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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. This discussion is over 20 years old at least, and still going nowhere fast. I'm gonna quote one of my favourite movies lines ever, courtesy of John Connor: Are we learning yet?
  2. That shouldn't work, are you sure that's what you typed? It's important to copy and paste, not type - see the link to the golden rules of troubleshooting in my signature :) Anyway that should run a program called c:\perl.exe, which i'm assuming doesn't exist, and then c:\perl.exe would run mk_syx.pl in the current directory, and supply midibox64.ini in the current directory as an argument to that perl script. So, I'm pretty sure that's not what you really typed. What you'd want is something more like: perl mk_syx.pl midibox64.ini with both the perl script (.pl file) and the ini file to parse, in the current directory. That will use the PATH environment variable to locate perl.exe, and use those two files in the current directory as parameters. I should also take this opportunity to point out that C:\ is not a temporary storage area and should not be used as one. ;You should move these files to C:\temp or something similar. XP doesn't create this directory by default, so you should create it yourself. Note sure, but if you post the contents of the file in here it will help! :) If you use code tags (like quote, but different - use the # button up there next to the quote button) it will be easier to read.
  3. Sorry mate apologise for editing your post... we have to be mindful of the fact that some lazy workers and dedicated midiboxers read this from work ;) Thankyou for giving me a good reason to be unemployed right now... if I'd have opened this thread at work there'd have been a giant masturbating girl image staring at my whole open plan office. Then I probably would be unemployed anyway :D
  4. Just a small thing worth mentioning: Sockets are not to be ignored. When you test a PIC pin's connection to a trace, there are actually a few points you should test: The joint where the trace solders onto the socket pin The pin on the other side of the joint (underneath the plastic part of the socket) The pin on the top side of the socket (where the PIC pin plugs in, above/inside the plastic part of the socket) The PIC pin inserted into the above Not only should you test for continuity, but if things seem a bit weird (which they do here) also test for resistance. It should be very low (theoretically it would be zero), and the same every time you test it. If it's a bit higher than other joints, or if it changes, you have a bad joint. Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to make sure you're testing it right... Keep following Wilba's instructions :)
  5. Yeh well... It looks similar on a machine but I'm yet to find anyone who can replicate these brainwave patterns manually, who thinks the light and sound approach is very similar Oof not good. My Dad had to revive a guy in basically the same situation who had a seizure and choked. I hope all were OK in your instance too. But this is pretty hard proof, that the light+sound approach, like the drugs the guy took, has it's merits... Or Demerits, if not used wisely................
  6. What's really interesting here is that, in a great leap from normal wacom behaviour, as if doing non-graphics-related control surfaces was not great enough; this looks like it's not a controller, but an entire instrument, with the audio goodies on board.... and even more than that: no NI logo or anything, so they've gone in-house with the computer and the software...WTF! Definitely a massive shift in business model for wacom.....
  7. I noticed her traps first... that doesn't come easy, someone's been working out a lot. What really got me is the 'here' link! ahahahhaah scary! Ontopic man, thanks for sharing the cool label :)
  8. Google binaural beats for one fun example... It's a long known fact that sound waves can in fact be used to manipulate your brainwaves towards certain states. Just how useful these states can be, depends entirely on the person... I guess you can think of it as being like giving someone some nice running shoes... But if they don't know how to run with good form, it won't help them run any faster. And no tape can show you how to run well, you have to *do it*. That's ignoring all of the more obvious stuff (psychological manipulation rather than neural modulation) that is used in things like TV and radio advertising every day, to try and warp your brain into thinking you want to buy something you don't actually need. Often these tapes are a mix of the two... but to be honest 99% of the time they're 'snake oil'. If you're really interested in this kind of thing I'd suggest going with the tried and tested method of meditation. The idea behind that being simply that if you learn about those mind states and can get yourself there under your own steam, you'll actually know what to do when you get there. This it the *do it* part, that I talked about before. If you're spiritually minded, I'm unaware of any spiritual path that does not include it's own form of meditation, and if you're not, you should think of this as a breathing exercise which uses your body's own natural mechanisms to relax your mind. Zen meditation is probably the least freaky hippy thing of the lot, doesn't involve any kind of prayer or predetermined 'right' way to do it, it's pretty simple. Just breathe.... Hopefully that'll give you a good starting point. If you find that it's something you're interested in though, like all learning, it can help to find an experienced teacher.
  9. Man I've seen hares before but that one is a whopper! I wanna see him do a pancake bunny, but with a wedding cake :D
  10. Very tidy work, nice one! I'm interested about the panel and the switches.... That's a nice colour!
  11. Oops some edits there... Mike is a midiboxer type like you and I, so he'll be with you real soon. It's not a 'ring the bell for service' kind of arrangement :) Yep your image is correct! As for the resistors you need to work that out per your LEDs. Wilba made a really good post about this so I'll leave it to that thread...Try searching for 'LED current resistor' (no quotes) lemme know if you can't find it.
  12. Ahh yes, that's how a matrix works.... To size it down a bit: X----%----% | | C D In this ASCII art the % are LEDs. If you put 5V (+) on the 'X' pin, then you would be powering both LEDs right? Well, if you want to light up *only* LED 'C'... you need to put 0V (-) on pin 'C', to create a circuit... But you have to make sure 'D' doesn't light up right? So on that pin, you put 5V (+), then there is no circuit. It's + and + on either side of the led, so it does nothing. BTW, a matrix can do the same in reverse, applying a common (-) to both LEDs and creating the circuit by applying (+) to select. Because the DOUT pins can be 0V or 5V, you can do like the above. So indeed as you said: Well, that's only if you make a circuit :) In this particular case, the 595 in the middle of the PDF, is used to select which two (one each on left and right side. That's just to balance things out nicely for the PIC) out of the 8 displays are to be updated. Then the 595's on either side light up the correct leds for your numbers. You'll often hear them being referred to as a 'scanning matrix' because obviously you can only light up two digits at a time. This is overcome by doing two, then the next two, and so on - 'scanning' through all of the digits. It happens fast enough that it looks like they all stay on. I dunno, matrices are confusing at the best of times, but this seemed like a good example to talk about it. I dunno if I just made it more confusing :D
  13. I think that regardless of your stance on global warming, and/or human influence upon it, or upon the inaction of governments and each individual on the planet in response to this 20+ year old issue, and/or there being any chance in convincing anyone by taking part in this, and/or there being any benefit in doing it because it may be too late and that may not be such a bad thing after all... It's good to take a long look at ways we can improve our actions, and being more efficient is probably a good call, whichever way you think about the above matters.... So turning the lights off for an hour is a pretty easy shot at it. It won't hurt. Personally this won't make any difference at my house, I always have the lights off...... Hint; take a leak and grab a drink and get your remote control/mouse/whatever handy before you turn off the lights.
  14. Great stuff stever, thanks for sharing it and especially congrats on your publishing :)
  15. that's correct... mind you, it wasn't done in ASM, but in BASIC... so, if someone were to do it properly, and/or perhaps use a certain fancy new 32 micro powered dev board, maybe they would have more luck.... Hypothetically if I were to know someone in that situation I would tell them good luck from you ;) Wink, nudge, etc.
  16. Yepper they're common anode so should work OK. You might need to increase the value of the resistors on the cathodes because they're super duper bright.... BTW, blue leds may look pretty but they aren't too great for your eyes. No problem go for it. If it helps, you'll notice that the pins are also colour coded. If you connect green 'a' on the 595, to all the other green 'a's on the digits, and repeat that for all the letter/colour combinations, you'll get it right.
  17. Who is it that has that saying, about midiboxers being powered by beer, in their signature? ;)
  18. stryd_one

    My seq

    Nice! Keep us posted :)
  19. Sorry guys I edited out mike's email address so the spambots don't get it from here... I'll PM it to you, ssp.
  20. stryd_one

    seq v2.4d

    MESA II? I'd never heard of it prior to this post :D I'm curious! I grabbed a copy and although I can't try it out for real right now, I checked the manual and while I see that it's taken on several of the improvements that millennium brought, I didn't see any mention of the automatic keymappings (especially useful for drums and multisampled acoustic instruments) ... is it there? Actually now that I think of it... I have a feeling that MESA II was the version I originally had, and we just dropped the version number when discussing it. this page hints at the same, and straight out says that while the new MESA is better than the old one, millenium is the less-buggy better featured tool... Perhaps you copped a dodgy crack of millennium or something, and/or didn't get the updated exe...cause I never managed to break it... And most guys who've used MESA will tell you that it's hard to imagine any software being more buggy... it used to crash a *lot*... Damn I'm curious now!
  21. If you hit quote, you'll see it: [quote name=abcmann link=topic=13161.msg112652#msg112652 date=1237081851] what can you do with just 2 simple logic ic's ???? nothing big, but not "standard" and so just cool ^^ [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqAY62AP4K0[/media] [/quote]
  22. Such a charming name.... :-[ Someone needs to tell this guy that those keys aren't velocity sensitive heheheh ...and to give up the schems so someone here can strap it to J5 and make a MIDIf*box ;)
  23. Wow, pr0n++ :) None for me thanks just giving props where due!
  24. Hi ssp, Sorry to hear about your illness and I hope that recovery is continual for you. I understand that sometimes these things can place you in a difficult situation, so if you ever need a hand with something and you'd rather not ask in public, feel free to drop me a PM. Likewise if there is anything that we can do to improve existing documentation or our replies, please let us know. We'd like to make it as easy as possible for you. I hope that you'll forgive the "go read" response that you got here, and especially that it may (hopefully not though) happen again in future. Sadly, some people are just lazy, don't try to find this info for themselves, and they've set a bad precedent (which is why you got that answer from SLP)... So if we react to that precedent in your case, where it doesn't apply, try not to let it get to you, just give us a friendly little slap to remind us :) Everyone here is really friendly and will do their best to help you. Anyway, that aside, to quickly answer your questions: All correct. PIC18F452, or PIC18F4620. Yes. KS0066 controllers (which SLP noticed your LCD has) are compatible with HD44780 (which is the intended chip for MIOS LCDs). (it's on the wiki if you would like more info) SLP: Don't feel bad mate, you reacted in the right way to the precedent that's been set. I guess this could be seen as the exception that proves the rule ;) I bet you're glad you were friendly about it now though :D
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