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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... depends on your software, if it allows you to specify more than one controllers. Otherwise there would be the possibility (with MIDI, not USB gear) to use a MIDI Merger. http://www.jlcooper.com/pages/mcs3usb.html ... there is also a MIDI version available. Greets, Roger
  2. ... build me some 100mm faders from ebony ;D
  3. ... but please don't tell now everybody that you have paid and received the package in this post... it makes reading it very unconfortable. - I think Thorsten will expect you complain, if you don't get the package. Greets, Roger
  4. ... wie wäre es, wenn Du einen Link zum Datenblatt posten würdest? - Würde das Beantworten extrem vereinfachen ;) Grüsse, Roger
  5. ... so wie's aussieht, handelt es sich um einen 3200 mit einem qualitativ hochstehendem, Eisen losem Maxon-Motor.- Top Qualität! Wenn er wirklich in einem Top Zustand ist, handelt es sich um ein super Angebot. Nur: 1. Mit der bestehenden MF Ansteuerung wirst Du ihn kaum anständig regeln können... diese Motoren sind zu schnell für "unsere" digitale Steuerung. 2. Was willst Du mit bloss einem? Falls Du nicht wieder ein super Angebot findest, wird dich jeder zusätzlich Fader ca €90 kosten. Greets, Roger
  6. ... if I didn't get it wrong, for €18 you'll get 4. For your two you'll pay €10 together.
  7. @SLP: You should fragment the forwarding gmx address in your error message copy you posted, if you don't want Thorsten to get bombed with spam. ;) Greets, Roger
  8. see: http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4.pdf http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_32buttons.pdf Core / J9 -> DIN1 / J1 DIN1 / J2 -> DIN2 / J1 ... Greets, Roger
  9. Like nILS writes but a bit more precise for understanding what it does: Only the Vdd side must be as close to the pin as possible, since it's intended to take out spikes or ripple out of the supply line just before the IC connection. Greets, Roger
  10. ... no, I never heard of someone trying it. But I also never heard it won't work.- The regrets existing are, that it might be too quick for the MIOS MF-implementation, similar to the K-Type linear faders. - You have to buy one and test it. ... I don't think so (but TK propably can tell you this for shure). I think the controller switches internally, so the host doesn't know, that the control elements are interchanged. I know the ones you're talking about (I even have some of those... mine are 20k, but never tried them out). They are built like for HiFi Amps level control and such stuff and are way too slow for an application with SnapShots. Greets, Roger
  11. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=3248.0
  12. ... I think you made a typo. - They should be 10 k-ohm. You should also check if they are linear and not log. Turn the pot to the middle position and check if you measure approx. 5k Greets, Roger
  13. ... might be an alive/acknowledge message. Does the host give a respond? Or is it in respond to a host message? Greets, Roger
  14. ??? ... looks to me they're still available at pollin. http://www.pollin.de/shop/shop.php?cf=detail.php&pg=OA==&a=Nzg1OTk2OTk=&w=ODkzOTc5&ts=0
  15. ... BUY??? :o I think you shouldn't pay for a defect Behringer Mixer! They're are almost for free when buy them new. Greets, Roger
  16. ... you should put yourself on the list anyway... who knows, perhaps we'll make the 750. Greets, Roger
  17. ... ich finde es cool, wenn Leute kreativ sind und ich lege auch Wert auf Ästhetik. Nur würde ich bei einem Controller "schön" nicht vor "funktionell" stellen. Bei Deinem Beispiel mit dem Button, bei welchem man die Beleuchtung nur von oben sieht, würde die Hauptfunktion "Status-Anzeige" total verfehlt werden. Beim Langloch, wirst Du je nach LED Abstrahlwinkel und Dicke des weissen Füllmaterials (ich würde eher halb-transparenten Silikon verwenden) die Abstufungen nicht mehr erkennen, was das Ablesen eines ungefähren Wertes zusätzlich erschweren wird (... was mit 11 LEDs eh schon schwierig ist). Aber wie gesagt: Go on being creative! Greets, Roger
  18. ... angenommen die LEDs haben einen Abstrahlwinkel von 60°, dann wäre am Ende des Lichtleiter Rings vermutlich nicht wirklich ein "DOT" zu sehen, sondern mehr ein verteilter Schimmer, da die Reflektionen in alle Richtungen verteilt würden, bis sie zu schwach werden. Um einen Punkt am anderen Ende zu erzeugen, darf nur paralleles Licht z.B. mit diskreten Leitern geleitet werden. Grüsse, Roger
  19. Did you try to just solder some new "feet" to them? Greets, Roger
  20. ... yes you can ... not really :( It's nearly impossible to scale the brightness... remembering to what position you had set the pot last would even be more accurate Greets, Roger
  21. ... did not work for me, but I don't know if it depends on which brand you're using. I had to refit an old P3 Motherboard which I only use for the Bootstrap loader. You have to try :-\ Greets, Roger
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