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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. i advise you to do a RGB matrix even if you use only 1 colour. It would be ready for future enhancemnts. And i also advise you to get sparkfun kit as it is easy to solder and buttons are good ; LEDs can be found in ebay china for 25 euros/100pcs.(topbright88)Kommon KATHOD follow the TK's schematic with my pen additions and you are in.
  2. just my favorite definition :P
  3. if you look at the Rainbow topic i made, you will see a schematic to build your own Matrix. And you look in the last version of the software (v1.8 ), you will see there is a possibility to do 4x16 or 8x8 thanks to an algo developped by bugfight. It is called DESCRAMBLING.
  4. last OS development before moving to MIOS 32 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d9GapXU67c <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>4colors_RGB_blm_example_v1_8.zip 4colors_RGB_blm_example_v1_8.zip
  5. passe au core STM32, tu te feras moins chier. à vérifier mais il devrait y a voir plus d'entrées analog que sur le core 8bits en tout cas tout le reste (DIN, DOUT, AIN) reste compatible en plus t'as le port USB la compact flash et l'ethernet. En gros ça dboite, moi j'ai hate de recevoir mes platines pour continuer le dvt de mon Rainbow
  6. non un seul core suffit ; la solution magique s'appelle la matrice, qbas a fait un code pour 1024 entrées DIN OUI, je l'ai fait. ça ce serait bien, je connais qlq un qui l'a fait, 64 "pads" avec vélocité et aftertouch.C'est toi qui fait mawzer ??
  7. easier : clockbox muxed with BLM(rainbow) can do thatjust make a command line like (beats counts 0 1 2 3 then return to zero) when beats = 0 or 1, then Led ON, else LED off, default BPM is set to 120 i've started to code this but i do not remember if it is published in the topic
  8. Mega LOL !!! :D :D :D by the way i do not care that Akai or Ableton watch us ;) cause Native Instruments did the stuff i need : Maschine http://www.native-instruments.com/newreleases/ with Bodzin und Huntemann samples ! yeahh :)
  9. LOL ! The x0x with SokkOS will produce the same effect on your brain : devilish ! :D <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  10. you can't control all the TB parameters with midi. Kenton kit allows you to ctrl CV gate in for note, filter, accent. others have developped midi module to control the notes played, but thats all. My opinion is that you should get a perect clone (like the x0xb0x) whih is already midi for the sequencer and write your patch for the 5 knobs on a paper.
  11. lucky bastard ;) i want one too, but it is 800 euros in Paris !
  12. je ne me suis pas encore penché en détail sur la question des SSM dans le MB6582, mais j'ai cru comprendre que les potards, eh ben , y en avait pas ! c'est dans les menu du MB6582 que ça se gère me semble-t-il.
  13. tu poses de drole de questions toi ce que j'ai compris : je fais un MB6582, je branche mon 1er AOUT NG sur le pic ID 00, mon 2eme AOUT NG au 1er AOUTNG. Ensuite, chaque AOUT NG va vers 2 platines pour ssm2044 (faites par seppoman) voilà .
  14. no need to develop driver ! :P http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9022 so thin keyboard, can't wait 8)
  15. it is a great example of the benefits of collaborative documentation
  16. great job ! but you should show the result and circle the bended area for "bad english" user. I know several people that argue me with "how do you biuld MB-6582 ?" even when i explain them it is in the wiki (and ALL is in the wiki) :P
  17. no problem but you should copy them on a web server, i will remove it one day soon. just a remarque : you can see written it is Ghostradioshow on youtube, amazing japanese guy
  18. i did and your comment are perfect for this : http://4colors.free.fr/midibox/demos/mb6582/building/MB6582.html detent is removed between CIMG1308 & 1309, pointed by pen
  19. unfortunatly, i ve been getting a new job (i am not excited about, but i am obliged), and i am not sure to be able to provide such a bulk orderThe fastest is to get Sparkfun PCB, but this isn't convenient as you need lots of wires between SPark PCB and DIN/DOUT. It is heavy (weight talk) and a source for errors, as I have been noticing it. i haven't been digging enough into Live API. My concept was based on the old way of working of Live : when a clip is launched it sends a midi note ON event. The velocity tells if it is a loop or a single shot. IMO Live api is very great but will be closed. Moreover, it is written that Ableton won't support questions relative to LIVE API. And it seems it won't be supported in LIVE 8 (but i am not 100% sure about). In the videos you ve seen, I am using live in a special manner : the Protools 6 method (midi and AUX tracks); Track midi 1 is only midi (IN and OUT), whereas track Midi 2 is plugged to track 1 for its input and has an AudioUnit in output for producing the sounds. This method allows you to get a midi feedback (what I want !) and a tone. Some buttons of the Rainbow are assigned to clip, they are responsive to midi feedback concerning the clips. It was at the beginning. Currently I am focused on the sequencer aspect of the rainbow, and I am trying to develop an MLR into the midibox. LiveAPI will be the next step. If you want to get more in terms of "midi controller" you can have a look in "la boite à boutons" i did 1,5 years ago. It is a universal midi keybaord 8x8, which send note ON/OFF, control change, program changes, and display on a LCD received midi events. What interest me today is "midi feedback", through LEDs. I don't know.
  20. :ohttp://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,12724.0.html I guess they did it when a opened my BIG mouth a while ago http://julien.voirin.free.fr/4Colors/Home.html it was my memory of end of study. And I guess I wrote to Ableton. it would be idealisitic But i would just precise that Live is Mackie Control Compliant, that you can edit a script in order to use your controller as a Mackie MCU (that's the way they do to propose so much Control surfaces in the Preferences : they did a generic and map everybody on it), that the protocol allows you to have 4 directions arrows, and that clips can be triggered like this. It is the way i am working on to control live. MFL is not useful in this case. For me MFL is powerful as it can transform your controller, like the seq they did and can be mapped to the buttons of the APC matrix.
  21. yes i already have a "tete de lecture" like in MLR. MBSeq can be adapted to Rainbow with some additional code No ! I want everybody wants a Rainbow :P ! I want to see it on every stage, in every gig LOL BTW, what inspire you "Chop shop MIDI" ?
  22. and me ? I had the idea in 2006 ! i made the voirinov more than one year ago ("la boite à boutons" in user project). Unfortunatly it has no led under the buttons This box is perfect, except the plastic end checks. but you can remove the 6 screws and put something more design (i guess it is made like the MPC). I've been looking the video on ableton site, the space between the buttons is perfect, better than the sparkfun ones. the square has the same size. They have layers with arrows. I also have 16 encoders, but no led rings (but u noticed i had thought to) As i wanted to add 8 potentiometers (as there are 8 free AIN on the core) it is the same design than mine. And SHIFT button, I also did !! but i have ALT too. GRRRR Faders are good quality as it will be the same as on the MPC5000 or the MPD series
  23. and "Max to Live" ? did you read it, have you seen the step seq appli they developped some times ago ? Don't you imagine they will make a "*****" too ? and a **** mode using **** ***** **** **** ? Why am I writing on this forum as Ralf Suckow is a member. I am disgusted >:(
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