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MIDIbox SID V2 Editor


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Rutger implemented a Java based patch editor and bank librarian for MIDIbox SID V2, which allows you to manage/modify/create new patches under Windows/Mac/Linux remotely without the control surface

Even users who built a complete MIDIbox SID might find it very useful, as this software gives a good insight into hundreds of parameters for all 4 sound engines! :)

Note that the editor is still under development. Your feedback is very appreciated!


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi TK!

Those screenshoots look fantastic! Alas, I tried to launch it, however, and was greeted with the following:

MacDawgPro:MIOS Programs tim$ java -jar MBSIDV2_Editor_v0_1.jar 
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 >= 0
	at java.util.Vector.elementAt(Vector.java:432)
	at org.midibox.midi.MidiDeviceRouting.<init>(MidiDeviceRouting.java:56)
	at org.midibox.apps.SIDV2librarian.SIDV2librarian.<init>(SIDV2librarian.java:44)
	at org.midibox.apps.SIDV2librarian.SIDV2librarianGUI.main(SIDV2librarianGUI.java:537)

I thought it might simply be because I didn't have my MB-SID connected, but even if I did, I figured Java still wouldn't know which interface is for the MB-SID?

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Note that Rudger did all the work, not me! :)

You will be asked by the editor if no MIDI interface is connected

Maybe no interface is found at all?

And which OS and Java version are you using?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hah oh yeah. Duh. That was, indeed, the problem. After I plugged my M-Audio MidiSport 1x1 in, it worked.

Just in case you need it, I'm running a MacBook Pro (OS 10.5) with the stock Java:

MacDawgPro:~ tim$ java -version
java version "1.5.0_13"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_13-b05-237)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_13-119, mixed mode, sharing)

I do have 'mmj' installed as, without it, it does not detect my MibiSport 1x1 (which is the only MIDI interface I use on the Mac). I do most of my music stuffs with a Windows PC (but a good chunk of the MidiBox dev stuff on my Mac) so I will try the application on it the next chance I get.

Shame on me for not trying that first :P

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Hi everyone,

happy you guys like it! I hope it speeds up the process of building patches and also allows for easy exchange of patches between users. There may still be some bugs in it, so please report them. Also, I have some extra features in mind that will be added in the future.

A special note to Mac users: the part of Java that drives the midi interface is not capable of handling USB devices or other plug-and-play things correctly, therefore it's recommended to install the so called 'mmj' Java extension (http://www.humatic.de/htools/mmj.htm) if you are experiencing problems with your midi device being recognized by the program.



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This will surely make my step-A a lot easier to handle...

Receiving a patch/ the whole bank works, but shortly afterwards it says my sid doesn't respond.

Edit doesn't work either...

My Midiport is the mpu-401 of my mainboard...

Does the tool require the latest firmware? I'm using 2.0RC17...

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A special note to Mac users: the part of Java that drives the midi interface is not capable of handling USB devices or other plug-and-play things correctly, therefore it's recommended to install the so called 'mmj' Java extension (http://www.humatic.de/htools/mmj.htm) if you are experiencing problems with your midi device being recognized by the program.

TK, maybe you should put this info in the SysEx editor page (http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_ed.html)

What do you think?

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Very nice work - unfortunately, I am having the same problem as Imp. When the program is first started I can Receive or send a patch or bank dump, but immediately after this I start to get error messages - sometimes there is an error about the midibox not receiving the correct number of bytes, then there is an error that communication has been lost. My SID has the latest version of MIOS and the SID app, also MIOS Studio (and other Midi software) works perfectly on this system, so I don't think it's a Midi problem (system is a Dell laptop with USB Midi cable). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers

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Hmm, it smells like a bug indeed.

The communication between software and MBSID is quite difficult. Usually the software sends and the MBSID responds. If the MBSID doesn't respond you get this error, but it might be that the message still arrived correctly at the synth, in this case there's just no way for the software to know.

I'll try to find out what's happening.



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Hello Rutger,

Great job on the editor and thank you.

Just as an additional data point, I was also having the same problems as Imp and Vout using my usb to midi interface (M-audio Uno and Keystation 49). I then connected to my desktop with built in midi (joystick port to midi) and the program worked fine. I remember when I first finished my MbSid, I was having problems with uploading the patches using Midi-ox and TK suggested that I increase the output buffer in midi-ox to work with my device (I don't remember what the default was but increasing it to 2048 worked). I wonder if there is a similar issue happening here? Anyway, that conversation is here: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,10120.msg76053.html#msg76053. I hope this helps.



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I added some infos about a Windows workaround for affected MIDI interfaces:


(press the reload button of your browser if you don't find the new text)

Basically it is recommented to use Miditrix instead of MIDI-Ox to forward events, because this tool defragments the MIDI stream before it will be sent to the physical port. This is doing the trick.

Miditrix also allows you to forward multiple MIDI streams, e.g. the one of your MIDI keyboard or sequencer, to the MIDI Out port.

Vedge: this solution is more performant than forwarding inside Java!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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