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I'm not that 25 year old, and yes it did say that (although the article didn't connect the growing weed and the explosion).

I'm fine, as I was lucky as hell. My car wasn't quite as lucky. It got hit by a window falling down from the 4th floor. Just sucks to run out of a building in your boxers and not be able to get back in to get such helpful things as, say, pants or money :-/

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Being the lucky bastard I am, I didn't really lose anything. Well except for a good nights sleep in my own bed. A minor shock and some hours of adrenaline overdose don't really count as a loss.

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Sorry to hear about this man.

Do you live in an apartment block?

If so, then that guy is putting everyone elses lives in jeapordary with whatever lighting system he was using.

If youre gonna grow weed, do it in a house that doesnt effect the lives of other people!

Im guessing the guy got evicted since this?

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Ah, alkaloid extraction.  Mmmmmm, solventy  ;D

Alkaloid extraction for weed???? I don't think that's very common.  I know it's very easy for something like DMT but does it work with THC? Isn't it more likely that it's being used to sterilise equipment.

Gutted about the explosion Nils, I can't read the article, but I hope there's not too much damage.


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Various solvents can be used to extract cannabinoids from the weed. Ethanol, buthane, acetone, etc. "Honey-oil" is what it's called (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_oil), not exacly alkaloid extraction. It's more common than you think.

I don't get the "propane-butane" part tho. Especially coupled with "equipment sterilization". And I know thing or two about growing :P

CO2 tank explosion? Um, no ::)

Oh yeah, sorry about what happened nILS :-\

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Various solvents can be used to extract cannabinoids from the weed. Ethanol, buthane, acetone, etc. "Honey-oil" is what it's called (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_oil), not exacly alkaloid extraction. It's more common than you think.

I don't get the "propane-butane" part tho. Especially coupled with "equipment sterilization". And I know thing or two about growing :P

CO2 tank explosion? Um, no ::)

Oh yeah, sorry about what happened nILS :-\

Yes, I've seen the honey oild extractors.... You pack a metal tube with "plant matter" and then spray a can of butane in the top and the oil drips out. He must have been growing a fair bit if he's making oil. The only thing I've ever seen used for extracting alkaloid is naptha (or hexane) which is cheap as it can be collected and re-used.

The sterilization thing was a wild guess, i'm not sure what you would use propane for in the growing process of weed. Maybe there was a Crystal-meth lab up there.

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