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About technobreath

  • Birthday 04/29/1983

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  • Location
    Vigrestad - Small town in the southwest Hoth
  • Interests
    A security systems tech manager, at the moment playing carpenter taking on a huge renovation project.

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MIDIbox Guru

MIDIbox Guru (4/4)



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  1. Come home from work, say hi to kid and missus, and go upstairs to the studio to do something about the sudden strike of inspiration that hit me on my way home. And I hear from downstairs: Are you going upstairs now? we dont get to see you? I says yep. Simple answer to a tough question? :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. technobreath


      Hehe. I soldered most of the mb6582 in the livingroom. So I know the answer to that - there's a reason why all my electronics gear and studio gear ended up 2nd floor :P. So I guess it's with her as with most women - they "want both" :D

    3. Hawkeye


      Yeah, that is a known problem - you have an inspiration moment, you can be sure the lady calls for attention - she won´t call when you have no ideas :)

    4. Antix


      inspiration moment?

      My wife needs my help exactly at that time

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