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Everything posted by bill

  1. Ok, it's your turn to work a bit : fill (replace the "0" with your values) that array thanks to your values. const char curve1[127] = { //out // in 0, // 0 0, // 1 0, // 2 0, // 3 0, // 4 0, // 5 0, // 6 0, // 7 0, // 8 0, // 9 0, // 10 0, // 11 0, // 12 0, // 13 0, // 14 0, // 15 0, // 16 0, // 17 0, // 18 0, // 19 0, // 20 0, // 21 0, // 22 0, // 23 0, // 24 0, // 25 0, // 26 0, // 27 0, // 28 0, // 29 0, // 30 0, // 31 0, // 32 0, // 33 0, // 34 0, // 35 0, // 36 0, // 37 0, // 38 0, // 39 0, // 40 0, // 41 0, // 42 0, // 43 0, // 44 0, // 45 0, // 46 0, // 47 0, // 48 0, // 49 0, // 50 0, // 51 0, // 52 0, // 53 0, // 54 0, // 55 0, // 56 0, // 57 0, // 58 0, // 59 0, // 60 0, // 61 0, // 62 0, // 63 0, // 64 0, // 65 0, // 66 0, // 67 0, // 68 0, // 69 0, // 70 0, // 71 0, // 72 0, // 73 0, // 74 0, // 75 0, // 76 0, // 77 0, // 78 0, // 79 0, // 80 0, // 81 0, // 82 0, // 83 0, // 84 0, // 85 0, // 86 0, // 87 0, // 88 0, // 89 0, // 90 0, // 91 0, // 92 0, // 93 0, // 94 0, // 95 0, // 96 0, // 97 0, // 98 0, // 99 0, // 100 0, // 101 0, // 102 0, // 103 0, // 104 0, // 105 0, // 106 0, // 107 0, // 108 0, // 109 0, // 110 0, // 111 0, // 112 0, // 113 0, // 114 0, // 115 0, // 116 0, // 117 0, // 118 0, // 119 0, // 120 0, // 121 0, // 122 0, // 123 0, // 124 0, // 125 0, // 126 0, // 127 }; If you are motivated, "draw" many curves, and give them different names like curve1 curve2 curve3.
  2. Check this : http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=velocity_converter
  3. What about the curves ? Should they be linear ? (initial value * boost factor) Should they be transposed ? (initial value + gain) or maybe precalculateds ? (then give the values or formulas) Make the curves editable from a control surface will make this project lot more complicated, so i guess it's not what you want, right ? wtf ? you mean, i'm "fat" ? how do you know that ? ^^
  4. It doesnt hurt to search the forum : http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=5779.msg44853#msg44853
  5. To my knowledge, a mbhp version of this do not exist yet, but if you are able to describe with enough precision what it's supposed to do, then i guess someone (maybe me) can help you to do it. It should not be much complicated anyway.
  6. I'm very interested too ;D hope it's not too complicated for me !
  7. I think i have read a problem like this in this forum. Theoretically , you can do it !!! It's absolutely doable, and i will be very happy if you do that !!! I guess it's not THAT difficult thanks to C language ;)
  8. It's a bit difficult to build a 1024 buttons board, but please could you upload the scematics too ? Do you like a better place to host your file ? :) Greetz
  9. I think that video is more "speaking" ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2JjPFd7Jr8
  10. YEAH !! YOU GOT IT ^^ Thank you all, and Rio : congrats to you too, for your Vic20 Place on http://battleofthebits.org/ !!! ;)
  11. Hey, I did that ! ;) (It's nice for triggering drumkits, but that's almost all what you can do with it)
  12. Maybe in the next years, the C64 price will grow up like the TB303 did ? Can you imagine paying a C64 1000$ ? ^^
  13. Nope, if you have a component installed in the wrong way, that wont work at all ! ;)
  14. That look really nice, but must be so fragile ! ??
  15. I dont get it :-\ is your idea to do a sequencer as small as possible ?
  16. Yep, i have uploaded a "hello world" program that give the same results :( I'm giving up, and use a new pic ;)
  17. Hello Today i worked pretty much (let's say more than usually ;) on my little mb project, and i've been uploading some C code all day long on my pic18f452 (hundreds of uplodad and restarts), then, my core board (no din nor douts, just nude) stopped to work. Of course i tripple checked my code, but i even cant run a "hello world" program anymore. My lcd show the "MIOS V1.9" splash message, then turn blank. So i wonder if it's possible that i fried the pic by uploading too many times ? The strange thing, is that when i try to upload, MIOS restart (then go 'blank'), as it should, so it's the proof it's not completely freezed. What do you think ?
  18. Who said real time ? Generating waveforms in realtime is just stupid, because there's no need of it. I thought of generating the wavetable, when you load the patch, and a patch is just a few parameters need to generate the waveforms. Do you think store hundreds of waveforms is a clever idea and adapted to the pic's ?
  19. Your first example sound very nice. You are on a very good way :) Yep, i'm sure it's a big part. I think, (but it's just my opinion) that, the trick is to build a generator, better than store waveforms. So you could have a function, with parameters like "wave (sin,saw,sqr)", volume (from,to), cutoff (from,to), resonance (from,to), phase (from,to), vertical shift (from,to), distortion (clip or wrap), so you can generate a big posibilities of waveforms on the fly with only few parameters to save. [from,to] are the values you want to interpolate between the 16 steps. More parameters : Speed,Length, Play(once/loop/pingpong) Of course it's just a suggestion ;) 16 Steps are allready GREAT !!! :) It's very well done sir, i cant wait to have a synth like yours :)
  20. :o Some projects are under developpement. That mean that they are subject to changes. It's good to make those available anyway, for testing purpose. If you just "want to build, and never open it again" Then wait for "Final" versions. Dont feel offended, but if you dont like DIY, do not DIY.
  21. Hey, dont worry, it works with most of them ;)
  22. Hello Rio ! You forget to set the midi channel !! MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(176 + i);//Controller Chn i MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(123);//ALL NOTE OFF // http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/ctllist.htm MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x00); Here is a function that kill notes on every channels : void ALL_NOTE_OFF(){//KILL EVERY NOTES unsigned char i=0; for(i=0;i<15;i++){ MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(176 + i);//Controller Chn i MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(123);//ALL NOTE OFF // http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/ctllist.htm MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x00); } return; }
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