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Posts posted by Hawkeye

  1. 10 hours ago, lukas412 said:

    Has anyone tested out the tracking on these yet? Are they better/worse than previous version of mbcv modules?

    @lukas412 recently TK. came over for a visit, for a long walk and also to grab his new set of these modules! :) We performed a tracking test in conjunction with a purely digital oscillator on a MIDI controlled synth and could not really hear any problem at all over many octaves. That is, if you perform good calibration, which is explained in the video tutorial in chapter 64, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD8VeSuTKWI&t=5561s

    Have fun and many greets!

  2. Hi Vincent,

    hope you are doing fine!

    Have you checked the switches themselves? (Just use a multimeter and see if you get 0R resistance if the switch is depressed).
    Some of the switches used in the Wilba V4 UI just failed after a while, my old V4 also suffers from this problem and has a lot of dead switches - i've currently retired it in the basement storage room! :)

    As you asked, the step switches are "in between" an input channel, the step LEDs, a diode, and an output channel creating the matrix, so no direct connection to ground - see attached schem region that shows the step switches 5&6 (center bottom).

    Many greets and good luck!



  3. @knochenfabrikcould you recheck/reflow the SMT IC soldering? DACs and opamps? Don't know if it is in the problematic output circuit, but the upper left pin of the transmute8 IC4 in the pictures looks like a bit bigger than necessary solder blob. Also, sharp high-res photos with good lighting would help! Thanks a lot and i am sure you'll get the last channel up and running finally! For me it's back to video tutorial cutting...

    Many greets and good luck!

  4. @niles unfortunately, not all MIDI USB OTG gear seems to talk well to each other.

    For example my (older) AKAI MPD24 works perfectly via USB with the SEQ, but my newer, small-keys midiplus x4 mini keyboard (which looks a bit like the keystep) does not yet work.

    It think there might be a software/communications handshake issue with some newer USB MIDI gear - which has the advantage, that it might be fixed at some point in time, if someone has the time to look into it.

    Best regards,

  5. Please also note, that we decided to sell the boards early due to demand, but now have an extensive video tutorial on them coming up shortly, it will cover:

    * assembly
    * cable building & wiring within your eurorack,
    * setting up the modules in the v4+ (configuration file and menu) and
    * fine-calibrating the CV outputs individually over 10 voltage-steps of the eurorack output range

    It also contains a small "track test" showing the v4+ in a fun looping mode, echoing previously recorded notes to two CV-outs using the SEQ duplication effect.

    We've got over 220GB of input source video files on disk, which will need cutting, speedups and voiceover, but working hard to publish the tutorial soon! :)

    Have a great new week start and many greets!

  6. Hi jzurd0,

    am not really experienced with USB MIDI recording, went DAWless a while ago and never looked back ;-).

    With RTOS as a reliable base and TK.'s code on top, as a first guess, i would not think the latency issues are caused by the SEQ app.

    The problems might well happen within the operating system or the USB driver itself on your computer. Which OS and which computer hardware are you using? USB MIDI under windows is unfortunately a bit unreliable and i would not wonder, if multiple MIDI streams would cause jitter problems there.

    Recommendation: if you are using windows currently and have access to a Mac, could you try it with that?

    If you are already using a MAC, you could use a tool like MIDIPipe https://www.heise.de/download/product/midipipe-28614 to display and log inbound MIDI messages over USB - that way you should be able to analyze any potential latencies, before the MIDI messages are handled by the DAW. If these latencies are reproducable (e.g. by analyzing timestamps of two MIDI packets that should arrive around the same time but do have variable jitter over time, e.g. bassdrum and synth), this would be a starting point to investigate things in the SEQ app. 

    Many greets and good luck!

  7. PS: if you are not using an external switching voltage regulator, please forget my recommendation to test it "unloaded", as that is impossible, sorry for the confusion, hehe! :)

    Next up then would be to measure between 5V and GND and separate the boards to find on which board the problem is.

    Many greets!

  8. @oliq sorry if it was unclear, if you have not done it before, the idea was just disconnect the PSU from your MB6582 and measure the voltages the PSU provides "unloaded", without being attached to any device.

    I'd half expect that you don't have a problem with the switching voltage regulator itself, as these are often normally protected against a lot of things like shorting, overcurrent, overtemperature...

    That way you can find out, if the PSU really has a problem or (and that in conjunction with measuring resistance between 5V and GND rails) if one of the boards (baseboard or CS) has a problem. In the best case, you would just remove the short (when you find it) and the PSU should continue to work, no replacement of the voltage regulator necessary.

    Many greets and good luck!

  9. @the_duckchild agreed on a potential unwanted short, it can happen quickly - @oliq could you measure resistance between 5V and GND with a multimeter?

    What happens if you run the PSU unloaded? Does it still hover at 1V and the switcher gets hot? If that happens, you've killed the switching regulator, but i'd think this probably would not happen often, i'd rather expect a problem on the board. If you can separate control surface from baseboard, recommend to do that, to find the short :).

    Many greets and good luck!

  10. Hi jaytee,

    am a bit restricted on time at the moment with all the ongoing documentation, but just wanted to tell you, that i am with you and will try to replicate your setup a bit later on, if you manage to get it going!

    As we are using a normal AOUT implementation with MAX5500s and standard DOUT digital gates, i hope it should work somehow with the MB6582.

    The SSM2044 bassline demos here sound too awesome not to try: :)


    - and we should be able to do this in "modern" eurorack world now, i'd be really keen to combine a SID stereo pair with a pair of Polivoks filters :)

    Have a good time and best regards!

  11. @studio nebula

    Wow, very well spotted and thanks for finding and reporting the problem as soon as you did! :cheers:

    It was correlated with our move to the new ENIG PCB process - will contact you shortly via email on how to proceed.

    What we will do:

    * check the other ENIG PCBs for this special problem (we don't believe others are affected, but we will check anyways)
    * contact everyone affected buying the core board since the switch to the new manufacturing process (about a month ago).
    * submit an express PCB manufacturing job and send the replacement boards free of charge to you and the other affected customers, as soon as we have the replacements in hand. Thus you will also get another "core main board", that you can use as a backup, as only the breakaway USB part is affected.
    * say "sorry" with a "free shipping" flag to everyone affected, thus you won't pay for shipping whatever you order, whenever you order next.

    From my main job as a consultant i learned that mistakes happen all the time, the difference is how you handle them, we hope to do the best here.

    Have a good day and best regards!

  12. Thanks, @lukas412! :)

    Just measured this quickly and took a photo, as i am sure others will have the same question:


    The photo is of the new triple-PCB sandwich "A1 Expander" (8x CV out), which has the highest depth of these modules.

    You should be good with a 50mm deep case, the module just fits nicely in my Moog 104HP skiff despite its "max depth: 48mm" specs :).

    Of course all kudos for these modules fly out to Andy!

    Have a great weekend and many greets!

  13. Yay! It really took a while, but just now the new midiphy eurorack essential modules were made available in the shop! :)
    The kit consists of five eurorack modules and extends your SEQ with a total of 8 analog (CV) and 24 digital eurorack (gates, clocks, triggers) outputs.

    SEQ v4+ Eurorack Modules Essential Kit

    Adrian again did a magnificent job with the frontpanels! Thanks a lot!!! :cheers:

    Will create a video documentation for the build procedure, but will need a bit of time, it is holiday season and the LoopA still needs finishing :)
    But, these modules should not be too terribly difficult to complete, if you managed to build a v4+, you will be easily able to build those! :)

    Of course, these modules should also nicely work with a MBSEQ v4 (instead of a v4+), if you have a standard line transmitter board (with a DB-25 output port) installed.

    Have a nice weekend and enjoy!
    Many greets,

  14. Hi Karg,

    could you try and copy in tasks.h and include it where needed (e.g. include from app.c)?
    This header contains the missing macros providing the necessary mutexes.
    (These mutexes are required, so that a terminal communication, e.g. debug logging does not interrupt another MIDI data transfer over the same USB line, thus mixing up things and producing garbage).

    I think they should be preprocessor macros instead of functions:
    #define MUTEX_MIDIIN_TAKE { while( xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(xMIDIINSemaphore, (portTickType)1) != pdTRUE ); }

    Many greets, have fun and good luck!


  15. Hi Jose,

    no problem! In FX Duplication menu it should work like this:

    Number of additional channels: 1
    Port: e.g. USB1
    FirstChannel: Channel number on the USB1 "port", e.g. channel number 1

    Then you will get a copy of the note data of that track on USB1, Channel 1. If you set up a higher number of additional channels, more channels will be used on that port to clone the note data - that makes no sense for recording, but in scenarios where you might want to output the track e.g. to multiple synths so that they would "layer" your sounds this is a nice feature.

    Best regards and have fun!

  16. Hi Jose,

    probably not related to your MOTU interface, but what you can do (and what any new SEQ software supports) is to shadow-output track MIDI data to another port/channel. So, you could basically just attach your SEQ to your computer (cubase will see it as four MIDI USB ports) and duplicate the MIDI output to relevant USB Ports and channels. Thus, capturing should be quite easy.

    To activate it, within your SEQ go to MENU -> FX -> Dupl. and set up a duplication target for every track.

    Have a great day and many greets!

  17. @Dimduj

    just a two quick answers, probably not everything covered:

    * SHIFT on the new v4+ frontpanel equals the SELECT button on the old one - in this context, if you have a look at the handbook: http://ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_m.html and search for "SELECT" (with case sensitive search!) you will see all the context-specific features it enables, just as an example, in the track transpose screen, SHIFT switches between Octave and Semitone transposition selection

    * Follow Mode (also when not recording) can be enabled by pressing the MENU + EXIT buttons simultaneously, it should work all the time. When it is off and you are recording, the display should jump to the step range only when new notes are "entered" i think, so i'd recommend to use the standard "follow" feature by just pressing MENU + EXIT.

    Many greets and enjoy!

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