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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. That ain't right. Should be 5V when not pushed, 0V when pushed. Your breadboard doesn't look like the schem to me....
  2. stryd_one

    seq v2.4d

    Nice work! 2.4d, phew, oldage :) Dig the ghetto stylee, shout at me in the chat if you need a hand mate. Would be great if you could share your code afterwards too!
  3. Definitely a yummy device. I'm just too po' (Can't afford the 'or' - Big L joke for y'all.)
  4. Might be worth PM'ing smash on this one... there will be some concept behind the change I'm sure. If I see him in the chat I'll draw his attention to it and he can look for your message.
  5. Yep totally. Actually it will probably behave anyway because of the wparam flag (SDCC peculiarity) but it's definitely best to have it like you said so the compiler is happy...
  6. If you can handle a bit of ASM, there's the example app there which demonstrates best use... You put the Get in the user timer handler, and just save the values to a variable, then read them back and manipulate them in the user tick.
  7. Whoever's hand that is, don't touch me there!
  8. Well, that doc is actually intended to show something in particular that is common to both types of AIN connection.... but it's not about mux'ing.... That is an error, but it's in an irrelevant kind of spot... Look down and left a bit , a hint is in the big red capital letters :D Perhaps, maybe the AIN and core are both powered with 5V directly from an external regulated PSU. Anyway that's not relevant either... Soooo you're surely thinking by now, "What IS relevant then?! Stop being cryptic and bloody tell me already!" :D Well I'm actually being intentionally cryptic! It's not because I'm just naturally tricky, it's because the PDF is also cryptic... and soon you'll see why... the hint is in the title .... Do you know what AUAIMBCTG means?? :D
  9. No need to assure me buddy, I can see that it is true already, from some things you said in your previous posts :) Don't worry! It takes a while, because there is a lot of info. You'll get there soon :) Then custom DIY equipment such as midibox would be perfect for you :) Your plan is solid, and it sounds like you've got perfect help locally, and lots of people here too. I'm sure you'll succeed :) Reading about your concept, I do think that perhaps a customized application would be most suitable for your needs. Of course that takes some programming skills, but seeing as your friend knows C and may be able to help you there, and seeing as alternately you would probably need to learn a little bit of PIC ASM (which is a more difficult language than C) to modify the MB64 and MIDI apps, it might be a good opportunity for you to learn how to program in C.... that is compounded by the fact that there are very good DJ controller apps in place already which use C... HTH!
  10. Yeh kinda... the pins are tied to +5V normally, and when the switch is on, it allows the 5V to flow to GND (via the resistor, otherwise it would be a short circuit) instead of the PIC pin, That code was intended to show you how to use an AIN as a binary input... doesn't really apply here... plus, you're trying to set the pins 0...3 which you have configured as an input ;) AIN Notify has nothing to do with it, you are not using the MIOS AIN functions any more, as you have used the J5IO module instead, to interface those pins. Anyway, those pins should be tied high with no switch in place, so you should be reading 5V from them. Check your wiring... (you can post a pic if you like!) Firstly that is not required as J5IO does that already (in the init as I think you've guessed). That probably breaks it (in addition to the above issues). Code-wise, just follow the example app, and you'll be set. Secondly that code does not support newer PICs like 4620 and 4685. HTH!
  11. Fixed, thanks mate! http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios&path=/trunk/lib/ Not much to see there anyway ;) It'll be automatically added to your app at compile time, if you use any of it's functions.
  12. I'm glad it helped. I see you got a bit offended by the other guys and although I understand why, I really I don't think you need to feel that way.... knowing them as I do, I can assure you that there was no animosity intended in any of the above posts. I guess it's a tough situation for all... as the guys said, this is a subject that has been 'done to death' in the past. If you imagine that someone's been slapped in the face a bunch of times, then you walk up and wave at the guy, he might think you're about to slap him, and duck and give you a dirty look. Then, you go "hey don't look at me like that" and now noone is having any fun... If you read through the forum you'll see the reasons these guys reacted the way they did. When so many people have threatened to harm midibox in the past, it is bound to cause people here to be fearful. Regardless of all that, all that they have said is indeed true, so I hope you can accept it as just truth, even if the truth hurts a bit. I would be lying if I told you, that I didn't fear that the same would come of this thread, as some of the others that preceded it. I'm glad that such fears were unfounded. LOL. Well, just like a marriage, in this day and age it is not really cool to expect your partner to obey your command... However, and again just like a marriage, if the two parties respect each other, there will be no "order/obey", it will just be "ask a favour/do a favour." I guess midibox is just a big group of people who take turns to give and receive favours. That works well, unless one person 'takes' a lot and never 'gives', and that's one reason why selling midiboxes is no good... There is only so much love to go around, and if one person takes it all, then they leave none for anyone else. Woop, there's a new post... My sentiments exactly.
  13. That is extremely unlikely, and I think I can safely say that it will not happen. It would help if you stopped making the suggestion that we are so quick to hand out a ban, because we are not. As I've said to you, we don't want to ban people and we will only do so if we are forced to. Still, if you want to improve your experience on this forum, then you only need to improve the manner in which you treat the forum. Like I said in the PMs we exchanged, if you slap someone in the face, you can expect them to respond in an unpleasant way. Now, again I am repeating myself... stop talking and start reading!
  14. LMAO at those last 3 posts!!! OT: 9:11:4 sounds great. One of my faves.
  15. A lot of people feel that way at first, because they are applying traditional commercial methods to a non traditional non commercial unit, they have trouble adding it up. Makes sense I guess, it's not like very many things in the world can be obtained for only the cost of materials and your time (or else a Big Mac would be 20c + 1 minute at the grill!). As such it can seem alien to some people. Regardless, if they're good people, they'll respect the wishes of the person who gave them the box in the first place, anyway. The simple answer to this is that you didn't pay for the right to resell the midibox as you see fit, you paid for the right to build it according to the non-commercial DIY license which applies to it. Honour, respect, adherence to the license. In my own opinion the former two are of far greater importance, and I guess that's linked to your next question: Well trick question there, it's like saying "what can possibly happen if I drive my car at 200km'h?". Maybe you'll hit a tree, maybe you won't, maybe you'll hit a pedestrian, maybe everyone else will do it too and noone will be able to cross the road, maybe nothing... it's hard to say.... The consequences could be very minor, they could be great. But, like driving at 200km/h, there is a good reason why people say "don't do that", and it's probably best to play it safe and not do it ;) If TK provided you with an exception to the noncommercial license than that would be fine. Honour, respect, adherence to the license. It could not be done in a constructive manner without a license exemption, as the license protects the community. Respectful posts, probes or otherwise, are always welcome, and do not need removal. Edit: the same does not apply if people turn those respectful posts into flamewars!
  16. Welcome aboard G! sorry to go offtopic here, but I am a little concerned that you may not be feeling very welcome at the moment, if you have been reading the other posts on the forum. Please rest assured that although your answer is similar ("go read some more") , the situation with you, is not at all like that with julienb. I can tell that you've done some homework, and appreciate it. Just a little bit more reading, and you'll be set! Anyway I'll get out of the way now so others can answer your technical questions with the extra info you gave. Cheers! :)
  17. http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmodules%2Fglcd_font%2FREADME.txt See, answers are much better if you paste logs :)
  18. Much better! I know exactly what the problem is here, you haven't included the font table in your app. I'm searching for the link now....
  19. Uhmm... <insert swear word here> I thought I'd pulled my name off that list... I won't leave you high and dry TK, don't worry, I will purchase them regardless, but... If anyone wants some of mine, please feel free!
  20. hehehehe I think you mean: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwP3EVPzrkk[/media] Like this: (IE, just copy from your address bar when you're watching, and put that URL between youtube tags)
  21. Local on/off is extremely important to have if you want to use your synth with an external sequencer (including a PC), or in any environment where complex routing is required. Good on you for making the patch, I hope they take it on!
  22. Heheh it was mostly joke I think ;) Yeh 'techno' could be lots of time sigs really... But remember it's not just the drums that define the rhythm.....
  23. This is the kind of bollocks that's really annoying. As has been pointed out: This is not to mention the various wiki pages and forum posts that have explained this in great detail already. If you've read the webpages, or if you haven't, it's going to be obvious. Don't take us for fools. I will not engage in further discussion with you on this matter. Stop talking for a bit and go read some more. If you keep being lazy and stirring up trouble, I'll move the posts away.
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