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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. 1 hour ago, lacuna said:

    My BiGGeST WiSh iS


    - This means individual track delay, - positive and negative.


    Have you tried this:



    • Groove page: by default, groove configuration changes are applied on all tracks now. It's possible to select a "local groove" by pressing GP7 button in the groove page.
    • BPM page: it's now possible to configure an output delay for each MIDI port. (positive and negative delays are supported - this is currently an experimental feature!)


  2. @Smithy, if you're thinking of a SEQ V4+ build, I'd hold off. Often the cheaper OLEDs are about 5mm taller, and I think we need that for the V4+. For colours, the best approach is to use a white one and put a plastic sheet (gel) in front of it.

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  3. Bruno, looks nice! Your offer is kind, but I think it will be okay with what I have. In my experience, builders have quite some trouble even with SOIC parts, so I try to go no smaller than SOIC/1206/SOT-23. And of course THT parts when possible as they make nice jumpers!

    I think the Waveshare paradigm is a good one to follow as they do a lot of STM chips:

    F4 I (with much more IO) and 1MB SD RAM onboard

    F7 Core



    Yannick, I need some weeks at least to talk with the Bavarians. I also have to prioritise giving boards out to those interested in the SEQ. But hopefully more becomes clear soon.




  4. Hello, total height seems to be about 30-35mm:






    So even a bit higher than the Disco version with the bottom headers; about the same without. There's not much reason to keep the panel board close to the Core, although I will do it like that for the SEQ and everything aligns nicely. I suppose the signal integrity (USB, SD) is better with shorter cables.

    The panel connectors are themselves quite high. Honestly, I think the only way to do it shorter height-wise would be with a dedicated STM32F4 chip on a custom PCB. With a breakout it's fairly much plug-and-play, and probably cheaper.



  5. Here's a new STM32F4 Core:





    It has most of the functionality of the Discovery one, but has a few improvements:

    • USB ports are on the breakout, so there's proper USB B
    • USB A "host" - still need to test this, but it's normally done setting the ID pin low. I've put a panel switch for selecting host/slave and there's a jumper to power the slaved device if needed.
    • LEDs and reset button on the panel; "blue button" as a jumper
    • a 3.5mm socket for a footswitch or gate (or for other purposes)
    • some connectors for +5V supply direct off the USB bus
    • 3v3 Vreg is rated at 1000mA I think
    • the panel connectors could be distant from the Core 
    • I haven't tested the AINs, but it is possible to use an external reference. 


    At the moment I have the breakout mounted on female headers; I suppose they could be directly soldered if extra height is needed. The JTAG and other pin headers do take up a bit of vertical height. These could be cut off if needed; the breakout pins are still there on the headers. There is a realtime clock oscillator (and caps) that I removed as they overlapped with a port.

    A downside compared to Discovery is that there isn't any ST-Link. This is easily overcome with a cheap ST-link clone, or even an old Discovery board could be used. :happy:


    At least all of the functions for a SEQ are working well. I realise that some of the cabling etc. is a bit wonky for the moment.





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  6. Just had a nice jam using the BLM. 

    How are we going with shifting views on on the y axis? It's okay to view just 16 notes, but I find it restricts the usage, especially when using a "polyphonic" track. 

    Perhaps an additional idea: currently the encoder moves just one note up or down when a polyphonic track is enabled. Could the step encoder instead shift the whole shape by semitones? 

    (This may be the Weizen talking.)

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