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If you are working under Windows, it definitely makes sense to try the update!

The issue is, that the Windows Java version sends invalid data to MBSID once the stream length varies, and this can cause strange effects (also hangups)

We found a workaround which should solve this.

It also makes sense to use the latest MBSIDV2 firmware release (>= RC28) - in general, it will be very difficult to find an explanation for effects you noticed with tool/firmware versions which don't match together, or which are outdated.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: this isn't the MBSID Editor thread - I moved your posting



but for now my SID is constantly booting and booting whether midi is connected or not. uploading the firmware again didn't solve that. i hope the CORE (?) hasn't been messed up for real.


Could you please copy&paste the debug messages of the MIOS Studio upload window when you are trying to upload MIOS?

/Edit: the same when you are uploading the MBSID firmware

Best Regards, Thorsten.


nice one!

I had a frozen note yesterday, which was out of range for all of my Keyboards...it made me restart everything ;)

Edit: I Haven't found it yet...any hint where to look?

Haha, you're correct! It isn't there. I have already implemented it, but these changes didn't make it into this release. I'm working on some other features at the moment, so there will probably be another release shortly.


BTW: nice to see that many people are enjoying the editor! Does someone already have a set of patches, that he/she's willing to share? After I fixed the last TODO's for the editor I'll finish up on the promised bank of polyphonic patches and share them with you!

Do we already have a place for file exchange? Or do we make that a new topic? Sysex files are small, so uploading with a post woudn't be a problem I think.




yeah, right...patch exchange is an aspect of the editor, which makes it even more useful, even if you got the complete CS...

BTW: I think I found a Bug:

when i  use Envelope2 via MOD2  to control cutoff (as "direct" or Target 1/2 doesn't matter), it does not work.

I compared the values shown by the editor with those on my Sid, the only difference was at the depth of Envelope 2, which was at 0 on the sid.

As i can reproduce this, i don't think it's related to any lost or fragmented midi-data.


BTW: nice to see that many people are enjoying the editor! Does someone already have a set of patches, that he/she's willing to share? After I fixed the last TODO's for the editor I'll finish up on the promised bank of polyphonic patches and share them with you!

Do we already have a place for file exchange? Or do we make that a new topic? Sysex files are small, so uploading with a post woudn't be a problem I think.



Thanks for all your efforts in making the MBSID editor!! It's a lovely piece of software, and i look forward to play with your polyphonic patches also :)

I haven't spent that much time exploring my MBSID to start doing my own patches yet (still building) but i surely will.... i do a lot of different genres though so it might end up being a pretty uneven bunch. But first i need to get familiar with the structure of the synth, hehe... messing around with the 128 vintage patches none of them seems to react on velocity, but that can very well be yet another a screwup from my side :)

nILS mentioned a few days ago that he was looking into some online patchsharing concept. Such a thing will definately be easier to use than surfing a long thread for attachments...


yeah, right...patch exchange is an aspect of the editor, which makes it even more useful, even if you got the complete CS...

BTW: I think I found a Bug:

when i  use Envelope2 via MOD2  to control cutoff (as "direct" or Target 1/2 doesn't matter), it does not work.

I compared the values shown by the editor with those on my Sid, the only difference was at the depth of Envelope 2, which was at 0 on the sid.

As i can reproduce this, i don't think it's related to any lost or fragmented midi-data.

Thanks for the report! I'll check, and if it's a bug I'll fix it with the next release. I have spent so much time on implementing new features lately, that I didn't have time for a lot of testing, but I will get to that soon. However, the improvements I made are so substantial that I wanted everyone to be able to benefit from them. I also highly appreciate your input as 'beta' users.


Could you please copy&paste the debug messages of the MIOS Studio upload window when you are trying to upload MIOS?

/Edit: the same when you are uploading the MBSID firmware

Best Regards, Thorsten.

sorry, i have no a clue what happened here. a day off from studio had stopped the SID's constant booting. uploading didn't give any errors now or before. i will pay attention if i come up with this again.

but i think i found a bug in the new editor version:

saving to bankstick (transmit patch to memory) doesn't work anymore. in v0_2 patches were stored succesfully to memory, but now with v0_4 when transmitting there is nothing special, like error messages etc, but when patch is loaded again it hasn't been overwritten.

i'm using 24LC256 instead of 512, so might that be causing some problems (since someone else should have noticed this too for sure)? i tried again with older editor and it really does store the patches properly to the bankstick.



I experience the same behaviour actually.... if i transmit a patch to buffer my MIDI interface is flashing, indicating that data is sent. But if i transmit to memory no flashing occurs and the patch does not change.

I know it worked for me in the last version... i have a fucked up practicing patch that definately suffers from my experiments, so data has surely been transmitted in the past :)

I use a single 512 bankstick


Ah, found it! Stupid mistake from my side, sorry! Switching back and forth between Java and Matlab I forgot that Java starts array indexing at 0 instead of 1. Whoops ;).

Will be fixed with next release (to be expected within a week).




Hehe you're not alone bud... last version of an app I committed to SVN, right before I noticed doing the same thing. I hope java doesn't let you overrun the array bounds and crash the box like it did for me in C :D


nILS mentioned a few days ago that he was looking into some online patchsharing concept. Such a thing will definately be easier to use than surfing a long thread for attachments...

Now that would be awesome



nILS mentioned a few days ago that he was looking into some online patchsharing concept. Such a thing will definately be easier to use than surfing a long thread for attachments...

Ain't there no such thing as chat privacy around here? ;)


sorry, i have no a clue what happened here. a day off from studio had stopped the SID's constant booting. uploading didn't give any errors now or before. i will pay attention if i come up with this again.

it happened again, this time no computer & editor software connected to SID, so it is NOT related to the editor.

i had notes and program change (same program number) sent rapidly to the synth and it hanged up again like before. kept booting and booting, swithced on & off few times but still repeated booting. i shut it off for 20--30 minutes and then it booted up normally.


it happened again, this time no computer & editor software connected to SID, so it is NOT related to the editor.

i had notes and program change (same program number) sent rapidly to the synth and it hanged up again like before. kept booting and booting, swithced on & off few times but still repeated booting. i shut it off for 20--30 minutes and then it booted up normally.

Sounds a lot like my problem, heat... does the voltage regulator on the core get hot?? Now i bypass the vreg and the rectifier using 5V from a C64 PSU, works perfect :)


Sounds a lot like my problem, heat... does the voltage regulator on the core get hot?? Now i bypass the vreg and the rectifier using 5V from a C64 PSU, works perfect :)

hmmm, it does get quite hot. though i also manage to play easily +1 hour long jams with the SID no problem so i doubt that would be the case.


hmmm, it does get quite hot. though i also manage to play easily +1 hour long jams with the SID no problem so i doubt that would be the case.

Same story with me.... i could play for hours, but if i turned it of and on again i would get resets galore... waiting ½ an hour i could power on again without resets


Same story with me.... i could play for hours, but if i turned it of and on again i would get resets galore... waiting ½ an hour i could power on again without resets

ok! cheers ;)


So who's going to build the first water-cooled (or nitrous?) MidiBox SID?

I think you mean (liquid) nitrogen. Nitrous (oxide) is laughing gas - something I need none of right now, while i picture an MBSID giggling uncontrollably :)


yeah, right...patch exchange is an aspect of the editor, which makes it even more useful, even if you got the complete CS...

BTW: I think I found a Bug:

when i  use Envelope2 via MOD2  to control cutoff (as "direct" or Target 1/2 doesn't matter), it does not work.

I compared the values shown by the editor with those on my Sid, the only difference was at the depth of Envelope 2, which was at 0 on the sid.

As i can reproduce this, i don't think it's related to any lost or fragmented midi-data.


you were right! It was a bug indeed and it affected all controls of Envelope 2. However, the good news is: it's fixed in the next release!



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