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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Yeh that's the first part I was talking about... It has been mentioned before sometime I'm sure... See what you can find. No you don't because yes you can :) I mean traditional midi cabling, out to in , out to in, etc etc... onl software merging :)
  2. You've got wiki upload access, everyone does :) MBWiki dot Upload at gmail dot com
  3. Oh that sounds awesome!! Nice one man!! Ouch 5 metres... I think you'll get a fair amount of interference over such a distance. 1m would probably be as far as you'd go. There have been threads in the past about how to work around that though, but you'd definitely get a jump in parts count. Given the inexpensive price of smashtv kits, or maybe you could DIY etch a cimo core, it may not be worth it. No need for a merger if you chain though... and that could be more flexible in design, physically speaking (suitable for rows of desks as well as a circle on the floor or whatever). Also, maybe you could send power down the spare pins on the midi cable, you won't need much to drive a few pots (and I assume no LCD). What a fun thing. Rock on!!
  4. Heheheheh Yeh, hardy heron desktop is the one you want. There's a small bug with persistence and it's an easy fix. Drop by the chat when you're ready to rumble and nils or I will hook you up.
  5. stryd_one


    It's OK :) but there is a 'modify' button if you want to use it :)
  6. :-[ Best wishes to your friend Sasha.
  7. First off I thought I should make sure you know you're not allowed to sell these (nor is your friend)... As for the design... if the cables between your controller boxes and your brain are too long, you will have problems.... What length did you have in mind? It may be easier to make every unit a separate controller, and use 1 core per unit, nothing else, pots/encoders/buttons connected direct to the core.
  8. That coin looks familiar. I think that's my hourly payrate!
  9. You're on the right track there. (pardon the pun) You've got two options: Learn ASM Hope someone volunteers ;)
  10. I'll volunteer to help with this if you need an aussie local.
  11. Hi Eduardo! With some work you may be able to use CCS, but it's not recommended. If you need to ask how, it's probably not for you. It is possible to force SDCC into ANSI complaint mode if that is your concern, but I'm not sure why you'd want or need to do that? What is your aim here? Cheers, s1
  12. Angel: Scroll up dude. I think you missed something. Heck if you can't even read the posts on the screen right in front of you, it doesn't surprise me that you don't find stuff if you search.
  13. But it's already August 7 here. Doh! ;D
  14. LOL! You might be right ;) Edit: BTW the reason it's not signed is that my draft version used 1 for forward and 0 for back. That saved two clock cycles but you only lose them elsewhere so I ditched it. Well here's the thing - the encoder driver should really be a mios module, so it can be included in other apps easily :) Also, why stop at one deck? Hey, why only decks? It could be a scrubwheel for a linear sequencer or the likes... I can think of lots of uses. This lines up with what I was saying in the traktorizer thread about you DJ guys pooling your resources. It's kinda madness to have three dudes working on the same thing at the same time and not working together. Moving to the new structure will make that a LOT easier, it'd definitely be my first move. If you've not upgraded yet maybe it's not a good time... But I'd have that pretty high on my list if it were me :) Give me a shout when you're ready and I'll go ahead, it should only take a short time.
  15. I dunno, it saw the onboard gfx on my celeron and that things so old the heatsink's fossilised... and the voodoo3 was pretty popular.. Nah, it makes a RAMdisk so you can install stuff and all that. Works just like normal, only, slow as hell. Maybe you ran outta ram? Or maybe the CD was not reading well... that's pretty extreme!
  16. Heheh just a bit different ;) I guess I shoulda read the datasheet! Well the old voltages were too low to cross your high threshold, but it should be OK now ?
  17. Heheheh thanks for checking it out man!
  18. It's for building synths for making acid techno.
  19. Hhhahaha way to resurrect a 3 year old thread!
  20. Angel: I would have said the same as nils if he hadn't already said it. And we are not alone, you're offending several people here with your attitude. Fact is, you've made it clear on a few occasions that you don't care a damn about taking your time and doing this properly, or about running searches before you post. nils and the rest of us should not have to ignore your posts, you need to stop posting before you search, so there's nothing to ignore. Assuming you are telling the truth and you did search, you need to search more. Perhaps if you weren't trying to stick to an uncomfortable deadline, you'd be taking your time and paying more attention. You can start with a search for the exact words in the topic of this thread. Fourth hit links to the wiki. First line of the wiki page it links to is: There are actually several hits you can find in the results of the search, so, just for a change, why don't you run a search and prove yourself wrong. nils has spent enough time doing that already. If you keep forcing your time contraint upon us, you can expect the disrespect to be returned. You owe nils and the rest of us an apology.
  21. Sorry, I shoulda said something... I saw that earlier but I figured it was meant to be that way (I was ensuring my sram driver wouldn't cause problems using that port) I checked that too and didn't see any difference, but I wouldn't take that as gospel.... please let me know what you find :)
  22. Let's not confuse the cool sasha (the one we know here) with the other thieving one.
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