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[MB-6582 related] PT-10 box Europe Bulk Order Thread


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Hi everyone,

I'm pretty sure that at least half of you have seen a new hope, something like a sunrise warming their cold skin; waking them out of their pcbs wintering.

And by this, as many have understand, i mean THE MAIL...!

Well so i was reviewing what was missing in my "mb-6582 parts and stuff.." drawer:

a PT-10 box !!!

I don't know already where to buy it, i don't know how it will cost, as you might understand i know nothing...

I just want to know if there are people out there who need a PT-10 box for their project.

I've never run a bulk order before, but there's always a start so why not now !!

So, if you agree, let's figure out together the "wheres and how muches" :)

Sorry if i'm taking liberties with the english language, i'm french!!

i'll be more concise in my next posts, i promiss.

Let me hear your thoughs on this subject!!

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How does Mouser compare with getting them directly from Pactec?


I can't remember how much we paid last time. In the last bulk order the cases were ordered without the metal panels to cut down on postage, this may be worth taking in to consideration this time.


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@ gajimicu I will be ordering one in some point as well, I'm thinking of late september or october - budget is tight at the moment and I gotta buy pcbs first.

@ strophlex check out this thread http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,9999.0.html for lcds I will need another one since I burned mine  :( it seemed really nice thats why I wont same one.


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I did the Euro bulk buy last time.

I got them from ACAL in the UK. Their on-line buying system seems to have changed since last year, however. http://www.acaltechnology.com/index.php

One thing I think worth mentioning is to try and get a multiple of the standard box quantity, (about 18), because, if not well packed, they tend to scratch each other in transit - I had to get some replaced, which took time. The manufacturers box is very sturdy and keeps the boxes from touching each other .

I ended up getting them with panels in the end, because ACAL did not charge carriage in the UK, and Pactec did, so The UK deal worked out a bit cheaper, especially when one considered the Customs fees. Digikey seem to have the best delivery system with regard to paying the VAT from abroad, for me - you just pay the actual amount to the driver. Mouser use Fedex; you will gat a VAT and Customs bill through the post after dleivery, so don't go doing the final accounts until you have it. In the UK, avoid anyone that uses Parcelforce as their final carrier, if you can: they add a usurious £13.50 'clearence fee' to the customs and VAT invoice. On a truckload of parts it's not bad, on a small parts order it's nasty!

Hope this is of help.

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Hi there, you can find at a reasonable price (22,54 eur) also from rs here in Italy (I think the same for rs international).

Here is the url


otherwise you can search for rs code 2508440585

I hope to be helpful for someone.



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Hi there, you can find at a reasonable price (22,54 eur) also from rs here in Italy (I think the same for rs international).

Here is the url


otherwise you can search for rs code 2508440585

I hope to be helpful for someone.



nice shot polpat!

hai qualche intenzione di acquisti su digikey o mouser? i will!

i'll PM you.

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Hi there, you can find at a reasonable price (22,54 eur) also from rs here in Italy (I think the same for rs international).

Here is the url


otherwise you can search for rs code 2508440585

I hope to be helpful for someone.



The Italian deal seems very interesting,if we could make a group buy for at least 25, they would cost about 15 eus each (w/o shipping)...yay!

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Well, I do speak Italian but unfortunately not living there anymore (located in belgium now), i would have take care with ordering and shipping with pleasure...

I just checked the prices on RS-online shops from other countries in europe and the Uk shop seems to have the best offer,

Quantity Price  Each

1         £12.71  15,75 EU

6         £11.78  14,60 EU

15         £11.35  14,07 EU

25         £9.35    11,59 EU

50         £8.82    11,56 EU

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Well, I do speak Italian but unfortunately not living there anymore (located in belgium now), i would have take care with ordering and shipping with pleasure...

I just checked the prices on RS-online shops from other countries in europe and the Uk shop seems to have the best offer,

Quantity Price  Each

1          Â£12.71   15,75 EU

6          Â£11.78   14,60 EU

15          Â£11.35   14,07 EU

25          Â£9.35     11,59 EU

50          Â£8.82     11,56 EU

That is a fantastic price! We surely would be able to hit 25 - at least.

We need to get a wiki up as soon as some generous guy volunteers to manage the bulk order.

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Hi dioioib, here is something for you....


For non italian people I suggest to browse the rs components worldwide webpage and find a local partner of it


Unfortunately shipment outside Italy of items like pactec pt-10 seems to be not cheap.



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