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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. If you find a quiet enough switcher you can easily make +/-12V from +/-15V with a couple of regulators. You can even use them in a small transistor package instead of a full TO-220 since no big amount of power is necessary :sorcerer: Cheers! J
  2. feels under the weather today so I got a pole-mixing, icy white Shruthi-1. The VCF does Matrix12/Xpander tricks and MS-20 reso :D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. technobreath


      Ah yes, now I remember the concept. I'll rather have a midibox core control the ssm2044s :D

    3. jojjelito


      Oh, I got that too. Will build an external Strophlex box to go with my 6582 :D

      The Shruthis with 2044 will be part of the modular, like an advanced DCO.

    4. technobreath


      ah, yeah, you are building a modular. Hehe, I don't have time for that :P - yet :D

  3. Congrats you crazy "Norrbagge"! Good thing on ditching the smoking (except for the occasional Dutch, green and mild cig) and good on you to start an exercise regiment. I had to halt the MMA thing this last fall due to high blood pressure, but an occasional trip to the gym plus cutting down on sugar I don't need will take me some ways. You don't need to go the full LCHF way if you move around some :thumbsup: No moar back ache (except for when I changed the winter-tyres to the normal low-profile summer tyres) plus a less stressful lifestyle also helps! Keep fighting the good fight and stay off sugar!
  4. My 2 cents as I'm using the AOUT_NG connected to my MB-SEQv4 in my modular: You can never have too many CV out channels! It was easy peasy soldering the TLV chip. I wouldn't like fewer bits for my pitch CVs, and the MAX525 is expensive, plus the shunt required is a component sourcing headache I don't need. I fail to see any valid reason to go with a lesser solution than the NG, and the MBHP_AOUT is expensive and harder to source for a marginal improvement. I got my AOUT_NG in the kit form from Smash-TV so I avoided any sourcing. That said, there's nothing strange in there so it should be smooth sailing no matter what.
  5. Pondering the final version, but I'll most likely move some shift registers off-board, place them in the 9090 in order to get a compact, detachable seq panel with as few cables as possible running back to the 9099... Prophet-3000 stylee
  6. Glühwürmchen (glow-worms) on screen :thumbsup: People need waveform displays.
  7. Nice and old-school chiptune-esque! Well done :smile:
  8. RIP Jack Tramiel and thanks!
  9. I like the Devil/Easter bunny addition at the end! :thumbsup: Nice work!
  10. Ha! I'd buy that fragrance after thinking about it for a New York minute! :thumbsup: I used to call that sweet smell of groving up "Japanese factory air". Had a Dx100 and a RZ-1 that smelled like hideous plastics way back...
  11. I added one of those badboy OLEDs to my last Digi-key order, plus a white 16x2 OLED from Reichelt and some of those x4050 buffers. Guess there will be some experimentation with that and those Core LPCs laters :whistle: FS1r programmer or this MB3396 look like the targets in line. Unless we get an MB-SIDv3 soon.
  12. Ordered from Reichelt, Digi-Key and Mouser. Poorer but soon mucho happier...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. technobreath


      Paypal is the way to go. It annoys me that there is almost nobody in norway who support it. PP is so simple, and u don't have to have ur credit card available or memorize the details! Dude, we're getting pretty lazy in this techno-era :D

    3. technobreath


      strophlex, didn't know u were swedish too.. :)

    4. jojjelito


      Already received the Digi-Key goods @work! That was fast. Kudos!

  13. OMG! Bliss! If I hadn't already eaten the chocolate easter bunny at work I'd send some
  14. jojjelito


    We have a high-roller :thumbsup: I have to sort mine out, but there's too much other stuff to finish first.
  15. Buying synths - uWave XT, Virus TI2 Polar and a JP-8080. Lurvin' it!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. gslug


      Now at zero VA. Sold my MicroKORG for more than I paid for it! Ebay is crazy....

    3. Hawkeye


      me iz also sure that the classics (if you treat them well) will massively rise in price in the next 20 years or so... as everyone shifts to VSTs... there will be a "new retro wave" in 2030 or so and we will all be rich :)

    4. gslug


      ....though a JP-8080 appeals to me.

  16. Aswered yesterday. I thought the topic of the study itself is fascinating so I felt obliged to help out :thumbsup: Good luck with your thesis!
  17. Got my SIFAMs today! Many thanks and big thumbs up to Altitude! :thumbsup:
  18. What cheesiness? It's old school SID. You can get away with lots just because it's SID :sorcerer: Plus I like the arpeggiated sounds and the filtering. Perfect for Sunday component sourcing! :flowers:
  19. I'll try to e-mail you the entire thing when I'm back at work tomorrow. Basically all the init business is below the wait 50ms code in the above example. I'm not sure about all the waiting around before that though. We should double-check the values I set, and make sure that Hawkeye's USER_LCD_Cmd does it's thing correctly (i.e send 2x4bits plus wait for the busy flag). /J
  20. Sheesh! The code I posted is deffo something unfinished: I looked at pp21 in the Newhaven datasheet: For 4bit display init, I think that all the funky business with movlw 0x3 movwf USER_LCD_LAT_D rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Set movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay plus the 50ms wait need to go away. The datasheet starts with Power on. Wait more than 1ms for power stablization. I dunno why all those other delays are there in the code, need to check with Hawkeye. Then we should send function set where: [Function Set: RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 X X And then do some waiting for the busy flag. Then on to display off. Busy flag wait. Display clear. Wait for busy flag. Entry mode set. Wait for busy flag. Home command. Wait for busy flag. Display on. Let there be light!
  21. Oh, cool! I'm not 100% sure this was my latest or greatest, I found it in a working directory in my lab PC at work. It looked familiar enough, but it's possible I went ahead and changed more stuff in my compile/source dir. I'll take a gander at this vs the data sheet later tonight.
  22. Ahh. Think I got my delays from the datasheet, but that don't mean that they suffice I wonder if it's not easier to grok how to modify the OLED board jumpers to make it run in a more sane 8-bits? If we're lucky we don't have to mess around with the init that much if it's similar enough to a HD44780...
  23. I need to refresh my memory, but here's from my app_led.inc from when I was on it. Not sure if it's the latest, we need to cross-check this against the data sheet again: USER_LCD_Init ;; notify that no graphical LCD is connected bcf MIOS_BOX_CFG0, MIOS_BOX_CFG0_USE_GLCD ; (Initialization of Ports: done in Init_Ports) SET_BSR USER_LCD_STATUS clrf USER_LCD_STATUS, BANKED movlw 100 ; 100 ms delay call MIOS_Delay bcf USER_LCD_LAT_RW, USER_LCD_PIN_RW ; LCD_WRITE bcf USER_LCD_LAT_RS, USER_LCD_PIN_RS ; USER_LCD_PIN_RS_0 ;; initialize LCD movlw 0x3 movwf USER_LCD_LAT_D rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Set movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay movlw 0x3 movwf USER_LCD_LAT_D rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Set movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay movlw 0x3 movwf USER_LCD_LAT_D rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Set movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay movlw 0x2 movwf USER_LCD_LAT_D rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Set movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr movlw 10 ; 10 ms delay call MIOS_Delay movlw 50 ; 50 ms delay call MIOS_Delay movlw 0x2B ; Function set rcall USER_LCD_Cmd movlw 0x08 ; Display Off rcall USER_LCD_Cmd movlw 0x01 ; Display Clear rcall USER_LCD_Cmd movlw 0x06 ; Entry Mode Set to Auto Increment rcall USER_LCD_Cmd movlw 0x02 ; Home Command rcall USER_LCD_Cmd movlw 0x0C ; Display ON rcall USER_LCD_Cmd movlw 0x00 ; set cursor to zero pos rgoto USER_LCD_CursorSet
  24. Hiya! Hawkeye's VFD driver does some 4bit magic. I tweaked it to use a more Newhaven-centric display init in the main SID app, but I missed out on the fact that there's display init also done in the bootloader! I assume you use the Newhaven 4x20 OLED . Currently I'm tied up with my modular, but it would be fun to get this display business done. Maybe the Newhaven requires less tweaking if we re-jig it to use 8 bits instead. I remember looking the display PCB and the PDF and shaking my head, at the time I trouble correlating the actual board with what is described in the manual... Better look again. /J
  25. Just FYI: There is an update on Doug's MB808 site stating that the PCBs have been produced, but the Chinese New Year has delayed their delivery to Arizona. There have been business trips galore, thus impeding the progress, but there should be more news soon. Thanks for the update Doug! I still think it will be worth it when the PCBs and kits reach us eager folks :flowers:
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