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Everything posted by DrBunsen

  1. I love the machine-gun styling; the only thing I could suggest would be to consider tilting the keyboard assembly a little to the right (from the player's side) to put the keys at a more comfortable angle for your right hand.
  2. Pure aluminium is highly reactive. In the real world, aluminium is so durable precisely because of this reactivity - it instantly forms a layer of aluminium oxide as soon as it is exposed to the air. This layer protects the pure aluminium underneath from the elements - and apparently from adhesives as well.
  3. Donated, before reading the "target reached" post. Keep it for next year's hosting :)
  4. What sort of price are you getting on that?
  5. Sparkfun have icecubes! US$1 - $1.25ea They have many other switches, and their prices are okay.
  6. Search? Search! Search search search, search search search - search search! http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midiboxfx_-_midifiying_analog_gear
  7. Sounds extra funky. It's not a bug - it's a feature!
  8. Isn't AFM a proprietary method of Yamaha? Suggestion: start with a rack version of one of the AFM synths, and build around it.
  9. Have you seen the modular Frac-SID on MB Of The Week? You'll find a few other relevant threads by hitting "Search" and entering "modular SID"
  10. If you're using clear laminate, you won't need to cut any holes for the LEDs. I think that's what Futureman was getting at :)
  11. Excellent! Just because you're budget, doesn't mean you can't have wood 8)
  12. Hellooooooo MIDIbox Juno clone 8)
  13. 606, Simmons SDS-8, System 100, Digitech Studio Quad FX, voice samples from turntable; bamboo windchime, stormy night and the first tram of the morning through Tandy PZM microphone - recorded live in a single pass to DAT (32khz longplay), and then accidentally mastered at 44khz. So about 1/3 too fast and high. http://www.archive.org/details/SampledSynthesis02 Track 9: bunsen honeydew; wedded bliss
  14. I think the idea of having a separate controller keyboard, and remotely controlling either rack or keyboard versions of your favourite voice architecture, is worth considering. That way, you can have your controller regularly cleaned, without risking any possible damage to your voicemakers. They could be mounted in a sealed cupboard or rack to minimize any additional dirt from reaching them.
  15. A MIDIO128 should do the trick, if you are happy with no velocity (ie note on/off only). Personally, I'd be far more interested in getting MIDI in to that old beast, especially the drums :) General hacking information on your keyboard is possibly here. Muahahahahaha!! DO WANTS!! If you do turn your lovely wood-cased Casio into a controller, then there would be lots of space left inside for other hardware. For example, an MB64e for controller knobs, or a SID/FM for a self contained synth. Then you can mail me that drumboard ;)
  16. And yet you're happy to replace with chips you know will fail in time? I'm not advocating or recommending the acetone method, just reposting an interesting curio. It's up to Juno owners to make their own judgements about their own equipment. But given that they're removing components which have already failed, what's to lose? Your suggestion about allowing several days to dry is a sensible precaution.
  17. I just discovered this post on Matrixsynth about a possible method for repairing dodgy 80017a boards. Essentially you soak it in acetone (nail polish remover) until the epoxy comes off. That's it :o Considering how useless the faulty modules are, and that you'll have to desolder them to replace them anyway, could be worth a shot. I'll just repeat these here for convenience:
  18. Narwhal: Are you in "the LA area" yourself?
  19. Lovely. Now we just need to hear it! ;)
  20. Big envelope, little anti-static bag, itty bitty chippies. :D Thanks.
  21. Sounds like a job for .... midibox!
  22. I'm loving your taste in interior design :D
  23. Might want to check out Music From Outer Space and their guitar synth kit - it has a pitch to CV section, from there, a CV to MIDI will get you SID tracking. The kit looks like a nice lil guitar synth in its own right
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