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Everything posted by lucem

  1. If it's between 100k and 1k, just use a comparator and adjust sensitivity as you need it. If you ask now what a comparator is, google and wikipedia are your friends.
  2. Hold me, Thrill me, ...
  3. lucem

    rack switcher

    Ein Array ist als Datentyp immer ein Pointer. Deswegen kann man implizit Arrays auch als Zeiger und umgekehrt verwenden, inkl. Zeigerarithmetik zum Direktzugriff auf Arrayelemente. Das @ wird vermutlich eine SDCC-spezifische Präprozessorerweiterung sein, Bestandteil des Standards ist das Token jedenfalls nicht. Mit dem SDCC kenne ich mich persönlich allerdings nicht gut genug aus, um die Funktionalität dieses Tokens eindeutig beantworten zu können. Hoffentlich war das trotzdem hilfreich :)
  4. Phase Modulation and Frequency Modulation are essentially two names for the same thing. Phase Modulation modulates the frequency indirectly, while FM directly does the same. If you look at it from the math side, it is in it's essence the same operation. Plus, you cannot tell any difference from the spectrum analysis.
  5. Really guys, you want him to take that beauty apart? :D
  6. Aren't the sides a bit too thick? In all other means, beautiful build!
  7. When using a transistor driver stage, you can drive relays with DOUT pins.
  8. Seems I misread your previous post somehow, I was really convinced you had one of those really old-style analog resistor-ladder keyboards... Mea culpa.
  9. Well, SmashTV has pretty complete kits in his shop, but no cases or panels. But, if you ask nicely, I'm sure there'll be people who will relay orders from other countries to your location if you need it (e.g. Germany, which isn't that far from Cyprus and has good part supply).
  10. lucem

    Modular case

    Haha, I'm a student - free time's enough, but salary... :( Anyway, here the promised pictures: [img width=600]http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/panels1.jpg [img width=600]http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/panels2.jpg Here's a pic of the transformers: [img width=600]http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/trafos1.jpg And here is a pic of a 19" rack case I don't know what to do with... ideas? [img width=600]http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/case1.jpg
  11. lucem

    Modular case

    2x 10A, but i won't put it past 8A, so it won't run too hot I planned the case that big simply because it's gonna grow endlessly anyway :) By what I wanna stuff in there, I'll need at least four of those racks...
  12. lucem

    Modular case

    Oh, it's not _that_ big ;) PS will be +-15V, 5V; I have a ring transformer still lying around which is suited perfectly well to the task with 120VA power rating :)
  13. lucem

    Modular case

    Made a bunch of plywood panels today, pictures will follow :)
  14. An analog keyboard might not be the best solution there is - maybe you should try getting a matrix keyboard of the same size, they provide velocity sensing and sometimes even aftertouch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg02tT0qtlM As you can see, I'm building a keyboard for a while now, too :)
  15. Why not, I'd need to replace my shabby panel anyway :)
  16. Sehr schönes Ergebnis :)
  17. I had a bit of free time today, so I decided to start a modular synth, starting with the most important part, the rack case :D Comments welcome as usual! [img width=600]http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/modular_rack1.jpg [img width=600]http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/modular_rack2.jpg [img width=600]http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/modular_rack3.jpg This baby still needs a paint job, and of course some modules to inhabit it. It is built around the synthesizers.com module sizes (multiple of 2.125" wide, 8.75" high), and can on each floor house 20 MU, totalling in 60 MU for the whole rack. The modules will just be screwed into the wood panels, as I don't plan on removing them except for maintenance. The synth I'm going to build is based on yusynth modules mostly, and is currently in the planning stages.
  18. Not quite to my taste, but the production as such seems solid :)
  19. Well, I didn't check the mouser stuff you pointed at, but I used headers and connectors in my 6582, as is to be seen here: http://users.sr-iserlohn.de/mb6582/ Although I got to admit, I should better have gone for the 90 degree version, with the ones I used it is quite tight within the case...
  20. Those Diodes pull down the respective matrix row for the key which is pressed. Those are standard 1N4148 silicon diodes, which you can find almost everywhere and literally cost nothing :). The wiring pictured is correct.
  21. Awesome, I'm truly speechless.
  22. Da wird sich über Bier unterhalten, ohne die Sauerländer zu fragen?
  23. lucem

    rack switcher

    Um deine lustige Zeichnung aufzugreifen... DOUT PIN - /\/\/ - LED - /\/\/ - DOUT PIN mit R = 110 Ohm
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