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Possibly unrelated to layout, but in the tabs at the top:

"Ucapps" - Home of the the projects...

This is an old perception test. Most people read so quickly, that they'll never notice the double word in that configuration.

Thx for noticing. I put it on the agenda!

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  • 5 months later...


Sorry for the bump.

Using the "Dark" theme, I don't seem to have the bookmark function.

No "Add bookmark" button, no "bookmarks" tab.

It wil work in july.

However you will also loose all your bookmarks.

After loosing them it wil work.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I like the dark stuff.

Could you make the quick reply box have a greyish background? It sticks out like a thumb in my sore eye with the rest being dark.

The breadcrumbs on top are nigh impossible to read (black on dark grey background? hmmmz)

Oh, could you compress the icons a bit? There's too much screen real estate being lost on spiffy nice icons, making the dark layout look rather untidy to me. Too much scrolling to go through the complete list of boards

Compare with f.e. http://www.dnbforum.nl/index.php?op=forum

more condensed, better overview :D

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