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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Hey all What different ways are there for tinning the PCB traces (before soldering the parts)? Use a big (60W) iron? Using additional flux? Greets, Roger
  2. ... DEAD... ? ??? Greets, Roger
  3. Yepp... hab ich. Brauchst mir nur das Porto zu bezahlen. Greets, Roger
  4. Hey Steve When I look at the pics, I don't think, that those are motorized. I don't see a Motor nor a magnetical driving coil and as far as I remember, was the 500 console VCA automated. There was an automation track which you had to record onto the analog multitracker and since your machine was in playback mode while mixdown, you were able to update the mix about 3 times, after that the offset from the recording head to the playbackhaed got too big ;D Greets, Roger
  5. Ich würde mich riesig über eine bessere Lösung freuen! Denn... ... dies ist zweifellos zu lange! Speziell im Film-PostPro und Hörspielbereich würde dies zu chaotischen Mixautomationen führen. Wie oft kommt es vor, dass ich bei der Automation einen Einsatz bis zu 10mal überschreiben muss, bis er perfekt ist (Einsätze / FadeIns von Ambis, Music Scores usw.). Um da noch effizient arbeiten zu können müsste der PreRoll auf ca. 5 Sek gestellt werden, damit dann der Fader wirklich an der richtigen Position wäre, wenn der TouchWrite bei Berührung aktiviert wird, sonst gibt's einen Pegelsprung. ... ohhhh doch!!! (siehe oben) ... genau da spielt's eben keine Rolle, denn der Snapshot wird "Audiomässig" vom Host präzise ausgeführt, nur die relative Faderposition stimmt noch nicht. ... kommt auf die Musik an ::) ...oder eben keine Musik sondern Stille ;). Fast jedes Audio rauscht in einem gewissen Masse (vorallem On-Location Aufnahmen) und wenn Du hören willst, wie "soft" ein Rauschen eingefadet wird, ist ein "rrrrrrrrrrrr....rrrr...rrrr..rrr" vom Fader nicht gerade erheiternd :P ... es geht weniger darum, was von den Fadergeräuschen auf der Aufnahme wäre beim Homerecording sondern, dass die Geräusche beim Downmix stören. Es ist eher selten, dass Du beim Dubbing schon einen dynamischen Mix hast... gibt's zwar ab und zu aber eben eher selten. @Andreas und Thorsten: Euch jetzt schon mal ein dickes Dankeschön für Euren Einsatz! Meldet Euch, wenn ich was helfen kann... habe auch einige Beziehungen hier in der Schweiz :D Greets, Roger
  6. I believe, that the switching is done, in a vertical way (when you look at the pdf) http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_lc/midibox_lc_ledrings_meters.pdf. This way there is only one LED active per Input pin at the time. Greets, Roger
  7. Hi Summary 1. Yes. - Your 8 faders will represent ( in MididBox LC) the first 8 faders of your host. By switches you can change banks, in either way (left and right) and you have the next 8 faders or you toggle by "channel" and your fader set moves by one fader. 2. Yes, but as far as I know, nobody tested them yet. - Just use encoders 3. Yes you can. In MidiBox LC, the hosts mixer channel names are displayed by default 4. Don't know, but... forget it. I had a Nady Midi Wireless and it was crap 5. You have to solder... use a 20-25 W iron 6. search the forum for "drum trigger", somebody already did this with piezos (by the way: they just work fine) and I think they are cheaper 7. Battery? Depends on what you're imlementing (power consumption). If you're planning to do that, order a "Low power" PIC (there is also a topic about that, search for "Low power" Greets, Roger
  8. I have the same problem on one computer since a while... didn't find out yet, what it is. The only thing I can say, this one is the only one I'm running the Norton Firewall. Greets, Roger
  9. ... the K-Type "V" (CP) doesn't work, it's too fast! Like Thorsten stated, it would need a different PWM controlling than the MB-Hardware has (higher resolution). I would be very interrested in this but my electronic knowledge isn't by far good enough (even regarding that I learned a lot from this forum since one year) to develop something like this :( ... It really depends on your audio cirquit you're using. - You first have to determine this. O.k. I'll ask for and publish more prices next week. I think there won't be a difference for different resistances. Greets, Roger
  10. ... there are dual as well... but not highspeed http://www3.alps.co.jp/WebObjects/catalog.woa/PDF/E/Potentiometer/MetalShaft/RMP_RK16/RMP_RK16.PDF ... you can buy 1 piece but there is no discount and you could order it by yourself directly. But I could ask for the prices... I (and perhaps others) might be interrested as well ;) what would be your wish for the 2nd path? ... yep. Greets, Roger
  11. Hey bjarnit 1. ... because we only have one thing / signal to "measure"... the 5V which are sent back to the core to measure and then tell "us" the fader position. 2. ... not suitable for Midibox. If you want audio as well, then you need a "dual unit". One track 10k lin and the other (audio) log with what ever rating you need. 3. ... the LEDs are connected in a matrix. I don't know a lot about it, but when I look at it, it's not suitable for the "standart" Midibox LC LED ring matrix. 4. ... perhaps bad ??? Thorsten suggests 10k lin. I heard, that somebody had no problem with 5k pots. - I wouldn't try it... Too expensive for not "guaranteed" success ;) 5. ... yes there are, but they're not conductive ... 1. Yes. But you need one core for every 8 pcs... like on motorfaders 2. No Greets, Roger
  12. Some prices for fader knobs are published. There wil be more like "satin" and "nickel" finish. I first have to get the prices for those. Greets, Roger
  13. Heya all Since the noise of moving faders on mixer snapshots can be pretty annoying when you're checking a mix passage, I'd like to have the possibility to switch off the faders. Am I right, that there is no problem, when I install a switch, which just switches off the motor power right before the power distribution to the mf-boards? - Or does MIOS getting confused (using too much processing power/CPU resources) since it want's to correct the possition tirelessly? Greets, Roger
  14. Hey bjarnit No, you're not too late, we're waiting for some additional fader tests, Thorsten is doing for us. I tried to avoid using too many active-x stuff for the website. - Please try to change your safety settings (iexplorer / firewall). You can trust me, there ain't any viruses on my site  ;) Greets, Roger
  15. http://members.shaw.ca/roma2/supply.pdf http://members.shaw.ca/roma2/power.pdf http://members.shaw.ca/roma2/circuit20.pdf Greets, Roger
  16. GOOD NEWS!!! Habe heute die Mail bekommen, dass die Displays eben ausgeliefert wurden :D ... darauf werde ich gerne zurück kommen ;) - Danke! Jetzt hoffe ich nur, dass die Post nicht ein halbes Jahr braucht um die Goodies hier her zu transportieren. Greets, Roger
  17. I have to make an appology to Digidesign: ... I just cleard up with Digidesign UK: Digidesign is not about to shut down the HUI protocol. Since Digidesign is further developing their own communication protocol, they might need GUI cycles/power. The result of this could be that the HUI capability can be compromised making it impossible on heavy sessions to get the responsiveness you would require. I hope this information helps to give clearness to the "HUI Death" rumours. Greets, Roger
  18. ... habe heute wieder einen Zahlungsversuch (Display-Bestellung von China) gemacht... meinen letzten! Greets, Roger
  19. Hey Steven Can you post the link, from where you're ordering this film? I have my boards from SmashTV and I'm totally satisfied but I'd like to etch the boards on which the buttons and LEDs are sitting on. Greets, Roger PS: I know there are some threads in the forum about this ... but anyway ;)
  20. ... when the bulk order officially starts, it will be placed in the international forum part. Thorsten ist testing some different ALPS fader-types before. Greets, Roger
  21. ... aber Du gingst sauschnell übers Datenblatt ;D Was Du gelesen hast, ist die Torque-Messung (Seite 4), welche mit einer Umdrehungsgeschwindigkeit von 300°/ 2 Sek. gemessen wurde. Auf Seite 11 siehst Du unter "Motor Drive Characteristics": 300°/ Sek. (shaft) :-* Wenn ich mir das "Weg-Verhältnis" Slider zu Rotary Pot anschaue, kann ich mir vorstellen, dass das Rotary-Pot noch viel heikler ist. Greets, Roger
  22. o.k. ... dann werden diese Rotary-Pots vermutlich auch Probleme geben? - Die sind ja auch so sauschnell (nach Datenblatt). http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/ALPS/Datasheets/RK25T12MO.PDF Auf dem Datenblatt des V-Faders habe ich gelesen, dass die Supply-Voltage weniger als 0.3% ripple haben darf und man darauf achten sollte, dass die 800mA vom Regler geleistet werden können. - Daran wird es ja wahrscheinlich nicht liegen? Ich würde eben so gerne den V-Fader (Coreless) einsetzen, deshalb die Nachfrage :) Greets, Roger
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