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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. salut J'ai aussi récupéré un core32 smash TV (j'en avais d'autres de TK avant) La led verte procède comme cela au démarrage pour un module acheté chez smash : elle clignote 2 fois, s'éteint une seconde, puis s'allume en permanence. Dans MIOS Studio, tu as des requetes du Core qui réclame une appli : il est en "mode bootloader" , en gros comme le core8 d'autrefois. SI tu rafraichis la liste de IN OUT midi dans Mios Studio, tu devrais voir un truc "MIOS32" : c'est ça qu'il faut choisir pour tes in/out. Ensuite tu fais Query. Le core va répondre en donnant son numero de serie (unique, inscrit dans le STM). A partir de là tu peux être sûr que ça marchera. Sous Windows, il y a une embrouille avec les drivers. je ne peux pas t'aider la dessus je n'ai que des macs Petit conseil : vérifie bien l'ordre et l'emplacement des résistances, il ya des choses qui changent de place entre le core32_V2 (de TK) et le R1 (de SmashTV) j'ai failli me faire niquer là dessus hier, car moi aussi je fais un seqV4, mais j'ai fini, il a toutes les options. Si tu sais comment calibrer les AoutNG d'ailleurs ... Courage
  2. did you check cable ? is E line of core connected to E line of the LCD (test with your multimeter in "bipbip" mode) check contrast too (turn 10k pot all his range) cheers
  3. juste une remarque : la masse c'est la masse. y en a qu'une ; certains montages en ont 2 mais c'est quand il ya une masse analog (typiquement pour les ampli, là où y a du signal audio, et une digital, celle des circuits de commande (genre le mbhp) 5V c'est pareil, y en a qu'un
  4. si j'étais toi je vérifirais que les points S0 et S1 de tes din/dout vont bien au bon endroit sur le core (en testant au bipbip du multimetre) ; des fois les IDC sont difficiles à fabriquer (perso je trouve que cela necessite bcp de force) sinon c'est qu'il ya un court circuit entre les bus vdd , vss, clk et les 2 autres les dout s'allument ?
  5. is the ethernet module already an HW option ? (is there code that send OSC ?) mine is in conflict with the sd card module ( i had to remove the connections to MISO, MOSI of eth module)
  6. imo no but why not upgrade to seq v4 (just change the core module) ? hardware stay the same (you will have to add a SDCard btw)
  7. Hi Guys ! I am in LED : i have a friend who often goes to China and can get them on the market. I asked him 500 RGB Led and he came back within 1000 (free shipping, it was in his case) having 10000 would not be hard (it is rather small in fact) . SMD would be a ggod alternative. We can negociate a good price as he deals with factories. I have done an RGB 8x8 buttons matrix without the need of transistors.i did not notice all the requirements with the SD, SC, all the shift registers necessary, etc ... Buttons : from my experience, plastic buttons are clicky. Rubber buttons like those in the monome are "middly" good. Those from Sparkfun are rather good. The guy who own livid sells 8x8 matrix buttons. for a big GB, he could make discount. A friend of mine own a plastic factory. I will talk to him about rubber buttons to have an idea of costs. Personnaly i would prefer all in one pcb (shift registers soldered on the back), even if it is SMD (it isn't hard to solder if you have Flux and a good video demo).sandwiched version with screws. I designed in Frontpanel Designer and Eagle http://4colors.free.fr/4colors/Machines/Pages/The_Rainbow.html PS : if we can make an MAXMSP patch like "nonome", lots of people could be interested
  8. putain ! ça déchire !!!! :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: :frantics: i will do everything you need to help a group buy for PCB, buttons and panels like Wilba did for the SeqV4 control panel Livid does nice buttons with 3mm LEDs or RGB smd inside
  9. ok could you please explain me a little more : i need 1 - display LCD 2- the backlight 3 - a touchpanel that sticks to the LCD right ? cheers
  10. is there an "algorithm-driver" for the touchpanel too ? thanks guys :thumbsup:
  11. what are the references of the DOG Lcd and the DOG touchscreen @ mouser ? (the pink one of TK) are there drivers (uc1610 ?) for : http://fr.mouser.com/ProductDetail/ELECTRONIC-ASSEMBLY/EA-TOUCH160-1/?qs=XoD1gVtqLQvx3SsJpN7Png%3d%3d and http://fr.mouser.com/ProductDetail/ELECTRONIC-ASSEMBLY/EA-DOGXL160S-7/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMt7dcPGmvnkBoVrwDsRKMrKHVulqwLaEg8%3d Best regards
  12. whowhopwhop !!! i want that : so TK, what's your trick ? :w00t:
  13. Dear Guys One year ago i wanted to have a GLCD for my custom midibox. A friend of mine gave me free GLCD "based" on KS0108 from China (no datasheet of course), but i can't achieve it to work with Core32 (not tried with core8). So there are some ebay auctions i noticed : http://cgi.ebay.fr/1x-Graphics-LCD-128x64-KS0107-Green-Backlight-fcbusa-/360132992501?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53d9995df5 (datasheet LCM-S12864GSF+C.pdf) http://cgi.ebay.fr/Graphic-LCD-Module-Display-12864-H-Y-YG-with-T6963C-/190340658673?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c512ff5f1 (datasheet JHD12864H.pdf) http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130337989859&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNASIF:FR:1123 (datasheet YMG12864-5.pdf) The budget is around 15€. But it can more if you find me the perfect beast ! :frantics: I 'd like something completly compatible with the drivers developed for mios32 (ks0108, st76, st69..), the maximum contrast(e.g white on black), the finest pitch and the biggest area possible. The possibility to put 2X 128*64 is a pro. Backlight is a must So could an expert have a look at the datasheets ? i did , but except pinning, there are things i do not understand : what's "duty", "bias" ? why some controllers change their reference and do the same job as others, are they completly compatible ? what's the font size ?? Thanks in advance for your help, do not hesitate to put your sources for good GLCDs best regards LCM-S12864GSF+C.pdf JHD12864H.pdf YMG12864-5.pdf
  14. just launch p18.exe , choose dedicated bootloader .hex (file 18f452), burn the .hex (clic on Brennen in german) and that's all ! the rest is done in midi with mios studio
  15. it is a bit more louder than a line level (on a bass sound for example) there is no need to amp this usually 8,97V is ok. you should try with certified SID chip
  16. :angry: fu***ng impedance ! thanks for the replies
  17. it is possible, i did it (and developped a dedicated app for controlling 8 analog switch with 8 tact switches with LED visual feedback)
  18. julienvoirin

    My first pattern ;-)

    respect :thumbsup:
  19. Hi buddies what's the maximal length for a flat cable between Seq V4 Wilba control surface and the Mios32 core ? Same question for the display cables the idea is to put all the circuits (core, jacks, aout ng, etc) and cables in a rack bay and use the control surface as a remote like in Akai S6000 or Lexicon 480L Best regards
  20. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midiboxdmx
  21. dear julianf do you have extra window acrylic for the panel i bought you (now assembled :)) ? best regards
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