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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Yeh, I'll believe that when I'm watching the youtube video (in awe)
  2. Wow look how tidy it is! fantastic!
  3. Again? you mean "still"... Any pages effected will have to be edited and saved (no changes requried, or jut add an empty line to the end) and then the code re-appears. Until that is done, the pages stay broken. Don't supposed you'd like to reveal the mystery problem? ;)
  4. Cool :) Just to be clear to everyone reading: That's a once-off workaround. You should not need to do it in the future, and if you do *think* you need to do it, you're wrong, so make a post here and we'll fix your problem properly :)
  5. Flame: if you include a screenshot it makes it about 10 times faster for me to read the png/gif/whatev, than to open a pdf reader and wait for it to render. PDF is needed for dimension-accurate printing, not really anything else ;)
  6. LMAO! What's wrong with tupperware? It's extremely high quality plastic in the shape and size you want.... It's expensive but hey...
  7. Post somewhere where I have green stars and I'll oblige ;D
  8. In the meantime here's a fix: makefile will look like this: MIOS_PATH = . MIOS_BIN_PATH = ./bin include Makefile.orig Add the two lines that start with "export": MIOS_PATH = . MIOS_BIN_PATH = ./bin export MIOS_PATH export MIOS_BIN_PATH include Makefile.orig Fixed.
  9. Of course - pull out the old one, screw in the new one. Of course, they have to be the same spec, same size, etc
  10. Much tidier looking... Hmm, the traces seem a bit thin... and the ones that go between the pins could maybe go around the chips if you like?
  11. It sounds almost like a debounce problem but I notice that the keys you mention are only within a certain section of the keyboard, and are on the same columns in the matrix. I'd be looking for shorts and loose connections, and diodes in backwards.
  12. Hells yeh! Thanks for the pic too, haven't seen the green one in action. Hot damn those are nice LCDs.
  13. Always welcomed, thankyou! The bulk orders thing is pretty simple - the rules are made up by whoever is running the order. This way it's fair to the person doing all the hard work. Usually all the info you need is in the first post, but if you're unsure you can always post and ask - after you read the whole thread of course :)
  14. Is that the best you can do bitch? How about you shut the fuck up already TK can you move the "waiting loudly" and the ensuing argument to trash where it belongs? Sorry mate...
  15. We kinda went over this in another thread :) (talking about pink floyd I think?)
  16. Why bother quoting me if you didn't bother reading what you quoted, and weren't referring to it in any way?
  17. Yeh I know the theory, but the practice around here has contradicted it.... If it outputs the above specs, it'l all good :)
  18. That's not your soldering, that'll be a package that was dropped/crushed by the post man :( I hope you can fix them up! I'm sure smash will help out wherever he can and should, even thogh obviously this is not your fault or his.
  19. May I suggest 2-3A and 8V? I'm thinking about lots of LEDs...
  20. My arse! 'Wait loudly' somewhere else if you don't wanna piss people off. Then you realise you were in the wrong, and you tell us to "calm down"? You're quick to nag, but not so quick to apologise huh! And why send an email and nag nebula? it's only been a couple of days, and you know he's got other shit going on right now. Why the hell is it so hard for you to just sit and wait? What's wrong with you?
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