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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Hallo Thorsten Erst mal ein Dankeschön für die bisherigen Tests. Verstehe ich das richtig, dass wenn man das bestehende Core "abspecken" würde und nur zum Ansteuern eines einzigen Faders ohne jegliche anderen Funktionen verwenden würde, man den PWM Clock so erhöhen könnte, dass er schnell genug ist? Greets, Roger
  2. Prices for ALPS are published. http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/BULK_Start.htm Information and prices on Fader Knobs will follow soon. ... I was actually thinking about asking Raphael to do the handling (payment / shipping) since he made me this offer, but when I recently was typing the prices into the Excel sheets, I realized, that the Swiss MwSt is only 7.6% but the German is 16% :-\ Greets, Roger
  3. Hello everybody The MEC prices are published. I didn't fill out the amount I'm ordering since I'm not shure yet. http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/BULK_Start.htm Greets, Roger PS: The ALPS prices will be published tomorrow.
  4. ... sollte funktionieren, die MidiBoxLC hat auch 4 DIN Boards plus das MF-Board. Ob's dazu eine einfach anpassbare Applikation gibt, weiss ich nicht.
  5. Be shure not to let it run for too long under those conditions. I think, that they pysically wear out pretty soon... just imagine how many changes in force direction this is. ALPS spezifies for the N-Type 100'000 operations. Greets, Roger
  6. ... Fairlight FAME uses 45 and just as Skunk wrote: It's not really necessary, but.... I'll have 45 on my LC, because that's what I like on the Fairlight: You can place your hand over the fader, grab it with your index or middle finger, while the left and right part of your hand is placed on the panel and the other faders still won't be disturbed in their movement by your hand. As you said... ... then 45mm is definetly not what you want. Greets, Roger PS: perhaps you even don't have faders
  7. Prices for "SIFAM Push On Knobs" are published... the other ones are following (maybe tomorrow, I had to get used to Excel formulas again :P) http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/SIFAM/SIFAM_Main.htm Greets, Roger PS: Please remember that the official start is in a new thread, as soon as we have Thorstens feedback on the K-Type faders. I then try to daily update the current order state in the Excel sheed, which always calculates the depending discount according the total ordered pieces.
  8. ... I would tell the same. Large format live consoles have mostly, as Raphael wrote, 30-35mm and Studio mixers 35-45mm. Cheep mixers like for example a "soundcraft-spirit" have 25mmm (center to center) and you know how this feels... if you wanna work ;) Greets, Roger PS: Why not go to a store, try some mixers and measure the one you like (just when nobody from the sales guys are looking ;D?
  9. ... and sorry, I forgot :-[... THX to Thorsten for his efforts of course :-* ... I will think about that. - Thanks Raphael! I know, that my location is not the best but after there was mostly just talking about and around bulk orders I thought, that now is time for action and since I'm right about buying my stuff why not offer the service to the forum... good to know, that there are helping hands from Germany (Raphael) and USA (SmashTV). Greets, Roger
  10. Thanks. - The prices will be posted next... I'm a bit short on spear time at the moment. The K-Type MFs are on their way to Thorsten. - Thank you for the service Mr Schmidt (albs.de)! Greets, Roger
  11. why not buy one of these on ebay? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=23792&item=7308456923&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW Greets, Roger
  12. Danke Thorsten ... auf dieses Angebot von Dir habe ich gewartet ;D Kann ich die Muster-Fader gleich an Dich senden lassen? Bitte teile mir Deine Adressangaben mit: motorfader@gmx.ch THX and Greets Roger PS: Die Motorspannungs Angaben entsprechen denen des N-Type Faders... aber sicher ist sicher, zumal es sich beim K-Type-V um einen recht teuren Fader handelt Datasheet: http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/ALPS/Datasheets/ALPS_motorfader.pdf
  13. ... this comes from the camera lens. - Look at the PCB edges. Greets, Roger
  14. ... well, that's what's left over after etching... the copper
  15. Greets, Roger
  16. http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/BULK_Start.htm ... this is the information webpage for the motorfader bulk order. - Prices will be posted next. Please notice that I'm also ordering Knobs and Buttons. If anybody would like to extend / join my order... I'll be happy to profit for better bulk prices ;D I'm sorry, I'll order only spezified items (no special order for other knob / buttons types) Greets, Roger
  17. ... wie soll denn was gesteuert werden? - Kenne BPM Studio nicht. 1. Was kann in BPM ferngesteuert werden? 2. Welche Feedbacks brauchst Du? Z.B. LEDs für Tasterstatus, Meter Bridge, LED-Ring f. Encoder (dann brauchts auch DOUT Boards 3. gibt's gar eine LC / Mackie integration (bzw. werden diese von BPM unterstützt? ... PIC kann auch von SmashTV preprogrammed werden Wenn Du wirklich nur genannte Funktionen brauchst: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_midibox64e_lc.gif Greets, Roger PS: Ich würde aber sehr empfehlen, dass Du Dich zuerst noch kräftig in die Sache rein liest.
  18. :-X ::) :-X Oooops... I read through the whole thing many times a while ago to learn and understand the MidiBox Concept... and now I'm getting serious for ordering the parts (MF PSU) and only read on the shematic "should be adjusted ca. 8V". Thanks a lot for showing me where to look Greets, Roger (ashamed)
  19. Nobody??? :( I bet some electroinic genious of you know that ;)
  20. ... sieht aus, als dass es doch eine internationale Bestellung geben wird 8)
  21. O.k. let me explain: I live in Switzerland and the freight costs to other countries (including Germany) are about the same as if you would transport Gold from one US state to another ;D For Germany I would cross the border and send those packages from there ;) ... thanks Smash! That's the point to release the international order :D ... it's all in this thread: I will setup a new webpage this weekend with links to all the datasheets as well as pix of the stuff ... I would recommend the K-Type fader (it's more "heavy duty"). I will ask Thorsten to test it for us (I would send him a sample) ... he once offered this in another thread. Greets, Roger
  22. Hey Moebius Yes we do... but I'm Swiss :-* I was thinking about posting in the international forum part ;) - The Problem is, that when I distribute the single orders to other countries than Switzerland or Germany, it would be way too expensive :'( (individual Shipping costs) If I would have a big enough bulk order from an other country, I could send the whole package to a spezified "middle man" (perhaps you ::))which then sends the small packages to the "end user". I bet you understand the price listing. Otherwise ask for translation in this thread. Greets, Roger
  23. ... ja, die Bezeichnungen sind ziemlich verwirrend :-\ Das "V" ist laut Datenblatt die "Stecker"- und "W" die "Leads"-Version. Ob mit dem "V" auch schon der Coreless Motor gemeint ist, weiss ich nicht sicher. Ich denke aber schon, denn nur wegen des Anschluss-Steckers wird der Fader ja kaum doppelt soviel kosten :o. Aus dem Datasheet kannst Du auch entnehmen, dass die "W"-Version 100'000 bewegungen, die "V"-Version aber 300'000 überleben soll. - Auch dies wird kaum vom Connector abhängig sein ;D Meine Anfrage an ALBS war aber ganz klar: K-Type Master-Motorfader MIT Coreless Motor. Die A,B und D stehen für den Taper: Lin oder Log Ich habe mich schon ziemlich für den "V"-Typ entschieden ::), werde aber zuerst je ein Muster bestellen. Greets, Roger
  24. ... ich möchte mal schauen, ob allgemeines Interesse besteht. Für eine allfällige Sammelbestellung werde ich einen neuen Thread eröffnen. Ist aber gut , dass Du die Mengen schon definierst. Bitte denkt daran, dass noch die Schweizer MwSt von 7.6% plus die Transportpauschale (Fader sind nicht leichtgewichtig ;)) dazu kommen wird. Für Eure Bestellungen aus Deutschland, würde ich nach Süddeutschland über die Grenze fahren und sie von dort versenden, somit entfallen die hohen Schweizer Ausland-Versand Preise. Greets, Roger PS: Ich glaube nicht, dass es sinnvoll ist, die Sammelbestellung im internationalen Forum zu posten. Die Einzel-Versankosten z.B. nach den USA wären vermutlich astronomisch. http://www.post.ch/SiteOnLine/DE/Accueil/1,1727,16315,00.html#ancre3 USA = Zone 3
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