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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Right you are! :) Now we just have to wait for a MB64 expert to come along :) Short answer: Yes, but I don't know how.
  2. Hey, a lab is a lab is a lab. Right now, my most active 'lab' is a bunch of USB cables leading to a bean-bag in my living room ;)
  3. MIDIBoxes already have DIN sync features... If it's just sync you want, there's an easy answer :) If you want full midi control, I would say that the most sensible (faster, cheaper, safer) way to do this, would be to buy one of the already existing MIDI interfaces for the TB. I love midibox and all, but seriously, you won't do a better job than the devilfish mods, and it will be a verrrry long and expensive journey to replicate what already exists. Sure they are expensive, but if you own a TB then that is not a concern for you, and besides, you won't save any money by doing it DIY - the amount of time you spend DIY'ing it, will be time you could spend even in a low-paying job like McDonalds or working a checkout at your local grocer, and earn far more money than the cost of a devilfish mod. Of course, if the aim here is not to midify your TB, but to learn everything there is to know about digital and analog audio devices, then DIY is a great way to go - but be aware that you definitely run a risk of killing your extremely expensive synth.
  4. I think you mean (liquid) nitrogen. Nitrous (oxide) is laughing gas - something I need none of right now, while i picture an MBSID giggling uncontrollably :)
  5. There's nothing to argue: we both know you haven't done the tests (or if you have, you haven't posted the results) and if you want to avoid them so bad, it's your money! I agree with all that you said about the smashtv boards. I remember when smash had self-etched boards like mike too, so you're preaching to the choir. As I said, I do like the smashtv boards... but the mike pcbs are perfectly fine, they're made from TK's (the standard) layouts, they work for pretty much everyone, and they should work for you too. It's a waste to throw away a perfectly good pcb because you can't be bothered testing it. This is new information... If you're sure that all of it worked and then stopped working, you should start to un-do the changes you have made. But that's more testing, and why bother when you can just chuck it in the bin and start over? </sarcasm> If the power is an issue, the results of the tests you haven't done will hint at it. Starting from scratch may work, and using a smashtv board may help you to get away with some bad practices which got you into this trouble in the first place... Maybe ;) Personally I am inclined to fix it rather than replace it unnecessarily and maybe still not even fix it. Anyway it's up to you if you want to avoid the testing and run to a new board, but I think it's a waste. Like I said, there's nothing to argue, so just do the tests or buy the board already :)
  6. As far as I know only one or two people use it for midibox development. which is why there is only that doco - although it seems to explain what you need to do to get it working, it talks about SDCC integration, but not makefiles... I'm not sure if it's totally up to date/finished? That said, I'm sure Eclipse would be able to handle whatever we need. It is very full-featured - on the flipside, that's why many avoid it... it can be a bit slow and bloaty.... Is there a specific reason you wanted to use Eclipse? Depending on your needs and uses (cross platform, other languages/projects, OS, hardware specs), there may be preferable (lighter, faster, better language support, better documented, more midibox support, blah, blah) options....
  7. So, as we know the driver is good (it's not timings, etc, as it works on all other 6369c), it's all the stuff we already knew :P 15cm long cable is kinda longish.... All still comes down to connection problems... Yaknow it is possible you got a DOA though ...
  8. Hehe you're not alone bud... last version of an app I committed to SVN, right before I noticed doing the same thing. I hope java doesn't let you overrun the array bounds and crash the box like it did for me in C :D
  9. Well, as much as I like smash's boards, I have to say that you are a bit quick to blame the failure on the PCB. You really haven't done any of the testing required to fix the issue.
  10. No, you got it right. The ebay/small bear suggestion is for those who can't find the chips, not for those who have found them (with DW) and can't be bothered waiting. You'll have to check with DW, but if you put your name down, then he has probably taken money from his pocket to buy the chips, so pulling out would be ill, because you'll leave him holding your order. Obviously chuck, you already know this, but I'm just saying it to clarify my previous post for everyone else: It's not cool to back out of a bulk order. Seppo: You're right, and I'd feel the same too... Again, I think you already know this, but to highlight the issue for others: It's just something best left to a PM, to avoid the thread turning into a bulk-buy-organiser-bashing-session... As you know seppo, that's happened in the past, and always results in convincing the organiser to never again help the forum in that way... Then we all lose :( That's why I always jump to the defense of the organiser right away. :)
  11. Case in point: I also skipped the shower to cut code, and I have no wife and kids. Not surprising, they can probably smell me in the next suburb.
  12. I won't ostracise you, but I will correct you. Doug taking a long time, equates to 'slow', not 'unreliable'. Did he agree to a certain delivery date? Or are you just being generally impatient? Yeh, I know it's been a while, but there have been some extremely extenuating circumstances. Perhaps your reaction is because you haven't caught up with all the surgery dramas, etc. Just be patient.... Have those orders even started yet? I think what you mean to say, is that you are looking forward to the bulk order of these components.... Oh, I didn't realise that you are familiar with the details of running a worldwide bulk order. </sarcasm> The project reaching completion is entirely up to you. If you want to bail out before it ends, that's your call. Let's give dougie a break huh? If you want to say something to him, do it in the appropriate area - a PM. And keep it a bit more respectfully toned than this message, or I imagine it will be prioritised as "a whining n00b" and not "a curious customer". That's how I'd treat it anyway, can't speak for doug. My suggestion for a replcement message would be something like this: Hey dougie are you OK? Haven't heard form you in a bit, I was concerned about you. But that said, I give a fuck about Doug the human, and not parts. Your message reflects your area of concern.... Yes this is the part where you should hang your head in shame....
  13. Remember, that first pic is sideways - the screen should be vertical ;)
  14. I hope you don't mind that I edited your post to make the pictures easier (possible) to see. It's much nicer if you can host them onsite (attach them) though :) Oops my mistake, this is the deutsche forum and I can't edit.... Well, you know how to do it now :)
  15. Thanks for sharing :) Just a tip for next time, I think you wanted the 'fleamarket' forum, 'not sale requests' - this one is a place to ask TK if you want to sell a midibox.
  16. Hmm yeh I didn't notice that inset panel. That reminds me of some mil gear, where the faceplate is inset to the same depth as the switches... Idea being, if you drop it on it's face, you don't touch any controls.... Not sure if that was the intention though. BTW, are the ply endcheeks stained or?
  17. Don't be spooked bro, it ain't so bad. Getting some practice on less gnarly stuff as you said, is a great way to go :)
  18. case looks nice jooks, i realy like the endcheeks. Hey you might like to use the width setting in your img tags (Search for it), or better yet, attach them to the post, rather than hosting offsite.
  19. Copy and paste in here please ;) Sounds like it's not wired right.... Is it possible to take a pic or two? The existing driver should work, but just not support the full resolution. Worry about the new driver after you get it working with this one.
  20. Doesn't hurt. Yeh maybe it's obsolete on a forum, but It's easier to read/harder to 'miss' the dot too. I learned this crap from the military so maybe I'm biased, but I like it. :) Anyway back to our scheduled programming ;)
  21. Decided not to move all 16 pages, edited the first post to include a link to the original thread. (hope that's ok neb!)
  22. Yeh I was kinda waiting for a "here's my finished box" post so I could put it in there... I think it's safe to say foona ain't coming back. I'll move this thread over there.
  23. No, it's not complete because he didn't get the DINs working. Neb said it's safe to say he finished it, and I'm saying I don't think he did.
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