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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. I love those posts :) But are you sure?... If you are right, do you know which one?... The answer to both of these questions is "no", and that's why you will benefit from making one change at a time. You might like to click the 'troubleshoot!' link in my signature for more handy hints ;)
  2. About this... When I said "not recommended", I was referring to this text: Just thought I should paste this as it seems you missed it.
  3. What'd you do with pin 18 and 19 then? You can't just ignore them and hope they'll go away ;) The enable pin being held low, means that the LCD is always talking to the microcontroller. That's no problem so long as you're not running MBFM.
  4. Did you swap: Just the SR chips The SR chips and the boards they are in The SR chips and the boards they are in and the cables connected to that board Try them all ;) And remember - each test should be the result of ONE change. Be methodical, and record all of your results.
  5. LOL I know what you mean about the gymnastics! These were wise words; take note, newbies!
  6. 6V3 is another way of writing 6.3V, so 6V3DC is like 6.3VDC (as opposed to 6.3VAC). Sorry about that, was just following the conventions I saw in the few previous posts. Perhaps I should be following this thread more closely, if I get a chance to finish the code I'm working on today I'll read the whole thing. I think that what seppo is suggesting is that you are approaching/traversing the dropout curve on the regulator. It's a pretty steep drop, so usually you'll get either 5V or nothing, but there *is* a sweet spot where your input can be too low to give the desired 5V output, but not quite low enough to cause the output to drop out entirely. Check out the 7805 datasheet to find the graph. It is very rare to hit this sweet spot, but I've done it a few times. Guess it depends how unlucky you are ;)
  7. Hard to argue with those pics! hahah thats perrrty.
  8. Jeeepers, someone's been busy! Thanks again guys!
  9. Sorry to hear about the SID man. Regarding the datasheets vs reality 2+2=5 strangeness - that's normal. There are lots of those. The general consensus is to make it like how it looks in the c64 :)
  10. There has been much talk of the physically separate CS in the past, do a search for heaps of good info.
  11. wrap the stripped cable round the pin, solder ;)
  12. stryd_one

    Midibox CV

    Google Traduction: Soit Core V3 ou toute base SmashTV> r4 * est une bonne chose. Le ref de l'ancien AOUT est difficile à trouver, c'est une raison d'utiliser AOUT_NG S'il vous plaît se référer à des listes de pièces pour confirmer correct des pièces pour votre conseil d'administration. Original: Google translation: Either Core V3 or any SmashTV core >r4* is good. The ref for the old AOUT is hard to find, this is one reason to use AOUT_NG Please refer to parts lists to confirm correct parts for your board. Universal: RTFM ;)
  13. Don't sweat it bro, that was 10% serious lesson (which is mostly aimed not at you, but at <insert newbie's nick here>) and 90% jokes :)
  14. OMG it has a name? I always thought the most approximate term would have been "stryd has aspergers+OCD" :D
  15. Yep, that means you're on ID 0 which is CLCD. That should be fine. Great idea! But no need to desolder anything at all, just disconnect the IDC connector from the core, and make an LPT->MBHP cable converter thingy.
  16. Yeh that would be cool! Props to Rick and his co. for providing this at a reasonable price!
  17. [me=stryd_one]blames SmashTV[/me] <n00b> you blew up my whole city man, don't you know I have a school project due tomorrow?
  18. LOL. If you want to see if it gets you high, eat it... If you want to see if it washes your skin, rub it in... If you want to see if it cleans metal... Wear goggles, a mask, and gloves, and employ an extraction fan. Much harder to rinse the vapour out of your eyes or lungs. And always follow the safety precautions (printed on the side of the can?). They're not there because the company likes you, they're there because they're afraid someone will fuck themselves up and sue them. We don't care about the law suit but we care about you getting fucked up. That said, you know I have that experimental spirit too, and you know about my first experience with HV caps. We all do dumb things sometimes. I guess it adds adventure to our geeky lives ;) Still, if you wanna seem like a badass and get the girls, I'd recommend a leather jacket torn jeans and a red electric guitar, over a chemical lung scrub. But my oven-cleaning gloves are pink rubber, so WTF would I know about that :D
  19. Ahh good tip, I have one nearby... makes me wonder what other goodies those guys might have, hmmmmm ;)
  20. FYI If you're using FireFox just look in the address bar and if there's a feed for the page you're on, you'll see the little orange RSS icon :) Click it and you can add the feed. If you use infoRSS it will also detect the feed, just click on the menu and switch to it to get it in your status bar.
  21. If it's not even flickering, I'd be taking a good look at the enable line... The PIC ID is something I didn't think of, you should check that for sure! (you'll know, because when you uploaded you'll have set the PIC ID in MIOS studio)
  22. Heh no I'm not angry at bcbox, I have no idea what happened. I'd lay london to a brick that he's copped a virus or been hacked and has no idea it happened. Particularly given results like these: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/2cbe0d603772179418f42a4a31a80d6f Still, offsite documentation....... <broken record> :D If you're talking about the ban, that's for safety, not anger; It's intended as temporary quarantine, rather than punishment ;) Just until he gets a virus scanner and updates his PC, and has confirmed that he has eliminated any threats he may bring to us. bcbox has been active here for several years, and not posted a lot recently. I doubt he's some hacker who refreshes the unread posts page for a couple of years, just to see if his virus has been accepted yet heheh... more likely he is a midibox friend who won't want to see us grab any more nasties off his PC.
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