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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Sorry guys but remember - NLX's PSU does not only run the +/-12V power but also the 5V... You might want to select your LEDs and LCD before the transformer.
  2. Dude awesome. Thanks for the vids!
  3. How many keys? If it's just a few, maybe you'd like to extend the existing matrix... if it's lots, maybe you should use a second core, and not slow down the SID...
  4. This is about 99% offtopic distraction: You could run an AOUT from J5... But I'm sure seppo is right, and you mean AIN. DIN = Digital Input = On/Off input, EG a switch DOUT = Digital output = On/Off output, EG, an LED AIN = Analog input = 0V...5V input, EG, a pot (a joystick is two pots) AOUT = Analog Output = 0V...5V output, EG, a CV output
  5. Nah you'll need to write your own code, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how easy TK has made it for us. If you scope out the programming examples, the MIOS function reference, and some C tutorials (I like "The C book") then you'll be firing in no time.
  6. I could be wrong about this, but I don't think that the MB64 keeps the state of all the buttons in memory.
  7. Heh, you say "on smashtv" like it's a store - it's not really, smash is a midiboxer like us, who's nice enough to have what amounts to a permanent bulk buy going on :) The stuff he stocks is top grade, you will be happy with it I'm sure.
  8. Oops I may have just screwed up... I was editing the subject to say DOUT instead of AOUT... In your above quote did you mean 4 for AIN and 4 for DOUT? What's the actual aim here?
  9. stryd_one


    Welcome aboard mate :) Don't worry about asking questions at all, we're here to help you. You'll find lots of cool info by searching and browsing the wiki, ucapps.de, and the forums, and we can help with anything that you're missing. Except brains, I've lost mine. Has anyone seen my brain?
  10. Oh I think you misunderstood. Using tags is good, but there's a right and a wrong way to use them. Using "pots" as an example, if someone searches for "pot" then they will get both... But if they search for "pots" then they only get "pots". This is why plurals are bad. Also, it makes sense to have a uniform naming protocol across the site, which means that if you use plurals, you should always use plurals, and sometimes that does not make sense. Seeing as we already have a search engine here, it's best to use the tags as a way to interlink similar posts/threads. This means that if you run a search and find something *close* to what you want, but not quite right, then you can click a tag to find similar threads. So, it's best to just tag things which you find are related to one another, or things which are frequently asked, so it's easier to find related answers quickly. But the trick with this, is not to create noise. For example, if we have a tag named "circuits", then in theory it should appear on just about every post in this forum, which makes it redundant. Best not to use it at all. I hope that explains it a bit better. In short: Use tags. Only where it makes sense.
  11. I prefer my feedback to be more musical and less intrusive ;) Visual feedback = lights. You still get that from the quiet switches. tactile feedback = feel in your finger. You still get that from the quiet switches. audible feedback = a clicking noise that has nothing to do with your song, and/or, you hear it in your music. You get the latter, and not the former, with the quiet switches. Yummy. Try auditioning a hihat with a noisey tact switch and you'll see why it's a pain... Or when you're doing a mixdown and trying to focus on high frequencies... or when you're trying to pinpoint a click in a sample or an instrument recording... I could go on for days....
  12. Damn dude that is extreme. I know what it's like to lose everything, it can be hard, but it can also be really refreshing - you get a whole new life ;) Hang in there bud!
  13. Heh, the EPS needs no additions for that kinda sound... Compander = Compressor/Expander
  14. Oh cool :) I hope we can help if you need it!
  15. Sounds awesome! I hope I can share a tip, and ask a favour: Tip: Search for MBFX on the forum ond wiki Favour: Can you share your VCR schematics pleeeeaaase :)
  16. Two problems.... One: He already tried that Two: That document needs updating because that define is already in the new versions of MIOS. Any volunteers? :)
  17. Exactly... Makes me wonder if they can do a run of n*20.... Although you'd think they'd have them already, if it were possible...
  18. Totally dude. Have a look at the C examples for code that lights a LED. I spent wayyy too manny hours of my misspent youth staring at those oil lamps and laser beams :) PS, Ghetto is good.
  19. seperate core/display/buttons etc, yeh.... Sorry I shoulda been more specific. Essentially another box. Sorry bro :( Uhm, anyway I broke two of my own golden rules. Shoot me. 1) I didn't copy and paste the filename. It was mmd_timer.inc. Shoot me. 2) I was not patient. If I was, I would have read the code, and seen that it already has MIDI sync built in. Set the BPM to 0, and it's driven by midi clock. You can start bowing to TK.... now. And shoot me. :D Tasty code snippets: ;; if BPM is zero, the delay will act as MIDI slave. Stop timer in this case movf MMD_BPM, W bz MMD_Timer_BPM_Stop USER_MPROC_NotifyReceivedByte ;; if MMD_BPM is not zero (not in MIDI slave mode), ignore incoming clock movf MMD_BPM, W skpz return ;; check if MIDI Clock, jump to MIDI clock handler if true movf MIOS_PARAMETER1, W xorlw 0xf8 skpnz call MMD_CORE_ClockHandler return
  20. Thanks dude! Take your time, as always with me there's no pressure and no rush - we love the site no matter what, just keeping you informed of our discoveries :) I have noticed the recent stability increases, it's great work you're doing. I'll hold off with the "fixes" until you're done, just shout out when you need anything done, or when you are ready for us to tinker with it :) I think your priorities are in perfect order.
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