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The following is old news:


This is #5 because:

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #1: 200 SIDs

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #2: 312 SIDs

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #3: 512 SIDs

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #4: 312 SIDs

6582 SID MEGA-SALE #5: ?


You want SIDs?

This is your reminder to get your name on the waiting list before I get more.

That way I will order enough for everyone on the list when I order.

Add yourself to the waiting list here:



6582 (6582A) SIDs are just like 8580 SIDs and not like 6581 SIDs. They have the filter that works best for the MB-SID V2 Bassline mode, low noise, less bugs. Look elsewhere for whether 6582/8580 is better/worse than 6581.

I use eight of them in my MB-6582 MB-SID V2 Synth:


(but you already knew that)


6582 SIDs cost AU$25 each plus postage and handling fees.

I add up the exact cost of SIDs and postage in Australian dollars, and then multiply by 1.0351966873706 to add the handling fee.

This means 6582 SIDs now cost approximately AU$25.88 or US$23.18 or 15.67 EUR when including handling fees.

Postage will be calculated as the actual cost to post, plus packaging. The PayPal invoice will include the handling fee in the postage amount.

Do not email orders to me yet!

This is only an announcement that I will be ordering more.

I will probably make the order in about three weeks from today, around 13th March 2008, and then contact people on the waiting list to send their orders.

If you are already on the waiting list, you don't need to do anything except wait...

There is no need to post in this thread. If you post in this thread....

No SIDs for you!

No SIDs for you!

Come back one year!



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  • 2 weeks later...


Waiting list totals 329 SIDs.

10 days left.


Do you leave it to chance that I might stay insane and continue to risk thousands of dollars of my own cash in shady deals with the dark underworld of obsolete chip brokerage?


For just 5 cents more, I'll also throw in:

  • Rugged anti-static IC tube, tested to withstand up to two picotonnes of force!
  • Professionally printed mailing labels for destination and sender!
  • Stiff cardboard envelope, sealed with Wilba's special brand of transparent adhesive tape!


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For just 5 cents more, I'll also throw in:

  • Rugged anti-static IC tube, tested to withstand up to two picotonnes of force!
  • Professionally printed mailing labels for destination and sender!
  • Stiff cardboard envelope, sealed with Wilba's special brand of transparent adhesive tape!


caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll ;D

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When are you taking payment for these? If it's after 25th then I'll take two. If your doing things sooner then I'll wait to the next sale, if there is one.


Quote from top of page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/wilba_6582a_sid_mega_sale

MEGA-SALE #5 is starting. Put your name on the list before March 13th to reserve SIDs from the next batch I get. You will then be contacted by MIDIbox Forum Private Message to send your order details, PayPal email address, etc. I will receive SID shipment around March 20th and commence testing/packing. You will be sent a PayPal invoice before March 27th. You will then pay before April 3rd, and your order shipped between April 3rd and April 10th.

Of course, that's a best case scenario... I'm sure there'll be a week delay inserted somewhere in there.

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Waiting list totals 476 SIDs.

Only hours to go...


I will now include with every SID sold:


TWO Mylar Radial 22nF 100V 1% Polyester Capacitors


* Wilba has gone completely mad and bought up all the remaining stock of these capacitors

If you purchased SIDs from me in previous orders and want some of these capacitors, just email me, I will send you some for free* too.... eventually.... I might be a little bit busy soon.  ;D

* postage not included, while stocks last.

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I have ordered enough for everyone's preorders that were on the list here:


It is now too late to add any new orders, sorry. People not on the list can wait until after the sale and buy any spares left over. Please do not email me about buying spares until after the sale is finished.


6582 (6582A) SIDs are just like 8580 SIDs and not like 6581 SIDs. They have the filter that works best for the MB-SID V2 Bassline mode, low noise, less bugs. Look elsewhere for whether 6582/8580 is better/worse than 6581.

I use eight of them in my MB-6582 MB-SID V2 Synth:


(but you already knew that)


6582 SIDs cost AU$25 each plus postage and handling fees.

I add up the exact cost of SIDs and postage in Australian dollars, and then multiply by 1.0351966873706 to add the handling fee.

This means 6582 SIDs now cost approximately AU$25.88 or US$24.03 or 15.67 EUR or 11.97 GBP when including handling fees.

Postage will be calculated as the actual cost to post, plus packaging. The PayPal invoice will include the handling fee in the postage amount. Most of the time, postage will be AU$5.80 for an airmail letter. If you are ordering more than 8 SIDs, I might choose to upgrade the postage to an insured parcel, where available.

I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!

I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!

I am now collecting orders only from people on the list!


Running the MB-6582 PCB bulk order and selling SIDs has now made me intolerant of people who can't follow simple instructions, reply to their emails within a few days, or don't sent PayPal payments. So there are now three simple rules:

1. If you don't have the cash, don't waste my time with an order. An order means "I can pay before April 3rd". If you can't do this, email me and we can work something out, I'm fairly reasonable, what I don't like is sending PayPal invoices and then nagging people to pay.

2. After emailing an order, you are expected to check your emails regularly. If I need to confirm things with you, check an email or postal address, etc. I don't like waiting weeks to hear back from you.

3. Fill in the order form exactly as described so I can easily copy and paste the details into a spreadsheet.


Since I'm in a benevolent mood, I'm going to ship TWO Mylar Radial 22nF 100V 1% Polyester Capacitors for every SID you are buying, plus if you want them, two extra capacitors for every SID you've ever bought from me in the past, and maybe some more if you've got some SIDs that you didn't buy from me. In your order email, please specify the number of capacitors you want for THESE SIDs plus the number of capacitors you want for 6582 or 8580 SIDS YOU ALREADY HAVE, i.e. if you are ordering 8 SIDs and have 4 SIDs from a previous order, then write "16+8 caps". If you don't want any caps then write "0 caps". Please note I am giving these capacitors away with every SID being sold now, and retroactively for SIDs you have bought from me in the past, and I will allow a few extra so you have matching capacitors for the SIDs you didn't buy from me, but I have limited stock so please don't ask for capacitors you don't really need. These capacitors are no good for 6581 SIDs. (In case you do not know, you need two of these capacitors for every SID).

Email your order to: Jason.S.Williams@ I HATE SPAM gmail.com

The contents of the email should be (without labels!):

MIDIbox username

Real name + Postal Address + COUNTRY

Contact Email Address (same one you are using to email me)

PayPal Email Address

Quantity of 6582A SIDs + " SIDs"

Quantity of capacitors + " caps" (in the form "X+Y caps")



Johannes Schmitt

Oberammergaueralpenkräuterdelikatessenfrühstückskäse Str. 29

10997 Berlin


Johannes.Schmitt @gmx.de

Johannes.Schmitt @gmx.de

8 SIDs

16+8 caps


All SIDs I sell are tested before packing to ensure the oscillators and filter work. These chips are new-old-stock, not pulls from Commodore 64, and are unused when sold, with absolutely no long term guarantee. However, considering these chips have been safely tucked away in antstatic tubes for 15 years, they are less likely to fail than one you find in Commodore 64 that has been power cycled thousands of times and been alternately cooked and frozen in a garage etc. From my experience, after testing over one thousand four hundred 6582 SIDs, only 3 were found dead. After salvaging about eight 6581s, all were found to have dead filters or dead oscillators.

If you find any chips faulty through initial testing with hardware that is known to work, I might allow you to return them and get a refund or replacement if possible.

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These SIDs are left overs from the doom of the C64, right? The stock cannot be endless, do you have any idea how many SIDs are stuffed away out there? Did Commodore produce them or some other manufacturer? Several? I am just curious and by the way: e-mail with contact info sent.

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I don't know exactly why so many 6582A SIDs were produced, when they never appeared in Commodore 64 units. They have a 1992 datecode, which overlaps with datecodes from 8580 SIDs, so it's all a bit of a mystery... some people think they were intended as 8580 replacement chips (and were sold as such via repair shops and electronics stores)... some people think they were intended for a sound module expansion. They definitely were made by Commodore and have "CSG" printed on them.

Here's a picture of one which I used in four eBay auctions... they sold for AU$103.51,  AU$41, AU$81, AU$38.99

(that was back when they were considered rare collectables  ;D)



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The 6582 was intended for use in the C65 computer that commodore was developing when it fell into financial disarray. The C65 was to have a stereo pair of SID's, built in floppy drive and compatibility mode with the C64. Unfortunately, it never got past the prototype stage, though there are said to be a good few out there.

The 65xx designation suggests that the 6582 was developed using MOS's NMOS process, which dates them prior to the development of the 8580 (using the HMOS process), in line with the development of the C65, although I suspect that they're actually identical since the 6582 does not run appreciably warmer than an 8580.

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