_DOUT_SR1-1, (selection_mask >> 0) & 0xff); #endif #if MATRIX_DOUT_SR2 MIOS32_DOUT_SRSet(MATRIX_DOUT_SR2-1, (selection_mask >> 8) & 0xff); #endif} } void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void) { // check DINs #if MATRIX_DIN_SR // the DIN scan was done with previous row selection, not the current one: int prev_row = selected_row ? (selected_row - 1) : (MATRIX_NUM_ROWS - 1); u8 sr = MATRIX_DIN_SR; MIOS32_DIN_SRChangedGetAndClear(sr-1, 0xff); // ensure that change won't be propagated to normal DIN handler u8 sr_value = MIOS32_DIN_SRGet(sr-1); // determine pin changes u8 changed = sr_value ^ din_value[prev_row]; if( changed ) { // add them to existing notifications din_value_changed[prev_row] |= changed; // store new value din_value[prev_row] = sr_value; // store timestamp for changed pin on 1->0 transition u8 sr_pin; u8 mask = 0x01; for(sr_pin=0; sr_pin<8; ++sr_pin, mask <<= 1) { if( (changed & mask) && !(sr_value & mask) ) { din_activated_timestamp[prev_row*8 + sr_pin] = timestamp; } } } #endif // standard SRIO scan has been disabled in programming_models/traditional/main.c via MIOS32_DONT_SERVICE_SRIO_SCAN in mios32_config.h // start the scan here - and retrigger it whenever it's finished APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(); MIOS32_SRIO_ScanStart(APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish); }
  16. i do have my own code for it, and did already pinout via gpio on a other project... now i have mixed lcd types... and the question was which typ i have to choose on the bootloader app for mixed types?
  17. TK about mixed CLCD/GLCD: maybe it is already implemented, the actual bootloader says: [2781.832] help [2781.832] Welcome to Bootloader 1.018! [2781.832] Following commands are available: [2781.832] set fastboot <1 or 0>: if 1, the initial bootloader wait phase will be skipped (current: 1) [2781.832] set single_usb <1 or 0>: if 1, USB will only be initialized for a single port (current: 1) [2781.832] set spi_midi <1 or 0>: if 1, SPI MIDI interface will be enabled (current: 0) [2781.833] set enforce_usb_device <1 or 0>: if 1, USB device mode will be enforced (current: 0) [2781.833] set device_id <value>: sets MIOS32 Device ID to given value (current: 0 resp. 0x00) [2781.833] set usb_name <name>: sets USB device name (current: 'Proton') [2781.833] set lcd_type <value>: sets LCD type ID (current: 0x00 - CLCD) [2781.833] set lcd_num_x <value>: sets number of LCD devices (X direction, current: 2) [2781.834] set lcd_num_y <value>: sets number of LCD devices (Y direction, current: 1) [2781.835] set lcd_width <value>: sets width of a single LCD (current: 128) [2781.835] set lcd_height <value>: sets height of a single LCD (current: 64) [2781.835] lcd_types: lists all known LCD types [2781.835] testlcdpin: type this command to get further informations about this testmode. [2781.835] store: stores the changed settings in flash (and updates all LCDs) [2781.835] restore: restores previous settings from flash [2781.835] reset: resets the MIDIbox (!) [2781.835] help: this page [2823.093] lcd_types [2823.094] List of known LCD types: [2823.094] 0x00: CLCD [2823.094] 0x01: CLCD_DOG [2823.094] 0x80: GLCD_CUSTOM [2823.094] 0x81: GLCD_KS0108 [2823.094] 0x82: GLCD_KS0108_INVCS [2823.094] 0x83: GLCD_DOG [2823.094] 0x84: GLCD_SSD1306 [2823.094] 0x85: GLCD_SSD1306_ROTATED [2823.095] 0x86: GLCD_SED1520 [2823.095] You can change a LCD type with 'set lcd_type <value>' [2823.095] Please note that newer types could have been integrated after this application has been released! lcd_type will set all Displays to the same Type (i think) i want to mix one 2x40 CLCD with 2 GLCD (SSD1206) on a STM32F4 core where to start? i bet i have to use "GLCD_CUSTOM", and have to write a custom driver - which i actually dont know how to. but maybe someone has already. thx 4 help
  18. Hi, uygroove 1. This is not a Tascam Support Forum! I just wrote a tool, to handle Midi-sync with any Analog or Digital Mixer that have not a Midi-Port. 2. You may turn that "Mode"-Switch from "Card-Reader" to any of the other Modes, and restart. (Helps?) 3. You may turn off Class Compliant Modes 4. You may put a new Firmware-Update-File on the Root of your SD-Card - Root (already extractet when downloadet as zip file, of course). And read the manual about firmwareupdate-process. have a nice day.
  19. my first Art-Music-Video, the story goes round the hamsterwheel it sadness and the escaping off it... there are also english subtitles! and also german subtitles (Because i sing in austrian dialect)
  20. Phatline

    C - Stuff

  21. Phatline


    From the album: C - Stuff

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