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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. http://www.akaipro.com/apc40 NO NO NO NO !!! it is the 2nd time Akai screw me up ! FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK !!! http://www.ableton.com/touch And FUCK AGAIN !
  2. yes I do, but I would prefer a more custom PCB, with shift registers integrated. Maybe a group bulk order in next weeks yes of course. Eight keys : F1 to F8. Think to "ctrl+A" and now think there is 64 "A" keys and 8 "ctrl" keys. OK ? direct access to menu and features. Good idea. Think to : step seq, MPC seq, bounce "boing" seq. Just for the Sequencer. I also plane to make a "fader" via the buttons column mode : 8 faders. it previuoud : 4 layers in MPC style (layer A, B, C, D) idetified by Leds. character LCD, i do not know how to manage GLCD, and if all the voltages required are on the Core. it is already.FrontDesign [4colors_top_v1.0.pdf FrontDesign [4colors_top_v1.0.pdf
  3. too good ! cinema drive-in for the neighboors LOL
  4. Tell me you put big speakers outside within during December !
  5. playing mario kart :) in Montpellier ! sur les Arceaux <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  6. i would take 16 too. does it fit veroboard or do i need to make a PCB ? in this last case, SMD LED bought on ebay is a much more clever solution :-[
  7. Does anybody where i can fin an already made led ring like this:http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2071/2659703029_df25a369e7.jpg?v=0 another solution is to design the ring in eagle .brd and using 3mm led, but i am very lazy :P
  8. i do not have a flickr account :Punsped did a RGB Monome based on Arduino. julien bayle did the same with Arduino + the sparkfun kit for controlling 64 RGB Led JMG did the Octinct with Arduino and TLC5640 if i well remember (not sure of the chip ...) but no one is computer independant : i want an independant music machine, like my drummachine or my MPC btw, Does anybody know how to do PWM with cheap chipset like 74HC 595, and (top!) pin compatible ? mine will be crystal clear, then brushed (maybe plexiglass, or plastic). If I found $$ it will be in aluminium (but heavy).
  9. like OSC ;)obvious i never understood how you play a Do# (C#) in OSC :P there is no scores but trace, curve, etc ???
  10. no :)IMO it is bright 'cause it is 74HC595 DIP and not SOIC. R = 220 ohms for red and R = 150 ohms for green and blue. From my calculations I can divide these by two and get it more bright, in order to see under the sun (!). http://cgi.ebay.fr/50-PC-5mm-8Kmcd-Manual-Control-MultiColor-RGB-LED-F-R_W0QQitemZ220337040895QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFR_JG_Moto_Tuning?hash=item220337040895&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1526%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 the monome is more or less a cool device : cool 'cause it gives a keyboard to max/msp users with feedback, and it is open source ! not cool 'cause it is monocolour, small and need lots of software to work ! http://flickr.com/photos/unsped/3016326501/in/set-72157604074202672/
  11. not yet !I just found out how to make a combination of buttons (e.g : cmd+Z) ! Stay tuned, it will rock :) <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  12. Hello folks here is my new midibox project : The Rainbow For the moment it is based on BLM example v1_2, I improved it to manage RGB Leds. It works as a midi keyboard responsive to midi messages. It has only 3 tests functions for today. I am writing the code. It will be a super versatile midi controller, having several layers, sequencing capabilities ( clock, arpegiattor, midi tracks, support of midi files ...) ; it has 64 buttons with leds and a 4x20 LCD display for the moment. I will add 16 encoders and various leds and buttons to make functions and layers indicators. It looks like a lot to the Monome : i had the idea of this controller before the monome gets out. I needed time to develop it. The case is to build, any good soul welcome :) <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>More to come, and migrate to MIOS32 soon :P Test of 4colors_RGB_blm_example_v1_4.zip Test of 4colors_RGB_blm_example_v1_4.zip
  13. HCl+H2O2 ??? could you explain a bit more the technique please Cimo ? especially quantity used and concentration of the products (n mol/L) Does that mean we can easily make PCB @home ? How do you put the black on the Cu ? printer ?
  14. All my bests to all of you and friends and mates :)
  15. it is super activated FeCl3 ! heat heat !!
  16. great job ! LCD need a window ;) reboot and me know where to get for cheap
  17. BLM.asm of intelijel has 1 error that causes troubleshoot. see : http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,10476.msg107027.html#msg107027 but thanks to him for typing the code :)
  18. PROBLEM SOLVED ! they was a mistake on 1 line of BLM.asm !!! it was : ;; output value of "Blue LED row" depending on current column lfsr FSR2, _blm_row_green ;; left side movf IRQ_TMP1, W movff PLUSW2, MIOS_PARAMETER1 #if DEFAULT_SRM_DOUT_BLU1 movlw DEFAULT_SRM_DOUT_BLU1 - 1 call MIOS_DOUT_SRSet #endif ;; right side incf IRQ_TMP1, W movff PLUSW2, MIOS_PARAMETER1 #if DEFAULT_SRM_DOUT_BLU2 movlw DEFAULT_SRM_DOUT_BLU2 - 1 call MIOS_DOUT_SRSet #endif IT MUST BE : ;; output value of "Blue LED row" depending on current column lfsr FSR2, _blm_row_blue ;; left side movf IRQ_TMP1, W movff PLUSW2, MIOS_PARAMETER1 #if DEFAULT_SRM_DOUT_BLU1 movlw DEFAULT_SRM_DOUT_BLU1 - 1 call MIOS_DOUT_SRSet #endif ;; right side incf IRQ_TMP1, W movff PLUSW2, MIOS_PARAMETER1 #if DEFAULT_SRM_DOUT_BLU2 movlw DEFAULT_SRM_DOUT_BLU2 - 1 call MIOS_DOUT_SRSet #endif lfsr FSR2, _blm_row_green IS FALSE;WRITE lfsr FSR2, _blm_row_blue Ah ah ! I had well observed the problem : blue was acting like green, logical when you see the code Now everything works :) toggling and midi notes ;) thanks to bugfight for helping me. I'll be back in 2 weeks when my super seq-control surface will be ready !! 4colors_RGB_blm_example_v1_2.zip blm.asm 4colors_RGB_blm_example_v1_2.zip blm.asm
  19. on button press and on midi note : when it is supposed to be green, i have blue+green, when supposed to be blue, i have nothing, when supposed to be red+green, i have blue+green+red ! it is very frustrating The behaviour is as if the 74HC595 managing the blue leds (SR3, if i count starting at 1) had the same behaviour as the 74HC595 managing the green one (SR2). That's why i have thought to a software issue, especially in BLM.asm. I will check once again that i am well connected reading the schematic ... but I am sure i am as the good RGB led (meaning the 34th when midi note 34 received) lights up. I am curious to know if it worked for Intellijel thanks for your help mr bugfight
  20. I still have troubles with this appli Now the toggling of LED is OK thanks to bugfight and the removing 0xf0 for sink drivers (i don't have transistors on my PCB) : Code: #if 1 // cycle colour whenever button has been pressed (value == 0) if( !value ) { mask = MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(blm_button_column); if ( blm_row_green[blm_button_row] & mask ) { if ( blm_row_red[blm_button_row] & mask ) blm_row_blue[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //if red is changing to 0, toggle blue blm_row_red[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //if green is changing to 0, toggle red } blm_row_green[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //green toggles every time } /* 3 states cycle : red->blue->white->NA mask = MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(blm_button_column); if ( blm_row_red[blm_button_row] & mask ) { if ( blm_row_green[blm_button_row] & mask ) blm_row_blue[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //if red is changing to 0, toggle blue blm_row_green[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //if green is changing to 0, toggle red } blm_row_red[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //green toggles every time } */ I have done the management of LEDs by MIDI messages, and it works, except for the BLUE LED : Code: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a complete MIDI event has been received ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt(unsigned char evnt0, unsigned char evnt1, unsigned char evnt2) __wparam { unsigned char evnt1Adj; unsigned char led_column; unsigned char led_row; // control the Duo-LEDs via Note On/Off Events // The colour is controlled with velocity value: // 0 : all LEDs off // 01-10 : green LED on // 11-20 : red LED on // 21-30 : blue LED on // 31-40 : red+green LED on (= yellow) // 41-50 : green+blue LED on (= turquoise) // 51-60 : blue+red LED on (= purple) // 61-127 : all LEDs on (= white) // CLEAR &= AND // SET |= OR // only MIDI note numbers from 0x00..0x3f are valid (-> 64 LEDs) evnt1Adj = ((evnt1 - 24) & 0x7f); if( (evnt0 == 0x80 || evnt0 == 0x90) && (evnt1Adj < 0x40 ) ) { // derive LED column and row from note number led_column = evnt1Adj >> 3; led_row = evnt1Adj & 0x07; // 90 xx 00 is the same like a note off event! // (-> http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec.htm) if( evnt0 == 0x80 || evnt2 == 0x00 ) { // Note Off or velocity == 0x00: clear all LEDs blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 10 ) { // GREEN // Velocity < 10: set green LED, clear red LED, clear blue LED blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 20 ) { // RED // Velocity < 20: clear green LED, set red LED, clear blue led blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 30 ) { // BLUE // Velocity < 30 : clear green LED, clear red LED, set blue led blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 40 ) { // YELLOW = R+G // Velocity < 40 : set green LED, set red LED, clear blue led blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 50 ) { // turquoise = G+B // Velocity < 50 : set green LED, set blue LED, clear red led blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 60 ) { // PURPLE = R+B // Velocity < 60 : set blue LED, set red LED, clear green led blm_row_blue[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else { // Velocity >= 61: set RGB LEDs blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); } } The behaviour is very strange : when it is supposed to be only GREEN, it lights up BLUE+GREEN when supposed only BLUE, nothing lights up when supposed RED+GREEN, it is R+G+B when supposed R+B, it is only RED LEDs used are these with common cathode http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230254668750&_trksid=p3907.m32&_trkparms=tab%3DWatching It seems the green led was driving the blue led and the blue led not connected (obvious it is, as it can produce RGB light !) Any ideas ? MIOS32 drives RGB, but I don't have yet the mios32 PCB ... stryd_edit: Just added the code tag 4colors_blm_example_v1_2.zip 4colors_blm_example_v1_2.zip
  21. ok guys I still have troubles with this appli ??? Now the toggling of LED is OK thanks to bugfight and the removing 0xf0 for sink drivers (i don't have transistors on my PCB) : #if 1 // cycle colour whenever button has been pressed (value == 0) if( !value ) { mask = MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(blm_button_column); if ( blm_row_green[blm_button_row] & mask ) { if ( blm_row_red[blm_button_row] & mask ) blm_row_blue[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //if red is changing to 0, toggle blue blm_row_red[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //if green is changing to 0, toggle red } blm_row_green[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //green toggles every time } /* 3 states cycle : red->blue->white->NA mask = MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(blm_button_column); if ( blm_row_red[blm_button_row] & mask ) { if ( blm_row_green[blm_button_row] & mask ) blm_row_blue[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //if red is changing to 0, toggle blue blm_row_green[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //if green is changing to 0, toggle red } blm_row_red[blm_button_row] ^= mask; //green toggles every time } */ I have done the management of LEDs by MIDI messages, and it works, except for the BLUE LED : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a complete MIDI event has been received ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt(unsigned char evnt0, unsigned char evnt1, unsigned char evnt2) __wparam { unsigned char evnt1Adj; unsigned char led_column; unsigned char led_row; // control the Duo-LEDs via Note On/Off Events // The colour is controlled with velocity value: // 0 : all LEDs off // 01-10 : green LED on // 11-20 : red LED on // 21-30 : blue LED on // 31-40 : red+green LED on (= yellow) // 41-50 : green+blue LED on (= turquoise) // 51-60 : blue+red LED on (= purple) // 61-127 : all LEDs on (= white) // CLEAR &= AND // SET |= OR // only MIDI note numbers from 0x00..0x3f are valid (-> 64 LEDs) evnt1Adj = ((evnt1 - 24) & 0x7f); if( (evnt0 == 0x80 || evnt0 == 0x90) && (evnt1Adj < 0x40 ) ) { // derive LED column and row from note number led_column = evnt1Adj >> 3; led_row = evnt1Adj & 0x07; // 90 xx 00 is the same like a note off event! // (-> http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec.htm) if( evnt0 == 0x80 || evnt2 == 0x00 ) { // Note Off or velocity == 0x00: clear all LEDs blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 10 ) { // GREEN // Velocity < 10: set green LED, clear red LED, clear blue LED blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 20 ) { // RED // Velocity < 20: clear green LED, set red LED, clear blue led blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 30 ) { // BLUE // Velocity < 30 : clear green LED, clear red LED, set blue led blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 40 ) { // YELLOW = R+G // Velocity < 40 : set green LED, set red LED, clear blue led blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 50 ) { // turquoise = G+B // Velocity < 50 : set green LED, set blue LED, clear red led blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 60 ) { // PURPLE = R+B // Velocity < 60 : set blue LED, set red LED, clear green led blm_row_blue[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else { // Velocity >= 61: set RGB LEDs blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_blue[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); } } The behaviour is very strange : when it is supposed to be only GREEN, it lights up BLUE+GREEN when supposed only BLUE, nothing lights up when supposed RED+GREEN, it is R+G+B when supposed R+B, it is only RED LEDs used are these with common cathode http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230254668750&_trksid=p3907.m32&_trkparms=tab%3DWatching It seems led the green was driving the blue led and the blue led not connected (obvious it is as it can produce RGB light !) Any ideas ? TK ? MIOS32 drives RGB, but I don't have yet the mios32 PCB ... 4colors_blm_example_v1_2.zip 4colors_blm_example_v1_2.zip
  22. bugfight, thanks for your fast answer :) i have understood the general goal of these 2 parts of the code (LED on corresponding to a certain velocity), and the cycling toggle function I have tried some code but i have a problem caused by the Blue LED always on with the red or the blue ... ??? In the second part, I don't understand the deep function of "mask". I have done the assembly of the sparkfun kits following the schematic of TK, and adding a third DOUT for the blue leds (like intellijel) ; i am also reusing the BLM.asm of intellijel as i have understood it manages well the 3 different colours. If you have some time to make some code for the direct toggle of the colours by the buttons (if=1) I would be honored to test it. For the moment, with this code, LEDs of the column cycle through the different colours, but not the LEDS of the pressed button ??? IMO, the best would be some explanations about the algo which is used : purpose of "mask", purpose of GetbitORMask, purpose of GetbitANDmask. It seems described by ASM lines in BLM.asm, unfortunatly it is rather complicated to me to understand it :( (i always had problem with Matrix in maths at university) Thanks in advance to anybody who will demystify this ;)
  23. has someone done something about RGB leds ? How do you manage this part of the code : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a complete MIDI event has been received ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt(unsigned char evnt0, unsigned char evnt1, unsigned char evnt2) __wparam { unsigned char evnt1Adj; unsigned char led_column; unsigned char led_row; // control the Duo-LEDs via Note On/Off Events // The colour is controlled with velocity value: // 0x00: both LEDs off // 0x01..0x3f: green LED on // 0x40..0x5f: red LED on // 0x60..0x7f: both LEDs on // only MIDI note numbers from 0x00..0x3f are valid (-> 64 LEDs) evnt1Adj = ((evnt1 - 24) & 0x7f); if( (evnt0 == 0x80 || evnt0 == 0x90) && (evnt1Adj < 0x40 ) ) { // derive LED column and row from note number led_column = evnt1Adj >> 3; led_row = evnt1Adj & 0x07; // 90 xx 00 is the same like a note off event! // (-> http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec.htm) if( evnt0 == 0x80 || evnt2 == 0x00 ) { // Note Off or velocity == 0x00: clear both LEDs blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 0x40 ) { // Velocity < 0x40: set green LED, clear red LED blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); } else if( evnt2 < 0x60 ) { // Velocity < 0x60: clear green LED, set red LED blm_row_green[led_column] &= MIOS_HLP_GetBitANDMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); } else { // Velocity >= 0x60: set both LEDs blm_row_green[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); blm_row_red[led_column] |= MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(led_row); } } } and this one : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is NOT called by MIOS, but by the scan matrix handler // in blm.asm, when a pin of the scan matrix has been toggled // Note: in addition to "pin" and "value", the "blm_button_column" and // "blm_button_row" are available as global variables (defined in blm.h) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BLM_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char value) __wparam { unsigned char mask; // send pin number and value as Note On Event MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x90); MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut((pin + 24) & 0x7f); MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(value ? 0x00 : 0x7f); // enable this code (turn #if 0 into #if 1) if buttons should change the LED colour directly // disable it when LEDs should only be controlled via MIDI #if 1 // cycle colour whenever button has been pressed (value == 0) if( !value ) { mask = MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask(blm_button_column); if ( blm_row_green[blm_button_row] & mask ) blm_row_red[blm_button_row] ^= mask; blm_row_green[blm_button_row] ^= mask; if ( blm_row_blue[blm_button_row] & mask ) blm_row_red[blm_button_row] ^= mask; blm_row_blue[blm_button_row] ^= mask; if ( blm_row_red[blm_button_row] & mask ) blm_row_blue[blm_button_row] ^= mask; blm_row_red[blm_button_row] ^= mask; // blm_row_blue[blm_button_row] ^= mask; } /* &= (Bitwise AND EQUALS) Performs a bitwise AND and sets the original value to the result. ^= (Bitwise Exclusive OR EQUALS) Performs a bitwise exclusive OR and sets the original value to the result. |= (Bitwise OR EQUALS) Performs a bitwise OR and sets the original value to the result. */ #endif it is a bit complicted to understand for me ???
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