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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. IMO this is a good opportunity and motive to fix the error of glued parts and missing headers.... While you've got it open... desolder, add headers, and proper cable ties. You're gonna have to do a bunch of soldering anyways.......
  2. Welcome aboard ssp :) Well there are two very different topics here... The first is an analog meterbridge, and yes such a thing is possible but being analog audio this is probably not the best forum for advice (although several midiboxers know about this stuff I'm sure) As for a midi meterbridge yes that's entirely possible. Of course you are limited to the bandwidth of MIDI, and by DP's ability to send the levels as MIDI... but if you can get DP to do that, a midibox app could certainly be written to convert that data into lit LEDs. You should probably start by looking at the code examples on ucapps for lighting a LED (you'll need some C programming skills but you can always learn it if you don't know it already), and at the DP manual to find out about how to send the data. HTH!
  3. Well I do get that you see a need to do it, it's just beyond me why that would be... I mean.. how'd you assemble it in the first place if it can't be open and connected? Whatever the answer to that question is, just do that in reverse order and you're sweet.... no? Can't you just disconnect the cable from the plug at the top or bottom of the 'clam'?
  4. Errr easy ideas... Uhmmm... let me think..... don't cut them! Why would you need to do that?
  5. Yep that worked :) Nana nana nana nana fat man, fat man..... Luck!
  6. That's why the midi spec includes tuning ;)
  7. Uh oh the autorouter question again. The consensus on autoroute is somewhere between "it's evil never use it at all whatsoever", and "it's evil, only use it to get a hint (after which you will rip it all up and lay out by hand), and only if you are fully aware of it's shortcomings so that you can tell when it is doing a bad job and accordingly use it as a guideline for what-not-to-do. (something it's far better at doing, than giving guidelines on what-to-do)" The short version is, don't autoroute.
  8. I already answered that in this thread. Instead of clicking the existing links and reading the PDF, you've clicked the link to resurrect a year-old thread to ask the question I've already answered. That's a bit frustrating!
  9. Pretty standard stuff, this is the same way we handle touchscreens... but it doesn't approach the 45degree axis rotation which is the real issue here.... :(
  10. The behaviour of voltage regulators has been discussed at length before, have a search.... Edit: a quote from the chat, just so you know: <stryd_one> i'm all for helping dudes who have had a solid search and obviously he is looking around because he's resurrecting 4 year old threads <stryd_one> he's just giving up too soon... Keep going, the answers are there :)
  11. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=questions_and_answers#what_s_the_difference_between_potentiometers_sliders_motor_faders_and_encoders
  12. I think this is the link you're after: Search J5_IO is a handy keyword. I have noticed you also asked a few questions about buttons pots and encoders, all of which are answered in the FAQ on the wiki... I think you'd do well to read around a bit more ;) It will be easier on us, and importantly you, if you do.
  13. Some displays should use an extra current limiting resistor... but if it's so close to the line that such a small adjustment as brightness could fix it, you should probably consider a more powerful PSU.
  14. question is: do you have the regulator, recifier, etc stuffed on the core? I don't imagine you do, as feeding 5V to a regulator (which needs 8 ish) generally does not work at all. If it does, have you checked with your meter to see if it's really 5V?
  15. Thanks SLP :) @clem (and all international users): Sometimes it makes sense to crosspost in different languages, and this is not frowned upon at all (unlike crossposting in the same language!) but it is best if you post a link to the other thread in each thread... I mean, in the german thread post a link to the english one, and in the english one post a link to the german one. This makes it easier for people to find info later on. We can use google translate if the search returns a good hit in the wrong language for us :)
  16. Exactly. I doubt that many musicians have had the kind of setups we do (lots of outboard), where fast and tight MIDI becomes a real issue.. In addition, many computer musicians these days have recently started using these tools... these two things combined mean that people a) don't know how good the old stuff was (ie, how bad the new stuff is) and b) wouldn't notice it anyway. Edited: 0 midibox, baby. 1 Atari/Amiga 2 Serial/Para PC/Mac 3 ISA PC/MAC 4 PCI PC/MAC 5 USB PC/MAC 6 Firewire PC/MAC Heheheh
  17. Welcome aboard alain :) Yeh you got it right. Sounds like you are saying that when all the LEDs light up it causes the box to reboot... Sounds like a BOR. if you are sure it doesn't only happen with certain leds (which could mean a short) then perhaps you need a more powerful PSU.
  18. F*cking awesome dude. It's so pretty, and you shared the files, and shared info you learned and everything... really a perfect job. Nice work!
  19. Well we all know I have 'issues' with USB and it's inherent jitter, and at one point I mentioned that a firewire MIDI interface might be nice.. The guys from ploytek heard about this and mentioned that firewire is not really suitable for midi due to it's own jitter-inducing design... Turns out USB is still the best option. (Thanks to ploytek and TK for passing this valuable info on!) Admittedly, the newer highspeed USB devices and superfast PC's are making this less of an issue. For example the jitter involved in buss arbitration on USB is a matter of say, a couple thousand CPU cycles... but those cycles happen a lot faster these days, so the real-world-time in milliseconds becomes less, and the issue is less apparent. Of course, it's still there.... but it seems to not bother most people. (It bothers me!) I have to admit, sadly, that it seems there is no future for realtime IO like ye olde midi/serial/parallel, in tomorrow's technology. I think that as bandwidths become higher we will see more and more uses of timestamping for these purposes. Unfortunately we are in the transitional phases of that concept, and although some protcols support timestamping (OSC for example), they do not support syncronisation of those timestamps, and there are no (that I'm aware of) standard specifications for how those timestamps can, or more accurately should, be used. Not to mention that timestamping introduces latency.... (You have to receive the timestamp before that time has passed, and hold on to it and wait... latency.) It's a dark day for musical instrument automation...... :D
  20. Quick search brought these: Building a MIDI 'keyboard' controller, microtonal scales definitions of the intervals Re: Request for comments: chords Enjoy! Nutshell: There are only two ways to do this: tuning data as per the spec, if your synth supports it which is rare; or pitchbend with your notes, with the pitchbend depth of the synth being predetermined by the device which adds the pitchbend, and manually set into your synth.
  21. Just while we were on the subject, this came up in conversation: "lucem: so, meters like 15 / 45 are possible" Now this, correct usage, highlighted for me a verrrrry common incorrect use of terms, one of which I am very often an offender! I don't feel bad though because I'm in a club of people doing this... uhm.. almost everyone is a member. I am sure I could be quoted as having said things like: "The time signature is 3/4" or "it's in a time sig of 7/8" or similar... No, it's not. "The METER is 3/4" or "it has a METER of 7/8". Correctly, or: "The time signature is a fraction" or it's time signature is in fractional form"... Now I guess it makes sense as fractional time signatures are the standard representation of meter... But still it's not right. Like I said, just because it came up... and Learning is fun. Anyway nILS gets gold star for first correct answer (mine doesn't count because I thought I was wrong!), lucem gets extra credit :D Go make music now... or code or something useful :D
  22. Sweet! Yeh I'm with Goblinz, the light on the knobs looks fancy :) Thanks for the onsite pic!
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