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Everything posted by DrBunsen

  1. That's not a LED matrix, this is a LED matrix.
  2. Don't show stryd_one that control panel or you'll never get it back :D df74_1.JPG
  3. There have been many different chips used for sound in Macintoshes. I can tell you right now that the LC630 is 16 bit and 44kHz stereo. The first Macs were 8 bit 22kHz mono. I have no idea if they're even part of the same chip family, or from the same manufacturer. In any case, they're not that interesting from a MIDIbox point of view (IMHO), as they've just PCM - they just play and record digitised audio to/from RAM.
  4. Interesting link is interesting They even namedrop MIDIbox :D
  5. It's no fancy-pants Art Lebedev Optimus OLED display in every key concept keyboard, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper. Luxeed Dynamic Pixel LED Keyboard
  6. Hi Eric, The point cimo was making is that the license for MIOS and all apps based on it is for non-commercial use only. But it sounds like you've got hooked up with the right person anyway :D Another place your announcement would be most welcome is in Analogue Drum Modules Welcome to our little part of the world.
  7. Mmmmmm. Pass the maple syrup ;D
  8. I like them too. Sautéed with a seeded mustard and sun-dried tomato gravy is my favourite.
  9. I agree. Great idea, lousy implementation. As for getting a freaking Apple tattoo - that's just sad. Even I'm not a big enough fanboy for that.
  10. Get yourself one of these under-$100 NAS boxes, rip out the PCB and go nuts: the Linksys NSLU2, the Synology DS101, the Iomega NAS100d, the D-Link DSMG600 http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Main/HomePage Or, if you want Wifi built in, go for OpenWRT and devices to match - same price bracket.
  11. :o Damn cimo, I'm now giving serious thought to flying to the US just to see that show.
  12. Film canister ... pretty .... :P The 8 divisions around the outside even divide nicely into 16.
  13. Although to be fair, I added MBuntu with a late edit, and Nils might have got in before me. It just sprung to mind, and seemed obvious. Electrobuntu? Ebuntu? EEbuntu? (Electrical Engineering)
  14. Knobs received, Melbourne Australia, yesterday. Very nice they are too. I wish I'd ordered more now!
  15. How many people are really interested in this? / raises hand What are the chances of linux being your primary OS? Minimal - I have a Mac :P If this is a works-out-of-the box development and hacking environment, I would absolutely dedicate a box to it. strictly midibox / other goodies / like AVR, arduino, Synth-DIY, etc YES. It would be daft to have a distro like this, and have to leave that environment to work on something slightly outside the MBHP What features or apps would be a "must have" for you? Circuit simulation with audio output; speaker design and modelling; simple 3D CAD; support for low-end PCs & legacy hardware What would you really like to see? Google apps integration; MacPPC version; DSP design; "lite" version; architectural acoustic modelling; lots of emulators; an RT-kernel; virtualisation; audio/MIDI over Ethernet/IP What would be a dealbreaker? If the DAW overcomes the Workbench Are you an ubuntu hater? Love it Can you help if we do this thing? / puts hand back down I'm picturing an installer that gives you these options; Basic audio; full dev Full audio; basic dev The works. Devbuntu / Hackbuntu / Benderbuntu / Midevuntu / MCUbuntu / DSPuntu / Ebuntu / MBuntu
  16. Pretty big image files! We've been capped for the month *AARGHZOMG* so these are taking forever to load. Can we have some previews plis? ;D
  17. There's a kind of contact cleaning pen you can get - it's filled with some non-destructive cleaning fluid and the tip is fine abrasive nylon.
  18. I like! Some white labelling would match the LCD panel. And those handles are ... phat
  19. If money were no object, my army of nubile solder bunnies would be doing all my MIDIboxing for me. And bringing me mint juleps and shoulder massages.
  20. /raises hand. But don't wait on me. I'm having a hard enough time paying for stuff I've already ordered!
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