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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Jokes about stealing dudes gear is kinda like jokes about boinkin their mother.... You just don't make that joke unless you know the guy well enough for him to take it well. I've noticed a pattern where only guys with not much gear seem to make those jokes. Maybe it's because you don't realise, that having every dollar you ever earned sitting in a room without you, can make you kinda nervous. I've got insurance, sure... But it doesn't stop me from having a FF tab open next to this one, to watch the security cams around my house while I'm at work. Studio paranoia is a bitch...
  2. That's fine :) No probs man. Try legal slashes ;) IE Not: MIOS_BIN_PATH=c:/mios_base/bin MIOS_PATH=c:/mios_base but: MIOS_BIN_PATH=c:\mios_base\bin MIOS_PATH=c:\mios_base
  3. Good one, but future midibox may not begin and end with midi ;)
  4. I zoom the pages for the bigger font effect, font size should probably be browser-driven.... I must admit that a paler grey, standard MS windows-style, colour scheme would be handy for being a little more low-key at work ;)
  5. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: The reason why it never changes; Guys in the sweet spot, who couldn't care less about anyone else.
  6. Serious? I got lots of hits for 'cmd.exe quickedit', like this: http://marcomorain.com/archives/2007/03/02/201/quickedit-mode-in-cmdexe/ 10 points for troubleshooting there :) Nice one man! When the rebased DLL works, that means there's some other DLL on your system that conflicted, so it's not a vista thing in this case. So far, so good. Your toolchain is working. Errr that's weird. Have you edited the makefile (including common.mk) or something? What are you environment variables set to? You can show them by typing 'SET MIOS' at the DOS prompt. Hit the button up there, this one:
  7. That's NZD (New Zealand). It's worth similar to the aussie dollar.
  8. All good homes, I don't feel any anger around here :) I totally agree with all that, well said. Well no the answer is in your own text :) It's a local thing. There is no leadership, just you working with your neighbours, and them with theirs, and so on. An organisation fighting for power just makes for civil war. An individual fighting for power just makes for a scary guy. All people together, deciding for themselves to take power over only themselves; that makes for freedom. Then we can all move to the artistic district and crank our drums up to 11 :D
  9. Yeh, right ;) Even if I did, that collection is worth maybe half that....
  10. I think you'll find the answer to that question earlier in this thread. If you use firefox, use the repaginate addon.
  11. 1) Welcome aboard! 2) Fix your capslock key 3) It's a DIY community, the idea is you come up with the ideas ;)
  12. You could measure it in Cun ;) Good for finding pressure points on your synths. Probably no good for laser cutting. Edit: Oh crap I can't split posts in here. nILS you should be able to, it's your thread :)
  13. Me too, you've missed the point. Me too, you've missed the point. (Bet you've got some bleached cotton that was grown inorganically in a foreign environment though.) Me too, and you're starting to get the point. Me too, you're getting the point. The law says you have to support the charging of interest. You don't support ripping people off, but you do play your part in it. LOL Me too, me too... you're still missing the point though... Exactly the point :) So, remove the laws that keep them poor (etc), problem solved. Careful with the N word man, I was quoting a famous African-American who said it. Easy to say "get a job", but what if you're physically disabled and uneducated? That's just an example. Heck, I'm educated and disabled and otherwise living well, and I can't get a job. The concept that anyone can just get a job is brainwashing dude. You think people *like* being homeless and jobless? Seriously, clue in buddy. Anyway, still missing the point... I'm not attacking you for doing these things, I was just listing enough stuff that I knew I would get a "yes, I do that evil thing" from you. Most people would have said yes to most of them, you should be proud you only had a couple ;) The point is, sometimes, people feel a need to do things they wouldn't otherwise want to do, in order to survive. These situations are enforced by law. You do it, I do it, everyone does it. You can get defensive about it like you have, or you can accept that you're as big a part of the problem as anyone, but that doesn't make you a bad person because it's NOT BY YOUR OWN CHOICE. You're very lucky, lots of people don't. What would? Given that laws(government, economics) create the problems, does logic not indicate that eradicating the laws would eradicate the problem? What blanks? Educate the people around me, disseminate dissent, encourage revolution, protest, do my best to avoid the bad stuff, etc. What am I gonna do? I'm doing it right now :) What about you? Are you going to buck the system, or are you going to get defensive every time someone calls you out? Your anger is aimed at the wrong guy; you're shooting the messenger. Aim at a politician. Aim at a banker. Just don't aim at the guy who on your side, just because he's telling the ugly truth. Try, man, it's all you can do. I do bro, I do. That's why I say this stuff. Damn near everyone wants to change it. They just can't, because changing it is illegal.
  14. Do like what nILS said; or even better, enable quickedit mode - that'll allow you to highlight with the mouse and hit enter to copy, and right-click to paste. Google is your friend on that one ;) There are only two ways (kinda): Temporarily, in the CMD.exe window. If you do them there, they will be lost when you close the window. That's done using the DOS command 'SET', as in: SET MIOS_PATH=C:\MIOS\_SVNMIOS\trunk SET MIOS_BIN_PATH=C:\MIOS\_SVNMIOS\trunk\bin The other way, is in the GUI, which is explained in depth in http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_core (You can also download tools to do it other ways, but we'll leave it there for now. They should not be in that path, so that's good. HEhehe :D I'll try to help! Sorry about that mate, but that's how it is. You will need to take a little more time to read. I know it's exciting ad you just want to get started.... Where did you see that? That may be bad advice. The skeleton requires some more configuraton of your system, than an already-written app. This is because the 'distribution packages' that the apps are in when you download the zip, have the MIOS_PATH and MIOS_BIN_PATH hard-coded to point to the files inside the zip. If you use the base package, which should only be required if you are building a new application from scratch, then you need to set these environment vars yourself. Good :) PATH is not the only environment var you need to set. Anyway, if you can paste the output here, that'll make it much easier to solve. It is indeed :) Often, the top one is the only one that should interest you, the rest may be consequential to that. Yes, it goes like this: make Hehehe seriously though, that's it. You just have to setup the toolchain correctly first. Good man. As I mentioned, that's not where they should be. The will be in several sub-folders of MIOS_PATH. If you specify MIOS_PATH correctly, it'll find them all. Never edit MIOS files. If it seems that you need to, something has gone wrong, and it's time to post :) Ahh, a new post... You didn't copy/paste. Always copy/paste. Don't read/type. Also, I can see that you've run the command a few times. Should only need to run it once. There are lots of repeated entries in ther, that's bad, and I notice you've added these two: c:\Program Files\SDCC\include\pic16;c:\Documents and Settings\Bill\Desktop\mios_base_v1_0b\include\c They shouldn't be there. Just follow the docs exactly, and It *should* work. I say *should*, because you have reported a rare error. The cygwin one.... A quick google around will show you that the short answer is that you've installed tools that are not compatible with one another. Antivirus, firewalls, windows vista, anything using all your ram, cygwin, other posix tools, all manner of software can cause this error. This has only occurred to two other midiboxers, and they ended up using the posix_bin.zip because they could not find out what was broken on their system. For one of them it worked. I'll have to leave it up to you...
  15. EEEEK! [me=stryd_one]screeches and runs up the nearest tree[/me]
  16. No, I'm not the guy and I don't know him :) Huh? That's my point. Obviously a lot of people wouldn't agree with you that he's unreliable. Bringing that debate to midibox land would be bad. We don't need other people's arguments, we have enough of our own ;) LOL. There is nothing wrong with warning people, but there is plenty wrong with warning people here.
  17. Well that only works to some extent. When you increase quality you increase cost. The increased cost to the consumer can drive them away to a greater extent than the increased quality can attract them. In recent years, McD's have made a few changes to their menu, and they've taken it up to the profitable limit again. Also, then there is a 'gap' for cheap (crappy) food, and some other restaurant will just step into the gap.
  18. Sadly you're quite mistaken. Some people, a very very few people, are born that way, yes. The condition is referred to as sociopathy, and it means that the natural, in-built function of the human brain which allows a human to 'feel' the feeling of another person and protect them, is not functional; which results in a person completely devoid of compassion for others. But the majority are a product of their environment. And not all sociopaths are born that way, it's easy to program someone to match the behaviour of a sociopath. I'll use you as an example. Do you drive a car? Wear polyester? Buy any products which are detrimental to the environment like most foods? Buy foods in plastic packaging? Pay taxes which are used by your military to kill people including innocent civilians? Have a bank account (which encourages the charging of interest)? These are just a few examples, all plenty evil things to do, all cause great pain to our fellow man and other animals on this planet....but we all do them, because that's how things work in our environment. It's not that you don't care, you're no sociopath; it's that you have little choice, and you do as you have learnt from the world around you. Monkey see, monkey do. Edit: now that I think about it, I know for a fact that you are sitting behind a PC that was built using cheap labor from hungry dudes in China. Does this mean you support slavery? Of course it doesn't. Ask yourself, how many of these bad-guys you know of, that do not come from a low socio-economic or criminal background.... Look at the population of any average prison. Almost all dudes from poor backgrounds. Gonna pull out that Mos Def quote I love so much: "Niggas don't sell crack cause they like to see blacks smoke/ niggas sell crack cause they're broke"
  19. Sweet! One thing that would be cool here is the ability to send/rec'v patches via sysex. That way, say I make a patch for CoolVSTi, and some other guy uses CoolVSTi, then he can download my patch from the net and upload it to the midibox, and his controller is all configured for the softsynth :)
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