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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. The 'Edit' button is in the bottom right corner of your post ;)
  2. I wonder how hard it would be to make the line6 controller send appropriate messages to an external midibox? That way, you don't have to kill the line6...
  3. So... MBHP-LTC MIDI works fine on all those apps except cubase?
  4. Extend has been discussed elsewhere on this forum too. We're waiting on feedback from the ableton devs (who are nice enough to get directly involved with us, rules) to tell us about how it's going to play in with open-source/DIY/budget use (as compared to LiveAPI) Search the forum for posts containing ableton and sort by date, it won't take long to find :)
  5. Already in my modular seq design ;)
  6. Rust, moisture, dust, bugshit, static discharge.... you name it...sometimes stuff just breaks :/
  7. Me neither, very unlikely... but worth the two minutes of checking before spending $$ on a new LCD, (it just occurred to me, that you'd also throw out the old supposedly-dead one, after soldering in the new one - and fixing the cable at the same time... double bummer!) because... I have actually seen that happen... so yeh, quickly test, but .... the LCD is toast.
  8. Sweet project man. This has great direction :)
  9. Sounds that way... I'd still be looking at the cable... Sometimes a meter won't detect dodgy solder joints. Try measuring resistance on each cable before you splash out on a new LCD. If some have a very high resistance compared to the others, you might have a dry joint.
  10. That wasn't a silly question, there must be like 20000 C compilers out there by now ;)
  11. I'd pull all the chips until you have that fixed.
  12. Don't forget environment variables: For temporary change: SET MIOS_PATH=c:\mios\trunk SET MIOS_BIN_PATH=c:\mios\trunk\bin (These directories should be where you have unzipped the mios_base zip file!) For permanent change: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310519 Sorry for the English :(
  13. Actually, the point(less)er knobs look nice, huh!
  14. WIKIMARKER na'mean? That's good stuff.
  15. You should be testing DC not AC. If it reads >5.5VDC anywhere after the voltage regulator, turn it off quick!
  16. Clever! For all I can think of that sounds right... I'm far from an expert on these things...
  17. Why must you present so much resistance to his terminology. The impedance to fun is very powerful, we were feeling positive but you've really brought us back down to earth. Think of the signals you are emitting in the forum. You should isolate such thoughts in a volt to insulate us from a negative buzz. Of course, I'm not currently in charge, it's just my opinion, and I guess I am biased - you know I'm an anarchist so I believe that regulated power can still be evil, even if it does appear to be smoothed. Anyway, I haven't the capacity to continue with this matter. IC u l8r.
  18. Unfortunately the page doesn't help... HVP mode is initiated using the MCLR pin, it needs to be held to a higher than normal voltage (about 12V, depending on the chip). Those designs show how to connect the programmer to the MCLR pin on the chip, but there's no hint of what level the pin outputs from the programmer. Any programmer not running off a real RS232 COM port, will need some kind of circuitry to increase the >5V input, into the needed voltage. There is a big blue cap on that board, which may be a good sign, or could mean nothing at all. Have you emaled them yet? What did they say about HVP?
  19. Anytime dude. Now stop being so polite or I'll ban you! (Joke, I can't ban, I'm the janitor)
  20. It's a bit of a voodoo subject. You might be fine with a switchmode PSU, and you might need to add some extra filtering. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a linear PSU. Nothing to forgive. I thought I'd mention the bizarre (and hence highly visible) acronym for you to search with, if you wanted more info. If you do, you'll get a "go search" response :)
  21. I've just done a complete compile/assemble/link/burn/upload/run cycle. Piklab is lovely (not only for) for burning and works nicely with a smashtv JDM. This HTPC was the last machine I would have guessed to have a decent serial port. Gotta love asus. Someone with a new style mbhp-burner will need to test it, but the parallel port and a few tait (upon which the mbhp-burner is modelled) variations are natively supported. I'm sure it'll work. Likewise the PICKit and PICkit2 are supported among a bunch of others. sdcc is still sdcc, gputils is still gputils, MIOS Studio is still MIOS Studio. 12am and all's well!
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