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Everything posted by monokinetic

  1. @TK wow this works really quite nicely. FYI I tried v4_095_pre14 on my STM32F4 based MBSeq. I observed the following: - when scrolling through the options using ENC #7 it seems to go min/middle/max/wave. When set to wave there's a full voltage range triangle type wave coming out of CV, is that intended? - once I scroll through to the end of possible values using 7, the last value is Max:. That seems a bit weird over here. When I initially scroll to Max I get almost 0 volts out of the CV channel, then if I touch ENC #8 the offset value on screen jumps to -3700 ish! At that point I get the full voltage out of CV. I guess this might weird out the interpolation a bit? And I started to scroll ENC #8 to get it back to around 0 but it was taking ages and I gave up :) Otherwise, this change seems great. I have used it to play a couple of basic patches from MBSeq to my modular and it seems really accurate, excellent work, as usual! Tiny feature idea: could presses of GP8 cycle through min/0/max offset? for quick changes? Cheers David
  2. Aha OK makes sense. Yeah the cores are cheap enough to make splitting tasks between them worth it IMO. Not sure which type of MIDI control you mean. The Lemur interface is using NRPNs from memory, so any other interface could use that I guess. I'm not sure of the status of CC control, I've not got things hooked up at the moment, otherwise I'd check for you. Prob best to check the code if you want to be 100% sure...
  3. FWIW I use MBCV2 regularly on an STM32F4 core and an AOUT using MAX525s, and I have some DOUTs doing gates. It works great in my DIY modular synth. Everything you described in your post sounds like it is doable in my experience. Whether you even need the second core running NG is debatable, that'll depend on how you want to connect to the Behinger (which I'm not familiar with, so can't comment). I wouldn't say it's a dead project myself, super usable and the interfacing with Lemur is amazing. Good luck with your project!
  4. Great thanks for confirming. Now I know all about Micro-match :) I've added some value versions and luxury versions to my Mouser order for testing.
  5. Hooray for rain! Looking good, the only thing I see in there which I don't recognise are these "micromatch" connectors. I guess any male 1.27 pitch connector with the right number of pins is suitable for making ribbon cables. I was thinking of using something like these, what do you think?
  6. Yeah, and the feature list makes me go whoa! Looking forward to this one
  7. Adding some photos. As you can see, PCB is still in airtight shrink wrap, all kit components in sealed bags (packed by smashtv himself!!), Heindrich case sealed in plastic, LCD windows in nice tissue paper and unscratched! So everything is basically as new and ready to build, just add LCDs and your CORE and MIDI PCBs and you have a complete unit :)
  8. Still available: OPL3 and 2x DAC chip set 15 euro MBCV 1 from sonicwarrior 10 euro PIC Burner + cable - 15 euro I'm located in Prague, the Czech Republic. Prefer bank transfer, but can do Paypal if you pay fees. IM me if you're interested in anything.
  9. Thanks for all the info on how to adapt pyBLM, that pretty much seals it for me!
  10. Wow excellent news, thanks for taking the time to do this and contribute it. I was contemplating whether to go the Launchpad route or not and this encourages me to go shopping soon :) I was wondering if it would be possible to use the extra row of buttons to send some MIDI messages, and if so I would suggest something like Program Change messages, which could then be used to control the phrase/song, assuming the MBSeq is configured to respond to them in the Ext. Ctrl page. This is the one thing I find myself missing from using the Lemur BLM extensively. Just a suggestion.... Cheers!
  11. I know you mentioned the testaoutpin to check connections, but have you tried caliaout? That might be worth a try when the Seq app is running, you can measure the exact voltages on each output. Otherwise could you provide details on the type of track etc that you are configuring in MBSeq to try and test your AOUT_NG? Is it a note track, what is the output set to, and so on. Good luck
  12. Great work, I really hope there will be a way to get our hands on these. I'd love a few strips of this!
  13. Interesting, I didn't know that. I have one more LPC core that I plan to stuff. Does anyone happen to know if LPC1769 revision D, currently available on the embeddedartists site, is compatible with LPC core? They claim that: "the expansion pins (2x27 positions) are mechanically compatible with the original design" but I'd like to check if anyone here has experience with it before I order.
  14. Personally I find the pattern mode really useful, especially when coupled with "save and take over patterns". If you haven't tried it, it enables you to assign changes in your song to the 16 GP buttons. For each of the 16 slots, MBSeq stores mutes, can send program changes and mixer maps and then trigger 4 pattern groups (i.e. choose 16 tracks). You have 16 slots like that (i.e. 16 changes) per song. I used it for a live set earlier this year and it was great, sending program changes to all of the midi kit we controlled was pretty much instantaneous and with 3 MBSeq songs set up like this we jammed for an hour. I'm not sure if that would match your snapshot concept, but I'd give it a try. It enables you to decide the structure of the song pretty live IMO :)
  15. Yeah amazing work man, I've been using this sequencer since version 2 and yet still your documentation taught me some cool new tricks! Thanks very much indeed :)
  16. Interesting discussion, and I agree with most of the points. But in regards to this: There is currently an open request for providing a dedicated Rec button for Step and Live recording mode. A possible enhancement of this button function would be, that the first push just changes to the Jam page, and an additional push (resp. whenever we are already in the Jam page) will enable/disable the recording function. Does this make sense? Personally I think the advantage of a dedicated record button is to be able to quickly toggle between recording state and playing state. So you could hit record to quickly drop into record mode for the last 16 steps of a 64 step pattern and add some notes, then hit record again to avoid recording over existing notes as the pattern loops. Instead of your suggestion, I'd make the shortcut to the Jam page a key-combo with the Record button and another button, for example press Menu and Record or something similar to quickly jump to the Jam page. Otherwise it is still minimum 2 key presses to get to into recording (currently 3) which I find slows down my workflow. Just a suggestion!
  17. Oh how I have tried to resist, but I just can't take it any more :) Please put me down for a PCB (BLM and minicore) and case at minimum. Depending on how pricing works out with other things I may even get tempted into a kit.
  18. Are you sure your 808 clone accepts +5 to +15V CV for velocity? That is a weird CV range. Usually its 0 to 5 or 10V, or -5V to +5V in the modular synth world. FYI the last 808 circuits I played with (more than 5 years ago, so I may not remember correctly!) had an accent in, which changed volume to a louder sound. But that was just a different trigger in basically, not a continuous CV control. Which 808 clone are you using? Have you asked the people who made that clone how the CV in works? As standard an AOUT usually provides 0-10V range in the CV output. There is a balanced out expansion, which gives you -5V to + 5V. The AOUTNG includes the circuitry for balanced out already i.e. it can do 0-10V and -5v to +5v. Either way, you could use some opamps to change the range of CV to your +5V to +15V if necessary. If you think about it, it's just +5V offset from the AOUT's 0-10V. 16 gates will require a DOUT2, it's 8 gate outs per chip. J5 on the CORE8 as mentioned only provides 8 gates. Both provide +5V gates and I've triggers lots of modular stuff with Midibox, no problem. Have you done a basic multimeter test to ensure that you actually get a +5V trigger from your Midibox when you send it the correct MIDI note? What did you try already? How was a Midibox involved? How did it not work? That information would help people to understand the problem :)
  19. Hi TK, cool, that would great when you have time. David
  20. Hi TK, all, I'd like to connect some cheap DACs to an old MIOS8 MBCV1 project for some basic CV control. I noticed that the MCP4822 is supported in MIOS32 and discussed here: http://midibox.org/forums/topic/18413-aout-dac-chips/?do=findComment&comment=161527 But I don't see much info about MIOS8. Is it possible to use the MCP4822 with the older hardware? Thanks in advance
  21. Amazing work, I've been dreaming of something like this for years! I would be very interested in PCBs and a front panel. The final case bits I'd prefer to sort myself, in a ghetto poor musician style :)
  22. TK, Rowan, thanks for the tips! Yeah I noticed, shame wages aren't doing the same ;-)
  23. Do any EU Midiboxers have any known sources of 25 pin cables where the pins are connected 1-to-1? I've bought 2 cables now here in Czech and both of them only have 6/7 pins connected to do parallel printer connections. To get these line drivers working I need all 25 pins connected, and I'm lazy to DIY this, for once :)
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