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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Heh, DragonBall Z just called and said they wanted their hair back :D Just don't say I'm the one in yellow ;)
  2. That's just being passionate, and that never hurts :D LOL! As I said though mate, don't be scared off. TK has made it so darned easy you'll laugh. It's just a good idea to go into it well-educated. Kinda like driving a car, it's not that hard, once you know what you're doing... but if you put yourself behind the wheel of an F1 racer as a first drive, you might not have as much fun as you think ;)
  3. Usually you're right. Actually, usually stryd is right, *and* a little harsh. I think that's what gives him the harsh edge ;) That's the best way, no doubt. Takes longer, but by the time you order your real kits for your real device, you'll be half-guru.
  4. Be aware, those aren't "pre-soldered" kits like you said - they're DIY soldering. Kits just save you the trouble of making PCBs and finding all the parts for them. As for your most recent post... You do have too many of a certain module, but I'm not telling you which one. Why? Well it's either A) I'm a bastard or B) I want you to go read, so that you can learn all that you should learn before you start, and save you lots of trouble. Give you a hint: it's not A). Not today anyway ;) The other guys in this thread have told you to go read, for a good reason. Here's one example I will spoon-feed to you. You spoke of having 100 knobs. That is what we here refer to as a metric shitload of inputs (thanks to smashtv). When you spend a few weeks (yes, weeks, you read it right) reading around here, one of these days you will come across one of the many many posts by newbies, talking about gigantic boxes they planned to make. Sadly, you will also not come across many at all that have actually been completed (or even started!). Why? well, you will also notice that, in most cases, the newbie has been warned that they've bitten off a big chunk to start with, and that in fact they would, for all logical reasons, be better off using a smaller number of knobs, and a paging system. Same advice goes for you. I don't know much about exactly what you have in mind, but I can fairly safely say that you don't need or want that many knobs, even if you think you do. I can also safely say that if you try to build a super-custom-monster-device, as your first midibox, you are destined to either fail or be working on it for several years. Another example - you said "some endless some not" - where are your AINs then? Do you know the difference yet? This is not a post designed to scare you off - it's designed to save you trouble which others have suffered from, by helping and encouraging you to find the easy way before you start ;) To be 100% honest with you, if you haven't even found the page that tells you how many modules a core can handle, or the bit about the differences between pots and encoders (It's in the FAQ, ffs!) you need to do a LOT more reading before you start buying stuff. Well heck, I dunno, maybe you're super rich and don't mind buying things you don't need, or missing things you do need and having to pay extra shipping for an extra order... Maybe you're the type to splash out some dough and get your training 'on the go', before you start ordering for your real build (although it doesn't sound that way) ... I dunno.... I've made lots of assumptions and generalisations in this message. The one thing that's definite is this: I think you need to read more before you start.
  5. Thanks for the insight Mike! LOL 'swhy you won't find pics of me online :D
  6. Here, you must need a drink! Maybe this list will help others to realise the potential of what you're doing :) Good call on incrementer/scale too. Rock on!
  7. Well, the idea of removing the LCD to test, is that seeing as you see weird glitches on the LCD, maybe you've soldered it incorrectly and it's screwing up the rest of the core.... If you're not getting an upload request, I'd normally say to start with the MIDI troubleshooting on ucapps... It's hard to say now, because it was working before, which suggests a working core, but you've simply made it impossible to know, by changing too many things at one go. Maybe you've fried something through a change, maybe something failed, maybe it was a bad code upload.... Mystery. I would recommend you follow and read the link in my signature about troubleshooting, to avoid such problems in future. Well, you say the core is frozen and you can't upload, but you mentioned error messages. That doesn't add up. If it's truly frozen, it won't do anything, and that includes returning an error. Can you please describe exactly the error messages to us? Pretend that we have no idea, because we can't see it. Give lots of detail. Similarly, you also said something about it giving you a welcome message. If it gets that far, it should have sent an upload request, which takes me back to the beginning of my message - do the MIDI Troubleshooting on ucapps.
  8. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that, I probably wouldn't be so predictable: LOL. If you search the forum you'll find me telling you how to scale the images....
  9. Neb and Buggy are both spot-on there. Good blog mate :) and yeh, this shot is great!! : And I just noticed... if you haven't soldered before, then you're a natural. Maybe a -tiny- bit more heat and tin, to get them to volcano up a bit, but really good.
  10. Was that on smash's site? I have this vague recollection... Can't remember if it was nils or bugfight or smash or who told me, but I can't take credit for that *1.414 magic number... That said, if you google it, you can confirm that it's frequently-used voodoo (and the math behind it which is nice to know if you're a geek), so I'd say it can be trusted :)
  11. That's fine, we need the errors from mios studio. You need a burner to erase the PIC completely, but normally it is not necessary - the bootloader has restrictions in it's code that prevent you from overwriting it, so it should always remain functional, and send an upload request, which will allow you to reinstall MIOS, and your app. We'll start at the beginning - disconnect everything from your core except power and midi - no LCD, no DIN/DOUT/SID/etc Try to upload MIOS to the core by the usual procedure, and paste the results: Core off mios studio hex upload smart mode on wait for upload request on select hex file mios studio says waiting for upload request power on core copy text from hex upload window paste into browser Did you AUAIMBCTG?!
  12. In the code the pins are assigned as such: ; Pin Configuration ; Can be overloaded from external #ifndef AOUT_LAT_CS #define AOUT_LAT_CS LATC ; The chip select pin CS# #endif #ifndef AOUT_TRIS_CS #define AOUT_TRIS_CS TRISC ; is connected to Port C.5 #endif #ifndef AOUT_PIN_CS #define AOUT_PIN_CS 5 ; (CANNOT be shared with other outputs!) #endif ; #ifndef AOUT_LAT_DIN #define AOUT_LAT_DIN LATC ; The data input pin DIN #endif #ifndef AOUT_TRIS_DIN #define AOUT_TRIS_DIN TRISC ; is connected to Port C.4 #endif #ifndef AOUT_PIN_DIN #define AOUT_PIN_DIN 4 ; (can be shared with other outputs) #endif ; #ifndef AOUT_LAT_SCLK #define AOUT_LAT_SCLK LATD ; The shift clock input pin SCLK #endif #ifndef AOUT_TRIS_SCLK #define AOUT_TRIS_SCLK TRISD ; is connected to Port D.5 #endif #ifndef AOUT_PIN_SCLK #define AOUT_PIN_SCLK 5 ; (can be shared with other outputs) #endif ; They do not appear to be overridden by the app. HTH! Edit: See also the pin list on the wiki
  13. No worries man! Just wanted to be sure. Be careful you don't short digital pins to ground though, that won't work out so hot ;)
  14. It's alive, it's just poor. We've some had good news on funds (almost there!), and discussions have occurred regarding mass production... Just trying to get something useful done while we tread water waiting on cash....
  15. The overheads needed for the regulators that LH mentioned are correct. Single tap: 9V *1.414 AC -> Rectify -> 12VDC | Regulate to 9V -> Regulate to 5VDC (HEATSINK!) | | Smooth Smooth | | 9VDC 5VDC Multi tap: (5V also maybe OK) 6V *1.414 AC -> Rectify -> 8VDC ----------------, \ 9V *1.414 \ AC -> Rectify -> 12VDC | | | Regulate to 9V Regulate to 5VDC | | Smooth Smooth | | 9VDC 5VDC HTH!
  16. shorting encoder pins could be very bad.... Obviously you've been doing some reading, can you point me to where you saw this or what it's regarding, so I can confirm? Perhaps you meant shorting the J5 pins to ground for unused pots?
  17. 4620 should be OK (perhaps with a minor modification) but 4685 would probably not be suitable. My guess is that the 4685 is the default in the list at smash's shop, simply because there are so many people making MBSIDv2, which is the only app that requires a 4685 at present.
  18. Uh oh... I think he uploaded MIOS to his PC! Come back iorobyy!
  19. Hey eric, come to the chat room man! It's the best way to do this kinda stuff, for sure. We'll be able to give you step-by-steps.
  20. Yaknow, I *could* help you to avoid lots of trouble here, but apparently when I type in here you can't read it.
  21. Don't worry about it bro, you already apologised, and removed the ad - it's all good - I don't think anyone could ask more than that! :D
  22. Ohh gawd, not another internet would-be legal-eagle. I'm keeping the terminology broad, as chaos is obviously not a native english-speaker, and I've no idea who will read this thread in future (those are the people to whom that post was mostly aimed - it's not relevant to chaos really). I'd probably do that regardless, because it gets the point across. I really really really don't give a f*** about the finer points of a system that's enslaving us all and requires destruction if we want freedom. I'm more of a fan of common sense and respect, which is why I just made the point clear (if not legally binding), and mentioned the bit about respect for TK's work and the irrelevance of legal definition. TK usually approves that kind of thing anyway. If you don't stand to lose anything, (ie, if you aren't trying to make a buck or whatever) common sense says; it can't hurt to ask. I don't know if you're right about that. Non-profit commerce is still commerce. Aaanyway, that's just another reason why laws are stupid - You know what I meant - and that's why there's no need for discussion on the matter.
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