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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Thanks for sharing it cimo, and I assume this means you are having some success - Yay! Can I do the dance now? :)
  2. Sadly, 'when you bought it' does not always relate to 'when it was made'. What revision is it? Edit: sorry my bad - you said produced not bought. It's probably fine... check the revision anyway, can't hurt :) I wonder if your friend used HVP mode? I saw you post in that other thread. it's good to team up, but be careful not to hijack :)
  3. MySpace is teh ghey. hehehe seppo is on the right track though......
  4. Well that works too, but what I'm trying to say is, there might be a better way than making a gigantic controller, depending on use case.
  5. No, not at all. perhaps you should re-read my posts. This is more like: Car amateur says: I want this ferarri to drive my 8 kids to school Experienced mechanic says: Maybe you'd be better off with this minivan, but I need to know more about your situation to give you good advice. Clearly from your reply to me and mr_DK (who is probably right, by the way, you really would be better off with encoders, especially with the software you want to use) you don't want any helpful advice, so I will wish you luck!
  6. Thanks for letting us know jimh. @DW: when you read this bud.. welcome to the dud ticker club. Hope everything pans out ok man :)
  7. Sorry, you said it was for testing.. If you want to connect the switches directly to the core but not using J5, you're up for some coding... Are you familiar with C or ASM?
  8. Ahhh, it's a 4620 self-bought... did you get one of the revisions that doesn't have the EUSART bug? It will help a bit to find out what programmer your friend used, as it will allow me to suggest an app that is commonly used and known to work 'out of the box'
  9. That rules. Someone had to say it. Damn where's my rolleyes smiley?
  10. Strange thing to do.. why [color=red][/color] instead of copy/pasting the [quote name=stryd_one link=topic=13002.msg110747#msg110747 date=1234802342] [/quote] Or just using the buttons....? anyway.... :) Usually, the idea behind reducing component count (and therefore size, cost, complexity, etc) is to use a banking scheme... So like, you'd have your 8 tracks with three knobs and 3 buttons (for example) on each, and switch between the banks to get at track 9-16, 17-24, etc. The reasons are pretty obvious: you only have two hands, your range of vision is only big enough for a small area, moving your hand from control, to bank-switching-button, and back to a control, is faster than moving your hand from control to another distant control... etc etc... Having used both big desks and small ones with switching capabilities, I can tell you that in a live performance, even if you ignore the massive difficulty in moving a huge controller to your gig, and the fact that most venues don't allow space for such things at their consoles, you'll still prefer the smaller switching controller, for the reasons mentioned above. If you're finding the BCR's bank switching cumbersome, I understand - but that doesn't mean that the concept of control switching is flawed, it just means that the bcr's particular implementation does not suit your style of performance. Perhaps, rather than making something impractically large and cumbersome, you should consider taking advantage of the prime reason for DIY - custom design. For example... how ofter do you change the sends on more than one channel at the same time? Probably never... So, just have ONE set of send levels knobs, and have them send for whichever track you have selected. Another: How ofter do you change the master levels during a set (should be never!! or your PA guys will rightly think you're a pain in the ass!) in this case, you can have a 'page' setup, for the master section, which takes up the whole controller. these are just examples off the top of my head... What would or would not work, really depends on how you use it, and only you know that. Look, there is a reason why most desks have send levels on every channel. But it's not practicality. It's nostalgia. Back in the day when these things were analog, there was no other option really. But now you have a lot more flexibility in your design. Make use of it... but to do so, you need to think outside of the box someone else created (the normal mixer layout) and start thinking about what you really need. don't take a step backwards into design world from 50 years ago, step in the direction you really want to go.
  11. 99 times out of 100, New guys who think they need a squillion knobs/buttons/etc, don't really... Why do you need so many? Cascading 3 cores should not be problematic any more so than 2. Have a look at MB-Link No, they're in PIC ASM. You could maybe write some in C, but that might be too slow. Best to write your app in C, and use the existing drivers. Yes :) But you can probably use a lot less (again, thanks to the flexibility of the platform).... It depends on your use case... We'll see... It depends on your use case... We'll see... Tell us more :)
  12. Hah 1.2 is old as dirt. It's not so much the bootloader, as the version of MIOS that's on it. If you've (somehow?! it shouldn't be possible) managed to get the latest MIOS on that old bootloader, you've done a bad thing and not read the read me file. Otherwise you're also running ye olde mios. The GLCD drivers built into mios have definitely been upgraded since then, among other things.
  13. I split this from the Origin Topic because I dn't think it's quite the same, although similar... I think you've got the right direction here, that the PIC was probably not burned quite correctly. Perhaps it would pay to use one of the apps commonly used like winpic800 or picpgm, as there are instructions around here to tell you how to do it. I never needed to worry about all the other drama that way...
  14. What are you trying to test? the core, or the switch? Either way: J5
  15. Not sure which ones you mean.... got a pic?
  16. That's perrrty :) I can see the future... years from now.. a newbie asking "why are there no pics in this thread?" offsite doco... </broken record>
  17. Great stuff jack, thanks! ...but you've definitely put it in the wrong place! The SVN playground is a place where it's safe to play around, edit stuff, *delete stuff*, etc. Hey, at least it's onsite data :) Thanks :) Please see the post directly above yours for directions on how to get stuff uploaded to the wiki. Edit: I'm an idiot... if you uploaded to SVN, then you must be in the programmer group, which means you can upload to the wiki yourself! You should create your pages under a public section (not just under your name) and upload them....
  18. Not to mention Australia. Fair enough. Devilfish ain't the only mod though. But I get your point. Agreed, but you won't midify it in that case. DIN sync is only sync. The only control you'll get out of that, is start, stop, and how fast it goes inbetween. I don't think it'll suit your purpose. hell, don't worry about it ;) I think julien hit the nail on the head. What you need is a x0xb0x or similar.
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