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Everything posted by sineSurfer

  1. just added myself to the list on the wiki ;)
  2. I can't find the answer just by reading the code so i'll ask, I hope you don't mind: The code handles key velocity? thanks, Freddy.
  3. sounds good I have to start somewhere so I'll try it ;) btw. this code will run on 18f452 only? I have a spare 18f4620 and 18f4685
  4. Hi julienvoirin, do you think this code, maybe tweaked here and there could work with a doepfer(Fatar) 2 octaves keyboard? 1 core, one DOUT and one DIN sounds cheaper than the doepfer MKE module the matrix schematic for that kb:25 keys schem I'm planning to build a standalone Fatman w/keyboard included, your work could be really useful ;) Thanks, Freddy.
  5. duh!, forgot I had asked you about this, I was curious to see if the front panel was bigger than the rack mbSEQ panel, the fpd files will do ;) I guess the final size of the case was determined by the panel, but what about the extra width on the top, and the case height in the fronn and the back? just trying to figure out what would i need to build some similar case, thanks a lot Swindus.
  6. hi ganchan, how about switching to another pattern with those tracks empty? ;)
  7. Hi swindus, sweet box you made!, do you mind sharing the panels/enclosure measures?
  8. I can offer some of my scarce spare time to work on the app GUI, need high quality photoshop/illustrator stuff done?, I'm your man ;) And yes, please make it multi platform, as soon as I have a working mbSEQ I'll be able to test on the Mac side.
  9. "Improve" the self etched pcb by removing any traces under the IC? ;D the pcb looks good TK!
  10. you have to make it work without workarounds on the les paul fossi!!! otherwise I won't build it :D
  11. Hi Eddie, wondering if you got my pm?
  12. that's better ;) where's the pdf? need to redo some of my boards anyway, don't ask why.
  13. sweet picture Ultra!!!, can you post the ultracore Mouser BOM?
  14. yeah Kevin, it looks great and is good to see your box finished ;)...now show the heart breaker pictures, you know you want to heehee
  15. good to know you are ok!... now take your underwear to the laundry fossi :D
  16. Other way using CAM processor: Device = EPS File = a name to save the file, with .eps extension Select only this layers: Bottom, Pads, Vias, Dimension Deactivate "Fill pads" check box Click Process Job button to save it as a vector file, also ready to print (black and white,)and no worries about DPI. You can also edit this file on Illustrator or other vector apps *hint* to change the board size, join boards, etc.*/hint*
  17. if you have the TR808 midi retrofitted there is no audible time inaccuracy, just as tight as the mb808. If you use the TR808 without midi I bet you can see differences zooming a recorded waveform at sample level given the nature of analog/old stuff, but I'd say, overall, it's just a myth to get more cash for the boxes. If you still want audible timing inaccuracy, use an MS2000 as a master, that (really bad) timing will beat any other box known to mankind!
  18. lol, involuntary hijack though, no more photos from me on this thread ;D "sineSurfer == copyCat³ == thread-hijacker™" All learned from my guru fossi
  19. thanks TK, yeah you may say it is the final pic, not totally sure about the panel, maybe I'll order one from FPE. i'll post some more pictures after all the code work is done to call it 100% functional :) napierzaza: I used a 4xDIN cos I had a module from smashTv already, so there are some unused pins hehee, and about the panel it's all diy, it just takes a lot of patience and tools... and not so perfect if you look more closely, . Forgot to tell before: there is also a LTC module, waiting to be added to the box(LEDs and back panel midi jacks are already in place) btw. thanks to Fossi advice I switched from a DOUT module to J5 on the Core for the LEDs, one module free for other projects!
  20. Hi napierzaza, it all depends on how much you want to work on your control surface, so only you can make that decision, and based on your choice you'll have to change the setup file according to your own wiring e.g. self etched boards to hold everything, just stripboard and a lot of spaghetti wirings Check my mbSid stereo version, for me it was a good compromise between no CS and full CS(still needs a lot of code mods for the CS to work 100%) the whole CS is made on 3 diy boards, the harder was the one for the c64 keys + 1 stripboard for the top right encoder and leds, add to that a 4xDIN, 1 core, 2 mbSid modules. btw. there are wiring pdfs available on www.ucapps.de for DIN and DOUT modules(TK's default configs I think).
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